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Earth Systems: Processes that shape the Earth

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1 Earth Systems: Processes that shape the Earth
Clinton Cheung, Calvin Tan, Derek Jou, Chris Ha, Boyang Jiao Period 3

2 Overview: Goal: To learn about the what, when, where, why, and how of water. This is an example of a pond ecosystem! The ecosystems mentioned will include: Marshes Estuaries Open Ocean Freshwater/Saltwater Lakes Freshwater/Saltwater Seas Ponds Vocab: Properties Ecosystems Associated

3 Lesson One Water is unique. Water is essential for life on
Earth because we need it to live! Vocab: Essential Biological

4 L1 : Basic Properties of Water
Cohesion- when water molecules want to stick to one another Adhesion- when water molecules want to stick to something different Cohesion- An intrinsic property that is created by the shape and size of the molecules, orbiting electrons become irregular when molecules get close to one another Adhesion- A property when dissimilar particles tend to cling to one another, divided to 5 different mechanisms of adhesion: dispersive, mechanical, chemical, diffusive, and electrostatic This is an important property. For example, water moves through a plant’s xylem through capillary action which is driven by adhesion.

5 L1 : Basic Properties of Water
(Cont.) - Polarity: one side is stickier than the other -Surface Tension: adhesion and cohesion make water molecules form drops Polarity: uneven electron distrubution density, with a partial negative charge near oxygen atoms and a partial positive charge near the hydrogens Polarity is important because it allows water to be a strong solvent, something that dissolves a solute. This is important for things like digestion. Adjacent: right next to Molecule: unit made up of multiple atoms

6 L1 : Basic Properties of Water
(cont.) -Density: water has a density of 1 -The strong surface tension combined with its density makes many things float on it Property of buoyancy Density of water is shown in this. Water is more dense than oil, while less dense than golden syrup! Eggs float in water, therefore they are buoyant. When you throw a sports ball into a pool, it floats because the ball contains gases that are less dense than the water. Therefore, the less dense object will float.

7 Lesson Two Water makes up 70% of the Earth’s surface.
It can be found as either freshwater or saltwater Can be solid or liquid As shown in the diagram, 97.5% of our water is saltwater, while only 2.5% of it is freshwater!

8 L2 : Different Bodies of Water
Bodies of water can be large or small. The ocean is a large body of water A pond is an example of a small body of water

9 L2 : Where Water Can be Found
- There are many different forms of water in an area, including: Liquid Water- lakes, rivers, streams Solid Water - glaciers, ice Gaseous Water - present in the air we breathe in Bodies of water is accumulated on planet’s surface while some being man-made. It generally moves from one place to another, according to its geological feature, while some are contained and still. The forms can also change according to temperature and altitude.

10 L2 : Different Bonds for Water
A water molecule has: - two hydrogen atoms - one oxygen atom The atoms are connected with two types of bonds - Covalent bonds are in the same molecule - Hydrogen bonds are between molecules

11 L2 : Bodies of Water and Land
- River: a body of freshwater flowing towards the ocean - Wetlands: land surrounded by water - Glaciers: solid form of water composed of ice River: watercourse of freshwater flowing towards ocean,lake, sea, or another river. Sometimes it is dried up or goes beneath the ground floor. Wetland: a land area that is composed of mostly hydric soil, supporting aquatic plants Glacier: a dense solid body of water that constantly moves according to its weight, and takes up more ice and snow over years

12 Lesson 3 Water is needed to grow food We cannot drink saltwater
Only freshwater can be used to grow food Only freshwater is safe for humans to constantly drink. Agriculture is farming on a large scale.

13 L3 : Everyday Usage of Water
From day to day we…. Drink it Bathe in it Wash dishes with it Wash clothes with it Water lawns with it

14 L3 : Global Usage of Water
On a large scale, water is used to… Grow food Build things Raise cows Power dams 70% of water is used for agricultural reasons in the world. Most of our water comes from glaciers.

15 Required Vocab Lesson 1 - Lesson 2 -
Water: clear fluid found worldwide Adhesion: a property when molecules that are not similar want to stick to one another Cohesion:a property when similar molecules want to stick to one another Polarity: an uneven distribution of electrons Density: water has a density of 1 kg/cubic meter Buoyancy: the ability of objects to float in water Dissolve: when particles come apart Solvent: able to dissolve other substances Solute: substance being dissolved Surface Tension: energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid Properties: characteristics of something Lesson 2 - Ocean: largest body of water on Earth Lakes: body of water surrounded by land River: freshwater flowing towards ocean Wetlands: land area surrounded/ covered by water Glacier: solid bodies of water Hydrogen Bonds: the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules Covalent Bonds: chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms Ice: frozen water in solid form Expand: to become larger Freeze: to become frozen Gas: the air around us Temperature: measure of how hot or cold

16 Required Vocab Lesson 3 -
Freshwater: water that can be safely consumed by humans and other organisms Salt water: most ocean water is salt water Agriculture: farming Dams: barrier that holds water Livestock: animals Hydrate: containing water Global: worldwide Glacier: solid form of water Water vapor: gas form of water Hydroelectric dams: dams that use water to power it Readily: already available to use Manufacture: making things

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