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The Godfather Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "The Godfather Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Godfather Revision

2 Themes Two minutes to brainstorm the key themes. Write these in your jotter. What do the themes help us to understand about the mafia overall?

3 Opening Sequence Why is this important?
What do learn about the characters? How does it fit into the rest of the film? What are the most important film techniques to analyse?

4 Opening Sequence Possible essay questions: Key sequence
Opening sequence questions Memorable sequence Character development – use as part of this essay analysing Michael’s development

5 Hospital Sequence Why is this important to our understanding of the film? How does it link into the themes? Why is it important for Michael? How is tension created?

6 Hospital Sequence Possible questions: Tension Drama Suspense
Key Sequence As part of a character development question

7 Restaurant Why is this an important moment in the film?
How does it link to theme? What are the most important techniques to analyse? What does it reveal about Michael?

8 Restaurant Sequence Possible essay questions: Tension Violence
Key sequence As part of a character development question

9 Italy Why is it important to your understanding of Michael?
What kind of question would you discuss it in? How does it contrast to Michael and Kay’s relationship?

10 Baptism In what way is this the climax of the text?
How are themes explored? What makes it so dramatic? What techniques are the most important?

11 Baptism Sequence Possible questions: Tension Key sequence Climax
As part of character development essay

12 Closing Sequence How is this an effective ending to the text?
What does it illustrate about Michael? What key points would you endeavour to discuss?

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