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Azure Solution Alignment Workshop

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1 Azure Solution Alignment Workshop
9/20/2018 1:24 AM Azure Solution Alignment Workshop Service Map and Service Description © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 How to Present this Section
OPERATIONS TRACK – Present this content only in the Operations track by an ITSM specialist Your primary goals are to: Introduce Azure and set the tone for the workshop Understand why the customer is looking to move to Azure Cover high-level concepts around Azure and set the stage for the remaining workshops DELETE THIS SLIDE BEFORE DELIVERY

3 Service Mapping

4 What is a Service? A means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without ownership of specific costs or risks Costs and risks transferred to service provider Customers can focus on outcomes instead of technology components Service outcomes are facilitated by the following Understanding the performance of associated components Understanding all the elements needed to deliver services Understanding the conditions needed for better performance A service enables customers to attain the outcomes they desire without ownership of the costs and risks associated with them. The service provider, tapping into its own expertise and possibly greater resources, takes on the costs and risks on behalf of their customers in exchange for a fixed price or cost. The service provider is expected to utilize its expertise to be able to enhance the performance of the tasks necessary for providing the service. Since the service provider is not limited to offering the service to one customer, it can invest in more resources such that the typical constraints faced by customers (for example, high infrastructure costs) may be eliminated and the costs distributed across the different customers. Examine some of the services your organization buys from outside service providers. Would your organization be able to enjoy the same level of service quality if it were to do them in-house? © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential

5 Components of a Service
End-User Business Service Components of a Service Influence Service Consumer Organization Customer Service Level Agreement (SLA) Cloud Based Service The scope does differ based on Private, Public and the level of IaaS, Paas or Software as a Service (SaaS) Be aware: this slide is only to explain the basics of an IT service and it’s components. The reference model will be discussed later on in the presentation at slide 22 People Agreements (SLA / OLA / UCs) Organizational functions, roles, stakeholders Skills, knowledge, attitude; KM, CoPs, performance support HR systems; commitment, trust, reward, satisfaction Process Service Management processes Technology Hardware, software, systems — networks, applications, etc. Both the live environment and the tools to support, manage, and monitor it Steering Measurement, metrics, control, escalation, and reporting tools; policy; codification schemes (for example, time / resource, Financial, Incident, Availability) IT Service Provider Vendors © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential

6 Why are Service Maps important
9/20/2018 1:24 AM Why are Service Maps important Bottom Line: If we want to control the quality of the experience to the user and customer, we must understand and control all the components that make up the service Also add that they are important for understanding all the components for monitoring What elements are managed by the Service Provider, Service Consumer? © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

7 What is a Service Map? A graphical representation of a service, its dependencies, and the settings needed for the service to function Provides input into the IT Service management processes needed to help make sure continued reliability, availability, and manageability of the service

8 Benefits of a Service Map
A Service Map allows the organization to Perform Business Impact Analysis Build Service Level Agreements (SLAs), OLAs, and Under Pinning contracts Speak in business terms Have accurate Availability Planning Determine dependencies for Service Continuity / Disaster recovery Planning Help define a basis for Configuration Management Complete Release Planning efficiently Conduct Problem Management effectively The service map matters because it facilitates many historically problematic (in a distributed world) ITIL® processes. By problematic, the concepts (such as Release Management) are tough to consume in a distributed world. Service maps matter because they enable: Business Impact Analysis Build SLAs, OLAs, and UCs Speak in business terms Availability Planning Service Continuity Planning Release Planning Problem Management Provides escalation path and contact information Bottom line…everything we do © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential

9 What does a Service Map tell us?
It tells us about the following Hardware streams that make up a service Application streams that make up a service Types of settings that are needed for the service to function Supporting services that are needed to help make sure the service stays available Different customers that use the service Owners of the critical pieces within the service chain

