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Published byPhebe Freeman Modified over 6 years ago
Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Institutions Business
How Investing in Climate Resilience Can Make a Resilient Portfolio Lauren smart Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Institutions Business S&P Dow Jones Indices
Inside ETFs: ETF Spotlight Talk How Investing in Climate Resilience Can Make a Resilient Portfolio
Lauren Smart Managing Director Trucost, part of S&P Dow Jones Indices 23 January 2018,
Do we really know what we think we know
Do we really know what we think we know? Cognitive Biases & ESG Performance
No such thing as a Free Lunch… ….or is there?
S&P 500 Low Carbon Indices Returns Outperform Benchmark
World Economic Forum, Global Risk Landscape Major Risks are Climate Related
Source: :
Macro-Economic Trends: Resource Revolution
Resource Pressures Supply Side Demand Side Erosion of Natural Resources: Pollution, over exploitation Climate Change: More extreme & unpredictable weather events, more severe weather events e.g. droughts, floods, hurricanes Population up to 9bn by 2040: 1900: 1.6 billion people 2000: 6 billion 2040: projected 9 billion 2bn more middle class consumers expected by 2030 20% of the world’s population live in water stressed areas Regulatory & Financial Implications The Paris Agreement entered into force globally in 2015 ratified by 169 parties SOURCES: United Nations DESA/Population Division: United Nations: Brookings Institute: .
Why Does Climate Matter to the Finance Industry
Why Does Climate Matter to the Finance Industry? The Future will not look like the Past “Shifts in our climate bring potentially profound implications for insurers, financial stability & the economy” (Mark Carney 2015) Breaking the tragedy of the horizon: climate change & financial stability Sept speech to Lloyds of London “The past is not prologue and the catastrophic norms of the future can be seen in the tail risks of today….Risks to financial stability will be minimised if the transition begins early and follows a predictable path, thereby helping the market anticipate the transition to a 2 degree world”. Source:
“Water, water everywhere… But not a drop to drink”
Only 2.5% of the world’s water is freshwater 97.5% Of that, 69% is Frozen 97.5% of the world’s water is saltwater 68.9% Frozen Only 30.8% Groundwater 15,415 l/k 70% of Freshwater used for Agriculture 4,325 l/k 1 kilo of beef requires 15,000 litres of water to produce = 200 baths 2,497 l/k 287 l/k (Source: Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge) BEEF CHICKEN RICE POTATO Source: Source: Data from Institution of Mechanical Engineers
How to feed a growing population in an increasingly water scarce future?
“When the well is dry we know the value of water…” Benjamin Franklin
Market Failure & Externalities: Water costs and scarcity are inversely correlated. Water prices are often subsidized and fail to reflect the scarcity value of water. Source: Trucost
Money Underwater: Physical Risk
In the U.S. $ bn worth of coastal property could be below sea level by 2100 (Risky Business 2014) Since the 1980s the number of weather related loss events has tripled to $50bn. It is estimated that the 20cm rise in sea levels at the tip of Manhattan since the 1950s increased insured losses from Superstorm Sandy by 20% (Lloyds) Hurricane Andrew: price of reinsuring weather events spiked, lead to a rise of up to 40% in premiums in some parts of Florida. Source: Source: Bank of England Prudential Regulation Authority: “The impact of climate change on the UK insurance sector” Sept 2015/
Economic Evolution Transition Risk & Opportunities
Stranded Assets: Unburnable Carbon?
Source: To change, turn on or off footer: Inset > Header & Footer > Enter / change text > Click Apply All.
