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Language of Science.

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1 Language of Science

2 PREFIXES A or An Not or non Ab Away from Ad Toward Meso Middle Endo
Aero Anti Arth Auto Bio Chloro Cyto Not or non Away from Toward Middle Inside; inner Needing oxygen or air Against Joint; jointed Self Related to life Green Cell

3 Prefixes Double Di Singular or one Mono Geo Above Epi Outer; external
Exo Gastro Hemo Hetero Homo macro Double Singular or one Pertaining to the earth Above Outer; external Stomach Blood Different Same Large

4 Prefixes Micro Small Multi Pertaining to light Photo Before Pre
Lipo Poly Hydro Intra Proto Zoo Small Consisting of many units Pertaining to light Before Pertaining to fat Many Related to water Within First Related to animals

5 Prefixes In Uni Auto Ex Inside One Self-operating Out

6 Suffixes Pouch -cyst skin; layer -derm Sugar -saccharide Inflammation
Study of Measurement Condition Stage Eater Foot Stationary condition To break To build or make -cyst -derm -saccharide -itis -logy -meter -osis -phase -phage -pod -statisis -lysis -synthesis

7 Suffixes -phyll Leaf -plast Organized living material -troph Food
-cellular -phyte -ation -scope -cretion -gestion -ic Leaf Organized living material Food Having to do with cells Plant Process Instrument for viewing The process of separating To carry About, the process of

8 All Done!!!! Good Job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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