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Allied Providers Council

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Presentation on theme: "Allied Providers Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Allied Providers Council
Annual Meeting November 2017

2 Allied Providers Council
Introductions Welcome to 1st time Attendees!

3 Allied Providers Council
Welcome to Eileen Licitra, Iteris. New vice chair!

4 Allied Providers Council
Attendance Sheet Minutes Recorder Anti-Trust Guidelines

5 Allied Providers Council
Celebrating our 10th year anniversary!

6 Allied Providers Council – Charter/Mission
Question Set #1 What is our role in AgGateway? What is our value to members?

7 Allied Providers Council - Charter

8 Allied Providers Council - Mission
Mission (2007) “Create a forum in which agricultural information service providers have a voice in industry technology decisions and can review, discuss, and provide organized feedback to the members of AgGateway about issues pertaining to the design and implementation of electronic systems.” Mission (2017) “To provide an open forum of Agricultural technology and service providers that promote eAgriculture and the AgGateway mission”

9 Allied Providers Council - Engagement
Question Set #2 How do you define Engagement? How would you facilitate more engagement of Allied Providers across Councils/Committees? How do you and your organization expect to benefit?

10 Allied Providers Council - Engagement
Since engagement is a theme for 2018 How does AgGateway advocate for increased engagement? How will AgGateway measure success?

11 Allied Providers Council - Goals
Question Set #3 What did we accomplish in 2017? What challenges do we face? What are your expectations of council leadership?

12 Allied Providers Council – 2017 Goals
Advancing eAgriculture. Provide the AgGateway membership with a dynamic and holistic group of technology and service providers who will help advance eAgriculture across the value chain. Awareness and Branding. Support AgGateway by building awareness in our unique networks and communities outside of AgGateway. Advisory and Advocacy. Support AgGateway by acting as an advisory and advocate arm for the Ag industry. Matrix Social Media Emerging Tech Enabled by Logo

13 2017 Goals and Objectives Goal 1 – Advancing eAgriculture
Provide the AgGateway membership with a dynamic and holistic group of technology and service providers who will help advance eAgriculture across the value chain. Objective: Determine the long-term maintenance plan for the Matrix, whether it should be public, private, or both, and outline a plan for promotion. We rebranded to Allied Providers – Products and Services Directory We set a goal to increase participation by 50% (from 40% to 60%) Direct campaign to key contacts – 2 responses Objective: Have at least one Liaison to each Council responsible for representing the network of Allied Providers, and communicating the need for technical expertise for council activities and projects– on an annual basis. We have 3 Committee openings (Architecture, Education, Standards and Guidelines) We have no formal representation within the councils (see next page)

14 Committee and Councils
ROLE PERSON Chair Steve Daigle Vice Chair Eileen Licitra Operational Board Randy Kasparbauer ADAPT Architecture Conference Judy Warf Communications Data Privacy & Security Rachel Garrett Directory Oversight Andrew Bove Education Membership Shane Snyder Standards and Guidelines Ag Retail Crop Nutrition Crop Protection Grain and Feed Precision Ag Seed Specialty Chemical AIDC Task Force

15 2017 Goals and Objectives Goal 2 – Awareness and Branding of AgGateway
Support AgGateway by building awareness in our unique networks and communities outside of AgGateway. Objective: Encourage the use of the “Enabled By” logo among the AgGateway membership Applications for use by at least 5 new companies by May 2017 Total = 8 as of Sept 2017 meeting Objective: Have a rotating schedule (quarterly) of AP Council members to share AgGateway news and events on our AgGateway Linkedin Group [May 2017] Objective: Host a guest speaker at our quarterly meetings from an AgGateway Council, Project, or Taskforce. Hosted a guess speaker for all 2017 meetings

16 2017 Goals and Objectives Goal 3 – Advisory and Advocacy for eAgriculture Support AgGateway by acting as an advisory and advocate arm for the Ag industry. Objective: Create a plan/committee for the AgGateway Annual Meetings to showcase emerging trends and tech Jody was instrumental in selecting today’s emerging technology presenter. No action taken on committee formation Objective: Update our “Allied Provider” Thought Leadership website page to showcase the thought leadership content offered by our guest speakers All guest speaker presentations posted along with minutes

17 Allied Providers Council – 2018 Goals
1. Advancing eAgriculture. Objective 1 Objective 2 2. Awareness and Branding 3. Advisory and Advocacy. Matrix Social Media Emerging Tech Enabled by Logo

18 Old Business Committee/Council Representation
Provider Branding – Enabled By Logo Products & Services Directory Emerging Technology and Thought Leadership

19 New Business Motion to Approve Minutes, Sept 26 Meeting.
Governance Document. Same as 2016. Appointment of Randy Kasparbauer to Operational Management Board Director. Proposed meeting schedule – starting on Jan 26 at 2PM ET meet every quarter. Last Thursday of the first month of every quarter.

20 New Business 2018 Meetings Meeting Ideas Guest Speakers Project reviews Proposed Schedule Jan/April/Sept Mid-Year & Annual What would make our meetings more compelling? Proposed meeting schedule – starting on Jan 26 at 2PM ET meet every quarter. Last Thursday of the first month of every quarter.

21 Thank you! Connect with us on LInkedin

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