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Case-Control Studies.

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1 Case-Control Studies

2 Historical View Historically considered a weak design
Nested case-control studies are a logical extension of cohort studies and an efficient way to learn about associations.

3 General Definition: Case-Control Study
A method of sampling a population in which: cases are identified and enrolled a sample of the population that produced the cases is identified and enrolled Exposures are determined

4 When is it desirable to conduct a case-control study?
When exposure data are expensive or difficult to obtain - Ex: Pesticide study, biomarker When disease has long induction and latent period - Ex: Cancer, cardiovascular disease When the disease is rare Ex: Studying risk factors for birth defects

5 When is it desirable to conduct a case-control study?
When little is known about the disease Ex. Early studies of AIDS When underlying population is dynamic Ex: Studying breast cancer on Cape Cod

6 Cases What do you need to think about in identifying cases.
source population – catchment area/characteristics case identification/ascertainment case definition

7 Controls Definition: A sample of the source population that gave rise to the cases. Purpose: To estimate the exposure distribution in the source population that produced the cases.

8 Selecting Controls General population controls
Most often used when cases are selected from a defined geographic population Sources: random digit dialing, residence lists, drivers’ license records

9 General Population Advantages Disadvantages
Because of selection process, investigator is usually assured that they come from the same base population as the cases. Disadvantages Need accurate sampling frame Time consuming, expensive, hard to contact and get cooperation May remember exposures differently than cases

10 Hospital Controls Used most often when cases are selected from a hospital population Example: Study of cigarette smoking and myocardial infarction among women. Cases identified from admissions to hospital coronary care units. Controls drawn from surgical, orthopedic, and medical unit of same hospital. Controls included patients with musculoskeletal and abdominal disease, trauma, and other non-coronary conditions.

11 Advantages of Hospital Controls
Same selection factors that led cases to hospital led controls to hospital Is this always true? Easily identifiable and accessible (so less expensive than population-based controls) Accuracy of exposure recall comparable to that of cases since controls are also sick More willing to participate than population-based controls

12 Disadvantages of Hospital Controls
Since hospital based controls are ill, they may not accurately represent the exposure history in the population that produced the cases Hospital catchment areas may be different for different diseases

13 What Illnesses Make Good Hospital Controls?
Those illnesses that have no relation to the risk factor(s) under study Example: Should respiratory diseases be used as controls for a study of smoking and myocardial infarction? Do they represent the distribution of smoking in the entire population that gave rise to the cases of MI?

14 Special Control Groups
Friends, spouses, siblings, and deceased individuals. These special controls are rarely used. Cases may not be able to nominate controls because they have few appropriate friends, are widowed or are only or adopted children. Dead controls are tricky to use because they are more likely than living controls to smoke and drink. For rare diseases you don’t want to lose cases because you can’t identify a control

15 Example Hypothesis: Pesticide exposure increases the risk of breast cancer. Consider a hypothetical prospective cohort study of 89,949 women aged 34-59 1,439 breast cancer cases identified over 8 years of follow-up Blood drawn on all 89,949 at beginning of follow-up and frozen Exposure: Level of pesticides (e.g. DDE) in blood characterized as high or low

16 Cohort: Results Breast Cancer Yes No Total High 360 13,276 13,636 Low 1,079 75,234 76,313 1,439 88,510 89,949 Pesticide Relative Risk = RR = (360/13,636) / (1,079/76,313) = 1.9

17 Cases Criteria for case definition should lead to accurate classification of disease Efficient and accurate sources should be used to identify cases: existing registries, hospitals What do the cases give you? Think of the standard 2 X 2 table: Disease Yes (case) No Total Yes a - 360 ? c a+c Exposed

18 Rate of disease in exposed: a/? Rate of disease in unexposed: c/?
Cases give you the numerators of the rates of disease in exposed and unexposed groups being compared: Rate of disease in exposed: a/? Rate of disease in unexposed: c/? What is missing? If this were a cohort study, you would have total population total person-years for both the exposed and non exposed groups provide the denominators for the compared rates.

