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Teknik Menjana Idea Kreatif

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Presentation on theme: "Teknik Menjana Idea Kreatif"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teknik Menjana Idea Kreatif

2 SCAMPER Change different way Combine Remove Resize Rearrange

3 Combine Caravan Burger Sate Laptop Handphone

4 Multiple techniques Make sentence from ‘s’ words.
20 usages of old newspaper, ball pen, paper clip, old computer etc.

5 ANALOGY X as if/as Y Dolphin = submarine

6 Challenge the concept

7 Contradict & oppose Tall - short Expensive - cheap Up - down
Wide narrow Big small

8 PMI Positive Minus Interesting
Oil tycoon became richer. Amount of charity and zakah should be became greater. Inflation. Cost of living became higher. Jobless. Extensive R&D on alternative energy sources.

9 SWOT Analysis “WHAT IF. …
SWOT Analysis “WHAT IF .…?” Montessori’s method to generate creativity for kids.

10 James Webb Young (ubahsuai): 1. Kumpul bahan. 2. Gabung bahan. 3. Peram. 4. Terbit idea. 5. Murnikan idea.

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