10 Cloud Models © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential

11 Azure IaaS Service Mapping Exercise

12 Elements of a Service Map: Azure IaaS
9/20/2018 1:24 AM Elements of a Service Map: Azure IaaS There are many Service maps and ways to map Services into Azure, use this slide as an example. You want to start out with the application on premise and then determine if elements will be hosted in Azure © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

13 Service Map Review

14 Service Description

15 Why Service Descriptions?
Clearly document and describe the Service delivered to customers. Document and define the customer requirements of the service. Defines what and how IT delivers the services. Describes the (business) value of a service. Provides the business view and IT view of the Service. 9/20/2018

16 Azure Operations Traditional IT organizations and service providers are searching how to extend or deliver their services without the IT organization knowing. To be relevant again service providers and IT organizations need to adopt cloud principles and embrace public cloud services into their portfolio.  To accomplish this a new organizational layer, named Service Integrator or broker, is required that acts on top of services that are being delivered (on-prem or in the cloud) to the customer. Functions delivered within the service integrator and in the IT organization need to be redefined: Function Traditional Way Modern Way Administration Centralized Decentralized Compliance Control Check Service Levels Singular Selectable Standards Decreed Defined Support Agreements Fixed Flexible 9/20/2018

17 Azure Operations Service Provider in the Enterprise Today
Build 2012 9/20/2018 Azure Operations Service Provider in the Enterprise Today Service (Management) Integration Platform (Management) Integration Service Provider Cloud Additional Capabilities Service Provider Organizations that want to leverage Cloud (Azure) Services, will have to integrate Cloud (Azure) Services with their current Services on an Organizational (Service Integration), Operational and Technical level (Platform (Management) Integration) Service Brokerage The updated Service Provider Organization in the Enterprise © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

18 Azure Operations Service Provider (Enterprise)
Build 2012 9/20/2018 Azure Operations Service Provider (Enterprise) Service (Management) Integration Platform (Management) Integration Cloud Provider Service Brokerage Provide Self Service Interface(s) Provide Self Service Interface(s) Collect & Maintain Building Block Attributes Define and Maintain OLA(’s) per Service Provider(s) Provide E2E Self Service Interface(s) Service (Management) Integration Service Provider Cloud Provider Provide Services Provide Services Normalize & Benchmark Building Blocks Define and Maintain SLA(‘s) per Customer Provide the capability for E2E deployment of standardized services Platform (Mgmt) Integration Service Consumer Provide Automated Process(es)* Provide Automated Process(es) Create Service Placement Business Model Manage Service Provider(s) as defined in OLA(‘s) Provide the capability for E2E execution of automated process(es) Service Brokerage Manage Incident(s) * Manage Incident(s) Provide Service Placement Business Model Manage Service(s) as defined in SLA(‘s) Provide E2E Integration of Tooling Service Provider Organizations that want to leverage Cloud (Azure) Services, will have to integrate Cloud (Azure) Services with their current Services on an Organizational (Service Integration), Operational and Technical level (Platform (Management) Integration) Cloud Provider Provide standardized self-service interface(s), standardized service(s) and process(es) Provide automated deployment of standardized service(s) and execution of process(es) Manage incident(s) occurring in standardized service(s) and process(es) Manage problem(s) resulting from re-occurring incident(s) in standardized service(s) and process(es) and perform root cause analysis Provide monitoring and reporting data (e.g. performance data) on standardized service(s) and process(es) Service (Management) Integration Define and maintain operating level agreement(s) per service provider Define and maintain service level agreement(s) per customer Manage service provider(s) as defined in the operating level agreement(s) Manage service(s) as defined in the service level agreement(s) Provide service level agreement reporting (incident, problem, change etc..) Platform (Management) Integration Provide E2E self-service interface(s) Provide the capability for E2E deployment of standardized services Provide the capability for E2E execution of automated process(es) Provide E2E integration of service management tooling and interfaces Manage Problem(s)* Manage Problem(s) Maintain Service Placement Business Model Provide SLA reporting Provide Reporting Data* Provide Reporting Data * Limited to standardized services © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

