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Species at Risk.

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1 Species at Risk

2 Species at Risk Plant and animal that has a low or declining population May be at risk of extinction Species that is sensitive to human disturbance and natural events

3 The Wildlife Act, 1998 Saskatchewan’s process of listing plants and animals. Uses the same risk categories and definitions as the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Categories include: extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, special concern Extirpated species- no longer exists in the wild in SK, but occurs elsewhere in the wild.

4 Who is Responsible? The province is responsible for ensuring that species at risk are adequately protected. The Wildlife Act, 1998 The federal government is responsible for national parks, federal community pastures and First Nations reserve lands. Species at Risk Act (SARA)

5 Which Species are at Risk?
There are about 50 species considered at risk in Saskatchewan’s grasslands.

6 Why are Species at Risk?

7 Habitat Loss A natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support species present. Organisms that previously used the site are displaced or destroyed

8 Disappearing Habitat Most are unable to live or reproduce in cultivated, industrial or urban landscapes Roads, buildings, pipelines and other industrial developments can reduce the amount of available habitat Sprague’s Pipit

9 Habitat Destruction Ways the people directly destroy habitat
Examples: bulldozing trees, filling in wetlands, etc.

10 Habitat Degradation This occurs when the habitat is still there, but overuse or human activity has affected the ability of that habitat to support native animals and plants Piping Plover Burrowing Owl

11 Habitat Fragmentation
Terrestrial habitat is broken into fragments by roads and development Aquatic habitat is broken into dams and water divisions. Fragments may be too small to support species to find mates and food.

12 Introduction of Exotic Species
Species that come from areas that they are not native to. Can threaten species of that habitat by competition for food and resources. Ex: Cane Toad Zebra Mussel Sage-grouse decreased by 25% because of West Nile virus

13 https://www. saskatchewan

14 Over- Harvesting Hunting has had a big impact on some animal populations in the past Ex: Bison Present day hunting regulations minimize over-harvesting of wildlife. Lake Sturgeon

15 Persecution In the past some species have been persecuted because they were considered a threat to livestock or dangerous to people. Great Plains Wolf

16 Isolation of Populations
When a population becomes isolated from others it is at greater risk of diseases, extreme weather (drought), and chance mortality events. Isolation causes population to be less genetically diverse Gold-edged Gem

17 Disease Although this is a natural part of all ecosystems, this can be magnified when animal populations are already low. Human diseases can transfer into an area where the wildlife is not adapted to cope with. Black-tailed Prarie Dog

18 Pesticides Chemicals that are used to control insects and weeds can have wide-ranging effects on other wildlife. Today, the use of pesticides is regulated. The Common Nighthawk

19 Human Disturbance Some species are sensitive to human activities and others are more tolerant. The Whooping Crane

20 Main drivers of habitat loss
Agriculture Land conversion for development Water development Pollution Global Warming Settlers converted forests and prairies to cropland Housing developments, roads, strip malls, etc. Dams and other water diversions siphon off and disconnect waters, changing hydrology and water chemistry. Freshwater wildlife are most impacted by pollution. Untreated sewage, mining waste, acid rain, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Change in temperatures are impacting wildlife that need cool temerature of high elevations ex: American pika

21 http://www. environment. gov. sk. ca/Default. aspx

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