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Getting Ready for Science Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready for Science Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready for Science Jeopardy
Science Tools Inquiry Skills Recording Data Scientific Method Lab Safety 10 20 30 40 50

2 A tool used for making quantitative observations about temperature (measures in degrees Celsius)

3 A tool that makes objects appear larger (led to the
discovery of tiny things living in water) Category

4 A tool used to aid in picking things up to make qualitative observations

5 A tool that measures the amount of matter in an
object (You could use this tool to measure the mass of a rock) Category

6 A tool used for making quantitative observations that would give different results in space and on Earth, even when measuring the same object

7 To gather information about an object or event (look up the answer to a question using Google)

8 A procedure designed to
test a specific hypothesis

9 Before building an expensive
vehicle some students on the team want to test out a couple of designs. What can they do to save time and money?

10 An organized way to answer
questions by gathering information (give your dog two different foods at once and observe what he does)

11 Deciding that wide tires must
be easier to use on dirt after observing bicycles with wide tires being used on dirt roads instead of the narrow tires we use on paved roads

12 Sorting buttons into groups based on the number of holes it has

13 Useful for showing change
over time

14 Useful for comparing parts to the whole

15 Useful for comparing information about groups

16 A drawing, sketch, or other visual representation used to make complex things easier to understand

17 The general steps scientists
follow to test hypotheses

18 Only they can dance

19 Usually the first step in
the scientific method

20 The best solution when one scientist disagrees with another about the results of an experiment

21 The first step in planning
an experiment (If you are testing cups to see in which cup ice melts most quickly do the cups need to be the same size?)

22 Let your teacher know immediately

23 Because you could have chemicals on your fingers

24 After cleaning up your work area

25 To keep it out of the way

26 Should be handled with care

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