19 Redefining IT’s role for a cloud future
Service Provider - Service Management Provide standardized self-service interface(s), standardized service(s) and process(es) Provide automated deployment of service(s) and execution of process(es) Manage incident(s) occurring in standardized service(s) and process(es) Manage problem(s) resulting from re-occurring incident(s) in standardized service(s) and process(es) and perform root cause analysis Provide monitoring and reporting data (e.g. performance data) on standardized service(s) and process(es) Service (Mgmt) Integration SLA Service Consumer SLA SLA SLA SLA SLA SLA OLA Service Consumer Service Consumer SLA OLA Platform (Mgmt) Mgmt Integration Service (Management) Provider - Service Integration Define and maintain operating level agreement(s) per service provider Define and maintain service level agreement(s) per customer Manage service provider(s) as defined in the operating level agreement(s) Manage service(s) as defined in the service level agreement(s) Provide service level agreement reporting (incident, problem, change etc..) SLA OLA SLA OLA Speaker Notes: - Shared services requires an organization structure change where skills shift so that services can be defined from quality attributes instead of technical features IAAS PAAS SAAS IAAS PAAS SAAS Public Cloud Private Cloud Service Provider - Platform Management Integration Provide E2E self-service interface(s) Provide the capability for E2E deployment of standardized services Provide the capability for E2E execution of automated process(es) Provide E2E integration of service management tooling and interfaces Customer

20 (Current IT Organization)
Scenario – Azure IaaS Application OS Application Application OS Application Tenant Owner Author Service Consumer Deployer Operator Developer Tester Dev/Ops Team Service Manager Subscription Admin Service Integrator Platform Mgmt OS Platform OS Platform Platform Admin Service Provider (Current IT Organization) Platform Integrator Author Platform mgmt. Admin Network Storage On-Premises Compute Self-service Portal Azure Mgmt Network Storage Azure Compute Cloud Provider Azure Service Catalog

21 Service Description Content
External (towards Service Consumer) Include an overview of the Customer Business. Describes the Service in Business Terms that the Customer can understand and pay for. Alignment to the key business processes Expected customer profiles Service Level and contact points Internal (for Service Provider) Describes what IT must do to deliver the service at the expected levels from the Customer. Understand the elements that comprise the service. Analysis and assessment of these IT elements that comprise the service, can you make the targets? Who supports these Elements (other IT providers in your organization, vendors)? 9/20/2018

22 External Customer Business Overview TODO:
Create a description what the business overview of the service consumer. 9/20/2018

23 External Requirement Description Customer Business Overview TODO:
<Descriptions> <REQ02> <REQ03> Customer Business Overview TODO: Define the customer requirements for the service. List both functional and non-functional requirements. 9/20/2018

24 External Catalog Item Description Service Catalog Overview TODO:
Create an overview of service catalog which the service consumer can utilize. 9/20/2018

25 External Subject Description Service Delivery Overview TODO:
Support Hours Set the support hours of the service Support Conditions Define the support conditions for the service Patch Management What patch capabilities are possible? Service Levels Define all relevant service levels and KPIs for both Azure as on-prem services/ Incident Management How can incidents being submitted and what process and leaptime is required? Access & Security What security & compliance standards aplly to the service and how are these set. How are users access the environments? Change Management How are changes handles that are submitted by the service provider. What standard changes are already defined? Service Delivery Overview TODO: Answer the items on the left to define the overall service delivery. 9/20/2018

26 Internal Setup Service Provider Sessions: Service Mapping
Service Integration Brokerage Function Defining RACI Operations Readiness Information for the internal part of the service description will be defined and collected along the entire jumpstart. The most relevant sessions are listed in the slide. 9/20/2018

27 9/20/2018 1:24 AM Key Decisions Add any key takeaways or decisions from this session © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

28 Next Steps Build out Service Map for your Service
Complete Service Description on your own


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