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Scientific Theory vs. Law (continued)

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Theory vs. Law (continued)"— Presentation transcript:

1 9-5-17 Scientific Theory vs. Law (continued)

2 Do Now: Answer the following questions in your notebook
What can change a scientific theory? New evidence What is one similarity between scientific theories and laws? Need to validated by more than one person, supported by a large amount of data/evidence, can be modified if evidence does not support What is one difference between scientific theories and laws? Theories explain how a natural phenomenon works; laws simply describe a natural phenomenon or relationship that always occurs under specific conditions.

3 Write in your agenda - HW: Theory and Law worksheet

4 Quiz Retake Policy: Need to complete 3/6 activities to retake.

5 Write in your agenda: Scientific Theory vs
Write in your agenda: Scientific Theory vs. Law Retake Quiz will be on Thursday, 9/7/17 Retake will be available to everyone, regardless of original quiz score. I will take the better score of the two quizzes. Tips for Studying: Review every day Complete and review your homework assignments Make flash cards

6 Quiz Review: Answers ST Classify as a law Both (also accepted ST)
Technology, new materials, possible explanations SL Both Evidence for a theory

7 Student Work: make flash cards for traits about Theories and Laws
Get a piece of loose paper Fold it in half lengthwise (hot dog style) On the left half, write down the statements from the charts in your notes from 8/29/17. If you don’t have this, Mr. Santos will put it up on the Smart TV. On the right side, write down whether the statement applies to theories, laws, or both. Cut each statement out to make foldable flash cards Review your cards

8 Exit Ticket: Stand behind your pushed-in chair
Mr. Santos will come to you. Tell Mr. Santos one difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law. If approved, you may go form a line along the counter to wait for the bell to ring and be dismissed. If not approved, you must wait until Mr. Santos returns to you to try again.

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