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Published byFelicity Crawford Modified over 6 years ago
Blogvox2: A Modular Domain Independent Sentiment Analysis System
Sandeep Balijepalli Masters Thesis, 2007
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement & Contribution
Related Work Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement & Contribution
Related Work Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Social Media & Blogs Social media defines the socialization of information as well as the tools to facilitate conversations . – [1] (Examples: MySpace, YouTube, Wikipedia…) Blogs are popular due to their ability to express opinions and express critiques on topics. We focus on political blogs since they have lots of sentiments words associated with them. Examples Hillary Clinton, Obama and Howard Dean are just some of the famous politicians who use blogs [1] 9/20/2018
Motivation Lack of domain independent framework for sentiment analysis
Upcoming Elections Better tool for Politicians. Better tool for the Average American. Need of sentence level analysis for sentiment classification Opinmind was propriety. 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement & Contribution
Related Work Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Problem Statement Analyze the sentiment detection on sentence level.
Examine the performance of various techniques employed for classification. Develop a sentiment analysis framework that is domain is Independent. 9/20/2018
Contribution Sentence level sentiment analysis framework.
Prototype applications to use the framework. Performance analysis of different filter techniques. Worked with Justin Martineau to develop trend analysis. Akshay Java provided the political URL dataset. 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement & Contribution
Related Work Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Related Work Blogvox1 [1]
Document level scoring module, sentence level should be focused Classification is based on the bag of words approach, other machine level analysis will improve the results Turney (2002) [2] Unsupervised review classification. Deals with Paragraph level and its difficult for classification of sentences in blogs with their method. [1] Akshay Java, Pranam Kolari, Tim Finin, James Mayfield, Anupam Joshi, and Justin Martineau, BlogVox: Separating Blog Wheat from Blog Chaff, January 2007 [2] Peter D. Turney, Thumbs up or thumbs down?: semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification of reviews, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics, July 07-12, 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 9/20/2018
Related Work cont… Pang, Lee & Vaithyanathan(2002) [1]
Different techniques are analyzed and shown that unigrams perform well in movie domain. But according to Engstrom [2], these techniques are domain dependent. Soo-Min Kim and Eduard Hovy [3] They have seed wordlist and unigram approach to identify the sentence sentiments. This is not sufficient as the seed wordlist is from the “wordnet” dataset introduces lot of noise [4] [1] Bo Pang, Lillian Lee, and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan. Thumbs up? sentiment classification using machine learning techniques [2] Charlotte Engstrom. Topic dependence in sentiment classification. Master’s thesis, University of Cambridge, July 2004. [3] "Determining the Sentiment of Opinions", Soo-Min Kim and Eduard Hovy. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), August 23-27, Geneva, Switzerland [4] Brian Eriksson, Sentiment Classification of Movie Reviews using Linguistic Parsing,2005 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement & Conclusion
Related Work Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Framework 9/20/2018 Obama is good. I like Edwards. “Hillary Clinton”
Obama is good. I like Edwards. <President Bush is good.> <Edwards is hasty.> Bush Clinton Obama If President Bush and Vice President Cheney can blurt out vulgar language. “Hillary Clinton” 9/20/2018
Datasets (Political URLs)
Datasets employed Lada A. Adamic Political Dataset – 3028 political URLs. Lada A. Adamic Labeled Dataset – 1490 blogs. Twitter Dataset [1] Spinn3r Dataset – live feeds [2] Experimental analysis 109 feeds were used for experimental analysis [1] [2] 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement Related Work
Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Overview of Filters in sentiment analysis
Sentences Pattern Recognizer Naïve Bayes Unigram Bigram Parts of Speech No No No Objective Sentences Yes Yes Yes Multiple Indexer 9/20/2018
Datasets (filter) Pattern Matching Dataset classified - Manually
92 Positive patterns 163 Negative Patterns Training (Naïve Bayes) Movie Dataset Political Dataset classified - Manually 5331 Negative sentences 5000 Neutral sentences 5331 Positive sentences 273 Negative sentences 320 Neutral sentences 178 Positive sentences The political wordlist contains: [1] 2712 Negative words 915 Positive words [1] Akshay Java, Pranam Kolari, Tim Finin, James Mayfield, Anupam Joshi, and Justin Martineau, BlogVox: Separating Blog Wheat from Blog Chaff, January 2007 9/20/2018
Pattern Recognition filter - Overview
“Pattern recognizer filter is custom developed domain based filter for identification of patterns.” Sentences Pattern Recognizer Naïve Bayes Unigram Bigram Parts of Speech No No No Objective Sentences Yes Yes Yes Multiple Indexer 9/20/2018
