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Presentation on theme: "POLIFORME PROJECT."— Presentation transcript:


2 ORIGIN The “Poliforme” Project is an initiative of The Campania Region Local PoliceTraining School – project leader.

3 PROJECT PARTNERS Centro de investigation para el desarollo di Cartagena - Spagna Mykolo Romerio Universitetas di Vilnius - Lituania Ministero degli Interni – Dip. Affari Internazionali di Ankara - Turchia Forum Europeo Sicurezza Urbana (F.E.S.U.) di Parigi - Francia The Sannio University (D.A.S.E.S.) - Italy

4 OBJECTIVE The objective
The objective of the project is to define a specific aspect of the formative system in the field of urban safety and the consequent definition of the profile of know-how, competences and own abilities of the professional figures engaged in the management of the Internal Security Services on the territory with particular regard to the problems connected to situations of need, alienation, uneasiness and exploitation of some elements of the community, especially the weaker ones.

5 POLIFORME PROJECT Project phases:

6 Benevento 24 September 2007 1° Transnational Conference
Sharing of the adopted work methodology. Definition of research tools: Data charts for types of crime; Questionnaire for benchmarking standards of urban safety; Questionnaire on the role of Proximity Policing in Europe.

7 Research results Comparative analysis of existing legislations in the areas of reference of the partners in the field of urban safety, Comparative analysis on models of training needs in the different partner countries Guidlines for designing a training course for the transfer of the distinctive competences of the Proximity Police Officer/Operator Modelling and contruction of the specific competences of the Proximity Police Officer/Operator

8 Ankara September 26° 2008 2° Transnational Conference
Presentation of work produced by each partner. Presentation of experimental training course to be implemented by each partner.

9 EXPERIMENTATION The experimental training courses designed by each partner were implemented in Italy, Lithuania, Spain and Turkey

10 Know How and competence profile of the Proximity Police Officer/Operator
As a result of the course testing carried out by each partner country a Proximity Policing training course model has been elaborated


12 The training course aims
The course offers a set of dedicated modules, drawing on different disciplines, that are designed to analyze and disseminate all the necessary skills for the proximity operator placed at the service of the most modern urban security policies and therefore of inclusion, and anti-discrimination programmes, of prevention and the combating of deviant behaviour and of the development of the quality of life.

The distinctive competences of the proximity police operator can be grouped into the following 4 families: competences of judicial nature; competences of psycho-sociological and public relations nature; competences of organizational and managerial nature; competences of technical-operational nature.

14 Judicial competences The competences of judicial nature aim to define and construct the proximity police operator’s judicial profile both on a National and a Communitarian basis, with particular attention to the tasks and functions to be performed and to the inter-institutional relations.

15 psycho-sociological competences
The competences of psycho-sociological and public relations nature are considered to be the principal instruments of intervention for the prevention and fight against deviant behaviour in general.

16 Organizational and managerial competences
The competences of organizational and managerial nature value the importance of the issues of coordination and leadership in work groups dedicated to the creation of proximity services and the design of managerial support systems with particular attention to the organization of information flows.

17 Technical-operational competences
The competences of technical-operational nature consist in the use of tools that enhance the capabilities of planning and organizing work together with the coordination, supervision and monitoring of the results of proximity services made available.

18 Course length The course last 30 hours.
Both the judicial and the organizational- managerial skills modules last 6 hours each; The psycho-sociological and public relations module lasts 12 hours. The laboratory for the development of the technical and operational competences lasts 6 hours.

19 The judicial contents The concepts of safety, security and certainty
From "Security" to "Securities" Police and "proximity" Analysis of the European legislation Analysis of national legislation Elements of comparison of the legislation of the countries of the European Community The Regions (local administrations) and their role in matters of urban safety and proximity policing Judicial – employment aspects for the defining of the role of the proximity operator “Proximity”: A New Way to Work Access, enrolment, training , staff evaluation and safety aspects in the workplace "Flexibility" of employment contracts versus "stability" of the local police functions

20 The psycho-sociological and public relations contents
1. Defining aspects of the phenomenon of deviance Psychological and sociological aspects for the analysis of deviant behaviour Prostitution Addiction Economic and heritage crimes Juvenile offences 2. Social organization of deviance 3. Interpersonal relationships Relationship between the proximity police operator and the neighborhood 4. Communicating The process of communicating Communicating in public relations How public institutions communicate 5. Management and mediation of the conflict Definition of conflict Techniques of social mediation

21 The organizational-managerial contents
Know-how and competence in: 1. Organizing neighborhood activities Organizing services and actives Teamwork and the team The role of the proximity operator Motivation and leadership 2. Organizing information flows 3. Monitoring systems of neighbourhood services 4. Networking and the professional organization of a specialized network

22 The technical-operational contents
During this module case studies and / or project work are planned. By means of work groups, the principles and concepts discussed in previous modules will be put into practice in order to achieve "project report cards". Tools used: Cards (sheets) indicators master plan …..

23 Thank you for your most courteous attention.


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