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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY – STRIEGLER MAPS"— Presentation transcript:


2 DEAN/YOUNG - Monday 9/8/14 This was last Friday for others
Pick up a definition of Exponential Growth from the outbox What is your definition of exponential growth and how does that concept apply to what you’ve read so far of the book Tipping Point? https/ 1Q&safe=active Discuss connection between Tipping Point and exponential growth Read section 3 of the intro to The Tipping Point and take Cornell Notes Discuss

Pick up a graphic organizer from the Outbox. Answer the first question. WATSON’S CLASS – GET OUT YOUR CORNELL NOTES FROM FRIDAY  Virus Video /health/2014/09/08/newday-dnt-cohen- respiratory-virus-midwest.cnn.html

4 Groups of 3 as there are 3 sections of CHAPTER 1.
Each person at the table will read a section (1,2,3). Write down main ideas and answer questions for your section. PAP - Have your chapters 1-3 of A Separate Peace journaling out when I come by to check them. Expert teams will meet (all the 1s, 2s, 3s) Discuss notes / compare Share out with your table. Take notes over what others explain to you.

5 Tuesday – THOMAS MAPS

6 WATSON - Tuesday, September 9th DEAN/YOUNG/FLINN/STRIEGLER - Wednesday
Who are you? What defines your morals, ideas, friends, reactions, and future? PAP – Place your journal on the back wall. “Lost Generation” RG4ySdi_aE&safe=active

7 WATSON - Tuesday, September 9th DEAN/YOUNG/FLINN/STRIEGLER - Wednesday
1. Do you believe you can make a positive impact? Why or why not? Clip new_2894 2. Think back to your answer about a person who made a big impact. What characteristics did that person have that you admire or want to emulate (copy)?

8 6 Word Memoir

9 What First? Create list of character traits of the boy in the video.
Create list of character traits of yourself. Pick two or three that stand out to you.

10 Going Further Write for 2-3 minutes without stopping about the items you circled. Focus in on one idea. Read what you wrote. Discuss with your partner - Similarities? Differences? Take those ideas and synthesize them into a 6 word idea about your character with your partner.

11 PARTNER ASSIGNMENT Use Pic Collage on the iPad create the following (with a picture that best represents): #big ideas (2) @theme (1) 6 word memoir* (summary) (1) You will create and present to your peers at your table during class (due today).


13 Quickwrite: Do you think the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001 could be called a “tipping point”? Please explain your answer.

14 Thursday 9/11/14 attacks/videos/911-timeline 911-attacks attacks/videos/the-todd-beamer-story-lets- roll?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free =false Woodland Rules m/watch?v=fwDqAWeUBRQ& ELA – Please see your teacher 

15 Friday 9/12/14 Grab a handout from the outbox and tape into your journal sideways. Read the informational sections and underline important components. #2 person at each table - pick up two (3 – PAP) articles from the outbox Read the articles independently and take down notes in your journal. Prompt: Write a 3-5 paragraph essay (PAP -5 minimum) explaining how Malala fits in with The Tipping Point. Keep in mind the three epidemic traits from your graphic organizer. Also, please include how this applies to your life. HOMEWORK: Finish your essay. You must have a 3-5 (PAP – 5 minimum) paragraph essay draft when you arrive Monday.


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