Pattern Recognition filter – Working Model
Chunked Sentences Sentences She is well respected and won many admirers for her staunch support for women. I hate George Bush. John Edwards is my least favorite. Pattern Recognizer No I want to be like Hillary. Yes I admire Hillary. Obama is annoying Multiple Indexer Current Index Sentence : "they hate Bush“ Date : Thu Apr 19, 2007 at 08:14:12 PM PDT Url : Permalink : Polarity : negative Strength : 1 Sentence : “I like Clinton.” Date : Thu Apr 19, 2007 at 08:14:12 PM PDT Url : Permalink : Polarity : Positive Strength : 1 9/20/2018
Naïve Bayes Filter- Overview
“Naïve Bayes classifier is a simple probabilistic classifier based on applying the Bayes theorem with strong (Naïve) independent assumptions.” Sentences Pattern Recognizer Naïve Bayes Unigram Bigram Parts of Speech No No No Objective Sentences Yes Yes Multiple Indexer 9/20/2018
Naïve Bayes Analysis - Outline
Each document “d” is represented by the document vector where {f1,f2,…. fm} - set of predefined feature vectors d = (n1(d),…..nm(d)) - where ni(d) = no. of times feature vector “fi” occurs in “d”. If a sentence S = ∑Wi, where “i” is the no words in that sentence Then, Probability of a sentence being positive is P(Spos) = ∑(Wipos) / (Wineg) + (Wipos) + (Winet) Probability of a sentence being negative is P(Sneg) = ∑(Wineg) / (Wineg) + (Wipos) + (Winet) “ This is a slight modification of the naïve bayes method.” 9/20/2018
Naïve Bayes Analysis – Working model
Example – Unigram analysis + + + + = 1.28 / 5 < .6 Probability of the word present in the training dataset (negative) “ Hillary is an exciting leader.” + + + + 27.4 / 5 = ~.6 == .6 Probability of the word present in the training set (positive) Hence, the sentence is positive…. Similarly, for Bigrams we use two words together instead of one. 9/20/2018
Threshold analysis for naives bayes filter
.7 misses lots of subjective sentences, hence threshold value of .7 will not capture the expected number of subjective sentences. .5 indexes lots of sentences that are both objective and subjective. Indexing of unwanted sentences needs to be avoided which is why we do not chose .5 as our threshold value According to our experimental analysis. Optimal threshold value is .6 9/20/2018
Parts of Speech Filter - Overview
Sentences Pattern Recognizer Naïve Bayes Unigram Bigram Parts of Speech Parts of Speech No No No Objective Sentences Yes Yes Multiple Indexer 9/20/2018
Parts of speech analysis - Outline
“Part-of-speech tagging, also called grammatical tagging, is the process of marking up the words in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech, based on both its definition, as well as its context .” - wiki For Example: Mr. Bill Clinton, the former president of the United States, will become personal advisor of Hillary, Clinton announced yesterday in New York. For Example: Mr.$NNP Bill$NNP Clinton$NNP ,$, the$DT former$JJ president$NN of the$DT United$IN States$NNP ,$, will$MD become$VB Personal$NN advisor$NN of$IN Hillary$NN,$, Clinton$NN announced$VBD yesterday$RB in$IN New$NNP York$NNP.$. NN singular or mass noun NNP proper noun DT singular determiner JJ adjective IN preposition VB verb, base form VBD verb, past tense Working model: The Unigrams and bigrams are tagged with Parts of speech for analysis. [1] Each sentence is passed and experiments are carried out against the tagged naïve bayes for analysis. The working is similar to Naïve Bayes filters. [1] 9/20/2018
Named Entity –Overview
Sentences Pattern Recognizer Naïve Bayes Unigram Bigram Parts of Speech Parts of Speech No No No Objective Sentences Yes Yes Multiple Indexer 9/20/2018
Named Entity – Overview cont…
Problem: “I hate Bush, but I like Obama” Current approaches discards these sentences. Our solutions – Named Entity, reduce the score of the sentence. This will return the number of entities = 2. Anything more than 1 returned by the named entity, the system will reduce the score, rather than removing the search results. 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement Related Work
Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Search and Trend Analysis
Search Analysis Queries are “boosted” for performance enhancement. Query : “George Bush” Results: “George Bush is a great guy” “George’s last name Bush is …” “I dislike Bush” “ I love George ” “Terms Together - high score” “Terms spacing up to 10 words – Medium score” “Either one of the terms – low score” 9/20/2018
Search & Trend Analysis – Search screen shots
Two Panel View 9/20/2018
Search & Trend Analysis – Search screen shots cont…
Four Panel View 9/20/2018
Polarity Distribution
Search & Trend Analysis – Search screen shots Cont… Polarity Distribution 9/20/2018
Search and Trend Analysis cont…
“ Top topics are terms that have always been in the point of discussion in blogosphere. ” (eg: Bush, Iraq, Bomb) Terms are computed analyzing the frequencies of the words in index. Top 100 English words, dates and numbers are screened out “ Hot topics are terms that have currently been in the point of discussion in blogosphere. ” (eg: Virginia, Immigration) Computed by employing K-L Divergence. Dkl(P||Q) = ∑I P(i) log(P(i)/T)) Dkl - Kullback - Leibler Divergence P – True Value T – Target wordValue 9/20/2018
Search & Trend Analysis – Search screen shots Cont…
