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Welcome to Year 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1

2 Your concerns and hopes!
How will my child cope with the change from a play based curriculum to a more formal structure? Will I have the same level of contact with my child’s new teacher? How will I know what they are learning? How can I help my child in year 1?

3 Key Stage 1 New National Curriculum English, Maths, Science, ICT, History, Geography, Art, DT, PE, RE, Music Also PSHE (Circle time) Structured Play (Topic Detectives)

4 Year 1 Long Term Plan - Work in Progress!!
Autumn Spring Summer Topic theme The Wheels on the bus Castle Hill Cafe A Knight’s Tale Art Attack The School Room Jasper’s Garden Lights, Camera, Action Wish you were here Fighting Fit!


6 Discovery Board Home Learning Projects Examples:
Fact sheets for sea animal Writing out a healthy recipe and creating it Making a train Designing an outfits for the Emperor and accessories Finding out about their street Discovery Board Medals and trophies Shells, pebbles, shark jaw! Anything relating to topic

7 What to expect

8 Coming in and going home
Class 3 and 4 In through corridor door by the classroom Out through corridor door by the classroom Classes 3 and 4 are nearest the corridor doors so we can open into the patio and no- mow! If you want to chat, after school is easier for us.

9 Independence We encourage your children to be independent. Please could you help them by saying goodbye at the OUTSIDE door and allow them to: Hang up their own coat Put their own book bag away Go into the class by themselves Hand any notes/dinner money to the teachers themselves Change their own reading books Hand in their own homework/maths games If you remind them and we remind them, eventually it will work like clockwork! Don’t expect them to remember everything right away.

10 Naming!! Please could you help us by ensuring that these items are named: PE kits, including plimsolls (please can you check these still fit every half term!) PE Mondays/Fridays No jewellery policy All other clothing except underwear! (Just wait until year 2 when they go swimming!!!) Envelopes with money in Coats Then we can find owners easily!

11 Routines Morning routine:
Put book bag and water bottle away, hand in homework if applicable and take part in morning work. This starts at 8.45am Change reading book if needed Visual timetable End the day with smiley face stickers and green certificates

12 Homework In Year 1 we have EducationCity (Ed.City Club)
Maths/Maths Games Phonics/Spelling Reading Please can the homework diaries be filled in – we like to celebrate work carried out at home and follow up any concerns Home Learning Projects

13 Phonic Screening Check
The Phonic Screening Check is a national test carried out in Year 1 in June. Results are passed onto the government, county and OFSTED

14 The Test Reading real and nonsense words to a teacher 40 words in all
Children either reach or don’t reach the required standard (last year it was 32 words correct) Parents will be informed of the outcome






20 What is my child doing?

21 How can I help my child? Reading – school, home, library, e-books, comics Talking – The best writers at this age are those that speak well. Homework If you are unsure how we teach addition, subtraction, division etc., come and see us. Would you like to help in the classroom? We are always looking for parent volunteers.

22 Questions

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