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SRC 12 Rules of Allocation

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1 SRC 12 Rules of Allocation
HRSC TSC + + Rule One per TSC Existence TG PAT Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TEAM Rule One per inter- theater APOD Existence MMT TM HR CO Rule One per TG PAT Existence TG PAT One per MMT Tm MMT TEAM HR PLT One per 3-7 *PLTs Workload HR COMPANY * HR, Postal or any combination Rule Two per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) - Existence One per 1,800 daily pax flow - Workload HR PLT HR SQD One (1) HR Squad per Existence (CLT) Level III MTF Mortuary Affairs Co *GO-Level Commands HRSC Casualty Operations Division * With exception to ASCC/TSC One per *600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD Workload (PAT) HR PLATOON * When daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily Rule Four per MMT Team Existence MMT One per 6,000 personnel Workload PSTL PLT HR CO 6,000 PERSONNEL (Cumulative) POSTAL PLATOON

2 HR (SRC 12) Rules of Allocation and Postal Planning Factor
FM 1-0, para 6-33 – UPDATED ROA; para 6-30 – Postal Factors (includes TAA Phase I-III changes – Effective FY 12) SRC Title Allocation Rule Type 12682G000 HR Sustainment Center (HSRC) 1 per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Existence 12413G000 HR Company 1 per Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team 1 per Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) 1 per 3-7 Platoons (HR, Postal, or any combination) Workload 12567GF00 HR Platoon HR Squad (Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)) HR Squad (PAT) 2 per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) 1 per 1800 daily pax flow 1 per Level III Medical Treatment Facility 1 per Mortuary Affairs Company 1 per HRSC Casualty Operations Division 1 per GO-level command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD (when daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily) 12567GB00 TG PAT 1 per inter-theater APOD 12356GA00 Postal Platoon 4 per MMT 1 per 6,000 personnel (i.e. cumulative population) 12567GA00 MMT Team Postal Planning Factor 1.95 lbs per Servicemember per day (mail volume) 20-foot container = 8,000 lbs of mail 40-foot container = 16,000 lbs of mail NA SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 – RULES OF ALLOCATION NOTE: These are the corrected ROAs not found in FM Correction is to the ROA for the HR Squad (PAT). This slide depicts the various Rules of Allocation for SRC 12 organizations. HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. These rules of allocation are also used in the Total Army Analysis system to model operational requirements of units.

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