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ITU-T Recommendation G.722.1:

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1 ITU-T Recommendation G.722.1:
The RTP Packetization Steve Casner (CISCO) for A. Crossman (PictureTel)

2 Overview ITU-T standard approved in Sept. 1999 Wideband 50Hz - 7kHz
Two rates: 24kbit/s or 32kbit/s Low complexity, < 15MIPS 20ms frames (60 or 80 octets/frame) Quality equivalent to ITU-T G.722

3 Mapping G.722.1 into RTP Octets
sequence (for one frame) of bits (480 or 640) output by encoder msb… lsb RTP octet 1 RTP octet 2 RTP octet 3 RTP octet 60 or 80 first bit transmitted last bit

4 RTP Payload Format | RTP Header [see RFC 1889] | +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ | | one or more frames of G | | |

5 Issues ITU-T approved same H.323/RTP packet format in Feb. 2000
Typos in this draft resulted after submission to IETF - includes badly formatted references Notify author of inconsistencies/typos etc.

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