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The Communication Process

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1 The Communication Process

2 What is a “process”? Doing things in order

3 The Communication Process

4 Model Definitions Sender Receiver Message Feedback Term Definition
The initiator of the communication process: sends a message to the receiver Receiver Receives the message; actually does something with it Message What is being sent from the sender to the receiver Feedback The receiver’s response to a message

5 The Communication Process
Two Types of Messages 1. Verbal: 2. Nonverbal: Communication using words Communication without words!

6 Messages Verbal Examples? Non-Verbal Examples?

7 Communication Model… Encoding Decoding MESSAGE Encoding Decoding

8 Model Definitions Encoding Decoding Term Definition
Thinking before you speak; What am I going to say? How am I going to say it? How am I going to send this message? Decoding Filtering what you understand about the message Interpreting what has been “said” Deciding how to respond to the message

9 The Communication Process
MESSAGE ENCODING I always see Jane hanging out with friends at Culver’s. DECODING Hi, Jane. Do you want to stop by Culver’s for a burger after school? Mary told me that John has a girlfriend. I don’t want to get into that mess. RECEIVER SENDER Whoa, she’s old! I didn’t even realize that she’s married! No thanks, John. Um, I promised to cook dinner for my kids tonight. I’d better let him down easy… DECODING FEEDBACK ENCODING

10 Model Definitions Channel Interference Term Definition Example
Means by which the message is communicated; how did the message get from point “A” to point “B”? Interference Stops a message/feedback from getting to its source successfully; two types internal and external. Will happen just before or during decoding.

11 The Communication Process
ENCODING MESSAGE INTERFERENCE DECODING I always see Jane hanging out with friends at McDonald’s. Hi, Jane. Do you want to grab a burger with me at McDonald’s after school? Mary told me that John has a girlfriend. I don’t want to get into that mess. RECEIVER SENDER INTERFERENCE CHANNEL Whoa, she’s old. I didn’t realize that she has kids! No thanks, John. I promised to cook dinner for my family, tonight. I’d better let him down easy. DECODING FEEDBACK ENCODING

12 Let’s see what you know? Take the next 10 minutes and draw a communication model of your own but don’t label it! After you have completed it we will trade with a partner and see if they can “decode” your model by defining the following key terms: Sender Receiver Encoding Decoding Message Channel Feedback Interference Work Sited:

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