19 Where do you get the information for the denominators in a case control study?
THE CONTROLS. A case-control study can be considered a more efficient form of a cohort study. Cases are the same as those that would be included in a cohort study. Controls provide a fast and inexpensive means of obtaining the exposure experience in the population that gave rise to the cases.

20 Introduction Practical Problem: Quantifying pesticide levels in the blood is very expensive; it's not practical to analyze all 89, 949 blood samples analyze blood on all cases (N=1,439) sample of the women who did not get breast cancer, say two times as many cases (N=2,878) Nested Case-Control Study

21 Example: Pesticide Study
These data can be used to estimate the relative risk. We have just identified cases of disease from a defined population, and then taken a sample of that population for comparison. Exposure histories are determined. Breast Cancer Yes No High 360 432 Low 1,079 2,446 Total 1,439 2,878 DDE

22 Important consideration for selecting controls: “the would criterion”
Review: Controls are a sample of the source population that gave rise to the cases. Purpose is to provide information on the exposure distribution in the source population. When selecting a control group consider the “WOULD CRITERION”: If a member of the control group actually had the disease under study WOULD he/she end up as a case in your study? Answer should be YES.

23 Analysis of Case-Control Studies
Cases Controls Total Population Yes a b ? No c d Exposed Controls are a sample of the population. Can you get an estimate of disease incidence using this study design? Can you estimate risk of disease?

24 Analysis of Case-Control Studies
Definition of odds: the ratio of the probability of an event occurring to that of it not occurring Example: Probability of getting a heads on one coin toss = ½ = .50. Probability of NOT getting a heads on one coin toss = ½ = .50. Odds of getting a heads on a coin toss = .5/.5 = 1:1

25 Analysis of Case-Control Studies
Two possible outcomes for an exposed person: case or not Odds=a/b Two possible outcomes for an unexposed person: case or not Odds=c/d Odds ratio = odds of an exposed person being a case/odds of an unexposed person being a case Odds ratio = a/b/c/d = ad/bc Just like the incidence rate ratio and cumulative incidence ratio, the odds ratio is a ratio measure of association.

26 Example: Pesticide Study
Calculate the Odds Ratio Breast Cancer Yes No High 360 432 Low 1,079 2,446 Total 1,439 2,878 DDE

27 Example: Pesticide Study
Calculate the Odds Ratio Odds of being exposed in cases Odds of being exposed in controls Odds Ratio Odds of being a case among exposed Odds of being a case among the unexposed Breast Cancer Yes No High 360 432 Low 1,079 2,446 Total 1,439 2,878 DDE

28 Analysis of Case-Control Studies
EXAMPLE: Case control study of spontaneous abortion and prior induced abortion (OUTCOME = spontaneous abortion; EXPOSURE = prior induced abortion) Case (Spon. Ab.) Control (Livebirth) Prior Induced Yes 42 247 Abortion No 107 825

29 Analysis of case-control studies
Odds of being a case among the exposed = 42/247 (a/b) Odds of being a case among the unexposed = 107/825 (c/d) Odds ratio = [(a/b) / (c/d)] = (42/247) / (107/825)] = 1.3 Women with a history of induced abortion had a 30% increased odds of having a spontaneous abortion compared to women who never had an induced abortion.

30 Strengths case-control studies
Efficient for rare diseases and diseases with long induction and latent period. Can evaluate many risk factors for the same disease so good for diseases about which little is known

31 Weaknesses of case-control studies
Inefficient for rare exposures Vulnerable to bias because of retrospective nature of study May have poor information on exposure because retrospective Difficult to infer temporal relationship between exposure and disease How do these strengths and weaknesses compare to cohort studies?

32 Question Suppose that a case-control study was conducted among men in the US in order to find out whether a mother’s use of hormones during pregnancy influenced her son’s risk of developing testicular cancer later in life. Investigators selected 500 cases who were hospitalized for testicular cancer and 1000 controls. The study found that mothers in 90 cases and 50 controls had used hormones during pregnancy.

33 Question Create a two by two table?
Can you calculate risk of having testicular cancer from this data? Calculate the odds ratio. Interpret the odds ratio. What is the purpose of the control group in a case-control study? Should you chose incident or prevalent cases for a case-control study? Does it matter?

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