Top Term Analysis 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement Related Work
Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Effect of Pattern Matching Analysis
Pattern matching does not capture most of the subjective sentences 9/20/2018
Effect of Pattern Matching Analysis Cont…
Problem: Bloggers do not write in a formal manner. Bloggers generally do not care about the grammar, spelling and punctuations in their blog Less Pattern Dataset collected [95 Pos and 162 Neg]. Examples that caused problems: “ Bush suckz ” (Causes problems) Slang terms Possible Solutions: Spelling checker is one of the ways to improve the results. Requires more pattern dataset to improve the analysis. 9/20/2018
Effect of Pattern Matching Analysis Cont…
Confusion Matrix Accuracy = 58% True Positive Rate (Recall) = 18% False Positive Rate (FP) = 2 % True Negative Rate = 98% False Negative Rate (FN) = 82% Precision = 92% (Positive – Subjective, Negative – Objective Sentence) 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis
Unigram analysis Unigram captures most of the subjective sentences. 9/20/2018
Unigram vs Patterns The graph shows that unigrams perform better than pattern matching techniques. 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis cont…
Confusion matrix (Unigrams) Accuracy = 77% True Positive Rate (Recall) = 63% False Positive Rate (FP) = 10% True Negative Rate = 90% False Negative Rate (FN) = 37% Precision (Positive) = 86% (Positive – Subjective, Negative – Objective Sentence) 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis
Bigram analysis Bigrams perform better than Pattern matching. Bigrams do not perform as well as unigrams. Lack of domain independent dataset affects the results. 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis cont…
Confusion Matrix (Bigram) Accuracy = 70% True Positive Rate (Recall) = 50% False Positive Rate (FP) = 10% True Negative Rate = 91% False Negative Rate (FN) = 50% Precision (Positive) = 83% (Positive – Subjective, Negative – Objective Sentence) 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis
Unigram + Bigram analysis Results similar to unigram – which implies that the addition of bigrams does not seem to make a significant difference 9/20/2018
Effect of Naive Bayes Analysis cont…
Confusion Matrix (Unigram + Bigram) Accuracy = 77% True Positive Rate (Recall) = 64% False Positive Rate (FP) = 10% True Negative Rate = 90% False Negative Rate (FN) = 36% Precision (Positive) = 86% (Positive – Subjective, Negative – Objective Sentence) 9/20/2018
Effect of Pattern Matching Analysis Cont…
Problem: We used the Movie training dataset [1] along with the custom developed political dataset. Possible Solutions: More domain specific dataset should be collected for improvement of this technique. Analysis on trigrams would be useful for comparisons. [1] 9/20/2018
Effect of Parts of Speech Analysis
Parts of speech does not perform as well as unigrams. 9/20/2018
Effect of Parts of Speech Analysis Cont…
Problem: Currently, the training set data for this analysis is not blog specific, but is collected from the news articles, which follow a standard format and procedure. Possible Solutions: Develop or obtain a blog specific training dataset. Combining this with other filters could improve the results. 9/20/2018
Effect of Parts of Speech Analysis Cont…
Confusion matrix (Parts of Speech) Accuracy = 73% True Positive Rate (Recall) = 60% False Positive Rate (FP) = 13% True Negative Rate = 87% False Negative Rate (FN) = 40% Precision (Positive) = 82% (Positive – Subjective, Negative – Objective Sentence) 9/20/2018
Results “Unigram” & “Unigram + Bigram” outperform all other filter analysis. Although, parts of speech tagging performs well, the precision is less when compared to other filter analysis. Pattern matching technique can be improved by obtaining a larger dataset which is a non-trivial task. 9/20/2018
Overview Introduction / Motivation Problem Statement Related Work
Framework Sentiment Filters Search and Trend Analysis Experiments & Results Conclusion & Future Work 9/20/2018
Conclusion Analyzed the sentence level classification of sentiments.
Focused on pattern matching, naïve Bayes and parts of speech filters for opinion classification. Analyzed and presented the performance for each sentiment filter. Developed a robust framework which is domain independent. Developed two different prototype applications. (two-panel view & four-panel view) 9/20/2018
Future Work Incorporating other filters (such as SVM’s), adding stemming and spelling checker . Identify ways to deal with sarcastic sentences. Negations have to be captured Developing and improving the dataset should significantly improve the results. 9/20/2018
Acknowledgements Lada A. Adamic for her datasets.
Tailrank & twitter for their dataset. Justin Martineau. Akshay Java and Pranam Kolari for their help in compiling the datasets. Alark Joshi 9/20/2018
Thank You !! Questions? 9/20/2018
Experimental Information
Confusion Matrix: “ A confusion matrix [1] contains information about actual and predicted classifications done by a classification system. Performance of such systems is commonly evaluated using the data in the matrix.” [2] [1] Provost, F., & Kohavi, R. (1998). On applied research in machine learning. Machine Learning , 30, [2] 9/20/2018
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