Economic Revolutions Require Capital A $93trn Opportunity
Over the next 15 years, approximately $93 trillion will be needed for investment in low carbon infrastructure across the world Sustainable Agriculture Water Efficiency Clean Energy Low Carbon Transport Infrastructure Smart Technology Waste Reduction/ Recycling Source:
Building Climate Resilience, Building Financial Resilience
“Climate risk is inevitable – Some impacts on investment returns is inevitable…” “Climate Risk is more complex and longer-term than most investment risks” Investors can improve outcomes by being prepared” “Managing climate risk is outside the average investor focus areas” “Uncertainty about the future should not be a barrier to action” “Some action will lead to better investment outcomes than no action” Source: “Investing in a time of climate change” 2015
The Worst Case Scenario?
Source: Climate Summit by Joel Pett
Contact Us: Lauren Smart Managing Director
Global Head of Financial Institutions | Trucost 20 Canada Square Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LH T +44 (0)
The S&P 500 Fossil Fuel Free Index was launched August 28, The S&P 500 Fossil Fuel Free Carbon Efficient Index was launched on November 16, The S&P 500 Fossil Fuel Free Carbon Efficient Select Index was launched on January 11, All information presented prior to an index’s Launch Date is hypothetical (back-tested), not actual performance. The back-test calculations are based on the same methodology that was in effect on the index Launch Date. However, when creating back-tested history for periods of market anomalies or other periods that do not reflect the general current market environment, index methodology rules may be relaxed to capture a large enough universe of securities to simulate the target market the index is designed to measure or strategy the index is designed to capture. For example, market capitalization and liquidity thresholds may be reduced. Complete index methodology details are available at Past performance of the Index is not an indication of future results. Prospective application of the methodology used to construct the Index may not result in performance commensurate with the back- test returns shown. S&P Dow Jones Indices defines various dates to assist our clients in providing transparency. The First Value Date is the first day for which there is a calculated value (either live or back-tested) for a given index. The Base Date is the date at which the Index is set at a fixed value for calculation purposes. The Launch Date designates the date upon which the values of an index are first considered live: index values provided for any date or time period prior to the index’s Launch Date are considered back-tested. S&P Dow Jones Indices defines the Launch Date as the date by which the values of an index are known to have been released to the public, for example via the company’s public website or its datafeed to external parties. For Dow Jones-branded indices introduced prior to May 31, 2013, the Launch Date (which prior to May 31, 2013, was termed “Date of introduction”) is set at a date upon which no further changes were permitted to be made to the index methodology, but that may have been prior to the Index’s public release date. The back-test period does not necessarily correspond to the entire available history of the Index. Please refer to the methodology paper for the Index, available at for more details about the index, including the manner in which it is rebalanced, the timing of such rebalancing, criteria for additions and deletions, as well as all index calculations. Another limitation of using back-tested information is that the back-tested calculation is generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. Back-tested information reflects the application of the index methodology and selection of index constituents in hindsight. No hypothetical record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, there are numerous factors related to the equities, fixed income, or commodities markets in general which cannot be, and have not been accounted for in the preparation of the index information set forth, all of which can affect actual performance. The Index returns shown do not represent the results of actual trading of investable assets/securities. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC maintains the Index and calculates the Index levels and performance shown or discussed, but does not manage actual assets. Index returns do not reflect payment of any sales charges or fees an investor may pay to purchase the securities underlying the Index or investment funds that are intended to track the performance of the Index. The imposition of these fees and charges would cause actual and back-tested performance of the securities/fund to be lower than the Index performance shown. As a simple example, if an index returned 10% on a US $100,000 investment for a 12-month period (or US $10,000) and an actual asset-based fee of 1.5% was imposed at the end of the period on the investment plus accrued interest (or US $1,650), the net return would be 8.35% (or US $8,350) for the year. Over a three year period, an annual 1.5% fee taken at year end with an assumed 10% return per year would result in a cumulative gross return of 33.10%, a total fee of US $5,375, and a cumulative net return of 27.2% (or US $27,200).
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Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Institutions Business
How Investing in Climate Resilience Can Make a Resilient Portfolio Lauren smart Managing Director, Global Head of Financial Institutions Business S&P Dow Jones Indices
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