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Word Choice Liven up your writing!!!.

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1 Word Choice Liven up your writing!!!

2 Basics of Word Choice The writer understands the importance of strong verbs The writer understands the importance of precise nouns The writer understands the importance of interesting adjectives The writer has taken risks with words If appropriate, the writer has used alliteration or other types of sound devices

3 How can we “liven up” these bland sentences?
Use specific verbs and specific nouns I walked to the beach and looked at the sunset. I sauntered slowly to the serene beach at Piere Marquette and admired the bright red sun as it melted into the pale pink sky to create a magnificent sunset. Use adjectives and adverbs The surfer surfed on the waves. The blonde haired, blue-eyed, brazen surfer conquered the waves fiercely, gliding along each one effortlessly. Use alliteration The boy made a sand castle. The beautiful, baby boy played in the pure, pristine sand crystals as he erected an elaborate sand castle.

4 Use the thesaurus when you write! Take risks!
Step out of your comfort zone and take a chance with words! It is fun and liberating. You writing will thank you and your audience will be more engaged in your writing. Don’t settle for boring words; liven things up a bit with words you have never used! Always ALWAYS use plenty of adjectives and adverbs to create liveliness in your writing. Use specific nouns and verbs to convey the message you want to send. Play around with alliteration; your writing will roll of the reader’s tongue and resonate in his/her mind.

5 Your Assignment DIRECTIONS: Write 6 paragraphs
Senses Activity DIRECTIONS: Write 6 paragraphs The paragraphs should each be 8 sentences or more Start a new page for each paragraph Use vivid descriptive words, specific nouns and verbs, alliteration, adjectives and adverbs, and USE YOUR THESAURUS!!!! In the paragraphs you can use actions, but make sure you stay focused on the sense that you are writing about. Include one image with each picture. The pictures can be personal and the paragraphs can draw from personal experiences. The paragraphs will be worth 10 points each

6 HEARING: Describe the sounds of these things…
*…a fire drill *…a rain / thunder storm *…the crowd at a game *…the farm *…a racetrack SMELLS: Describe how these things smell… *…a floral shop *…a locker room *…a guy or girl’s cologne *…rain *…your favorite food

7 TASTES: Describe how these things taste…
*…your favorite food *…something your mom or grandma makes *…something served at the school cafeteria *…your least favorite food *…something spicy TOUCH: Describe how these things feel when touched… *…a bag of cotton balls *…cotton candy *…glue *…a fish *…plastic wrap SIGHT: Describe how these things look…(use color, appearance, movement, shape) *…the lights on a cop car *…your car *…a dozen roses *…an instrument

8 Hearing Slowly, methodically, the waves roll gently upon the unassuming shore creating a soft splash with each hit. The rhythm of Lake Michigan resounds in my mind and unconsciously, I begin to hum. Out of the clear blue sky, seagulls abruptly attack the serenity with their savage screams. Patiently, I wait until they pass by and I am left alone with the solitude of the sand, which makes a swooshing sound as I stroll along it’s back. Meandering further down the beach, I approach a family frolicking happily on the beach, children screeching with laughter, a father hollering for his dog, and the shrill, barking response from his golden retriever. In the distance, Creedence Clearwater Revival is booming from a radio, bellowing “Born on the Bayou”. Closing my eyes, I try to capture the sounds of this moment so I can play it back later when I miss Michigan.

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