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School-Wide Discipline Plan Colleton County Middle School

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1 School-Wide Discipline Plan Colleton County Middle School 2015-2016
One Team, One dream

2 Level I: Disorderly Conduct
Your thoughts?? Do these warrant immediate referrals? Think! Pair! Share! Classroom tardiness Dress code violation PDA Cheating on assignments Lying Acting in a manner so as to interfere with the Instructional process Abusive language between or among students Failure to complete assignments or carry out directions Forging notes or excuses

3 Level II: Disruptive Conduct
Definition: activities engaged in by students(s) which are directed against persons or property and the consequences of which tend to endanger the health or safety of themselves or others in the school. (May overlap criminal offenses, justifying both administrative sanctions and court proceedings)

4 Level II Offenses Fighting
Display/participation in gang/gang-like activity Vandalism Stealing Threats against others Slander against school officials Trespassing Abusive language to staff Refusal to obey school personnel (or agents) Possession of unauthorized substances, defined by law or board policy Harassment, intimidation, bullying Consequences: removal, ISS, OSS, expulsion, restitution, etc.

5 Level III: Criminal Conduct
Principal, Assistant Principal, Student Concerns Specialist, etc. reports to law enforcement. Include, but not limited to: Assault and battery Extortion Bomb threat Pulling of fire alarm Possession, use, or transfer of a weapon Sexual offenses Indecent exposure Vandalism (major) Theft, possession of stolen property Arson Use of intoxicant Furnishing or selling unauthorized substances Furnishing, selling or possession of controlled substances (drugs, narcotics, poisons) Consequences: removal, ISS, OSS, expulsion, restitution, etc.

6 Discipline Plan Level I Offenses
1st and 2nd Offense: Wall Detention 3rd and 4th Offense: Wall and Cafeteria Detention (Silent Lunch, designated table) 5th and 6th Offense: Inside Detention (Entire Lunch Period, bag lunch) 7th Offense: Referral to Principal (ISS- Copy prior offenses from Google Doc on referral) 8th and 9th Offense: Inside Detention Parent Contact for EACH OFFENSE

7 Example…

8 Pod Responsibilities: Divide and Conquer!
Sample Detention 8/27 Wall J. Hopp Wall/Café Greene C. Goods Inside Detention J. Bridges H. Swift Generate list for each pod. Post where students exit the building for lunch or recess. Team leaders list of names to Detention Teachers. Make parent contact- best by , but ask for a response so that it counts as “contact”. Otherwise, you’ll need to call. Detention assignments will be served the following day. Detention Teachers Meet students in detention classroom at the start of lunch. Students spread out and fill out reflection form. One teacher goes to cafeteria to get bag lunches. Teachers may discuss with/mentor students as to why they were assigned to detention. Otherwise, no talking If a student will not cooperate in detention, call for administrator.

9 Check-In and Check-Out With SCS
Students on probation, meet on Mondays with SCS. Set points goal. Get sheet signed by teachers. Meet goal- rewarded by SCS. Did not meet goal- SCS mentors student regarding any issues.

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