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Library Session for HRM 2600
Sophie Bury Business Librarian York University Libraries Fall 2013 Introduce self. Focus of today’s session.
Agenda Introduction to the Libraries Using the library’s catalogue
Finding journal articles Finding an article when you are working from a citation/reference Different types of business articles Effective search strategies Finding articles on a HRM topic: Using articles databases Citation and academic integrity The goal of today is to equip you with the knowledge you need to engage in basic business research and we’ll use HRM as a special focus. You’ll learn about the main library services and resources you should be aware of in order to do HRM assignments effectively. And what you learn will also translate to other courses e.g. you can use the tools and research strategies we are going to talk about in other business courses. In specific terms I’ll introduce you to the Libraries with a focus on the business library. I’ll talk about what the library catalogue is and how it can help you with research. I’ll spend most of today’s session talking about finding journal articles. These are likely to be key for your HRM assignments and assignments in other business courses. Having shown you how to find articles I’ll talk about citation and academic integrity which comes at the end of the process when you are preparing a presentation or writing a paper. And then we’ll conclude with a few final tips.
Getting started at the Libraries
Library Catalogue Link to Business Library
Quick Video Study Like a Scholar, Scholar
Bronfman Business Library – Getting help
Bronfman Library Homepage: Access the library guide for HRM 2600 here Top 10 is basic pointers but useful as FAQ Ways of getting help – Can use usual reference services including chat. Probably most likely to want to avail of subject liaison librarians
Using the Library’s catalogue
Use it to find books (print and electronic), gov. publications, videos and more… Do not use it to find articles on a topic Use it to find a journal or magazine, e.g. Harvard Business Review Use it to find a database, e.g. Business Source Premier
Using the Library’s catalogue
Refine your search via the Refine menus to the left Sort your search results (the default is to sort by Relevance)
Finding journal articles: Library catalogue and Google Scholar
If you have a specific reference to a journal article, you can use the library catalogue to see if it’s available electronically. Here’s an example of a citation: Tremblay, M., Patry, M., & Lanoie, P. (2008). Human resources outsourcing in Canadian organizations: An empirical analysis of the role of organizational characteristics, transaction costs and risks. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(4),
Finding journal articles: Finding journals in the library catalogue
Let’s review: Which is the publication title for the following citations? “Correcting employment tax errors.” The Tax Adviser. Kathleen Mort and Dan Boeskin (July 2009): p429(3). Jonathan Chevreau. (2009, October 14). Many Canadians are missing TFSA boat; Market growth will already have boosted accounts. Calgary Herald, D.10. Retrieved October 19, 2009. Smoking Cessation Programs Aim to Control Costs, Lift Productivity. HR Focus. New York: Dec Vol. 86, Iss. 12; p. 13 Then say that to check that they understand the concept we’re going to look at three examples together. In each case going to ask you what the name of the periodical is – might be a journal, a magazine or a newspaper. And going to remind you that I ask you this because this is always your starting point when searching our site.
Finding journal articles: Different types of business articles
Which is which? Scholarly journal Trade/Industry publication Popular Business Magazine Newspaper/Newswire Remember there is a video on this topic as well! It’s linked on the Library web guide for HRM 2600 So talked about finding an article when working from a citation. But often professors may say go and find me articles about x, y or z topic. Going to show you some tools and resources to help you now. First off useful to understand that you can’t paint all articles with one brush. They have different characteristics depending where they appear. And what you choose to use will depend on kind of information you want. Fist let’s consider the academic or scholarly? Anyone want to tell me which one they think it is? Then ask them what kind of characteristics it would have e.g. author, type of information?
Finding journal articles: Different types of business articles
Scholarly/Academic Published in academic journals that focus on a general area of business or commerce research (i.e. Journal of Management) or on a specific sub-topic (i.e. Journal of Organizational Change Management) Written by academics (professors) and researchers Typically focus on original research Often undergo a peer-reviewed process (other experts from the field review the item for academic quality) Have a publication lag time due to the long editorial process Use specialized language specific to the field Contain extensive citations and bibliographies Normally appear with plain covers, few or no pictures or advertisements Main thing to understand is that they are written by academics. They are peer-reviewed (explain). They have a lit review and bibliographies (good for leading you to earlier articles on topic). They have an original research section e.g. hypothesis and they’ve tested it by developing a model or by gathering empirical data. Survey or interview research etc. Any negatives? Not the best for currency.
Finding journal articles: Different types of business articles
Trade and Industry Published in trade or professional journals or magazines e.g. HR Professional, Autoweek etc. Target members of a specific business, industry or organization Written by practitioners or journalists who cover the field Often published by an association or organization Valued for currency Typically focus on industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news Editorial review quite common, may contain short bibliographies Often printed on glossy paper with pictures, charts, and illustrations and some focused advertising If you want very current information about what is going in in a particular industry – trends or news. Trade journal better. Come out monthly. Keep yourself up to date in terms of hot button issues for those working in the industry. Written by practitioners or business journalists. Very useful when you wish to look at a specific industry too. Brief articles. Can be technical – may not always understand the language if you do not work in the industry or profession. Negative is that they do not include original research and none or very short bibliographies.
Finding journal articles: Different types of business articles
Popular Business Published in popular magazines e.g Canadian Business, Economist, Forbes, Maclean’s Target audience is general public and/or business professionals. Tend to focus on general business information especially current trends and news. Typically unsigned articles with no bibliographies Use of laymen terms not specialized language. Features glossy paper, pictures & illustrations, and heavy advertising Very good for business news. Layman. Very accessible. Currency – weekly.
Finding journal articles: Different types of business articles
Newspaper or Newswire Published in newspapers or newswires e.g. Wall Street Journal, Financial Times or Canada Newswire Short articles quite typical Focus on current events and news in business and the economy Written by business columnists or journalists Newspapers. Explain to them why it’s good to use the library web site rather than Google for newspapers. Go back in time. Search across many newspapers at once. Sophisticated search engines. Later I’ll show you a few databases that will help you out.
Finding journal articles: Effective search strategies in an articles database
Avoid natural language – typing full sentences into an articles database won’t work! Boil your topic down to keywords and concepts Connect you different concepts/ keywords with “and”: “and” is used for combining distinctive concepts and has the effect of narrowing the search employees and motivation Introduce synonyms to a keyword and divide the synonyms with “or” “or” is used to combine synonyms or like terms and broadens the search “corporate training” OR “professional development” OR “continuing education” Use truncation symbols where appropriate to find relevant variants on a word manag*, canad* Put phrases in quotes as shown above Once you understand the different types of articles and why one might be preferred to another depending on the context of your research, next step before you start searching a database is to understand some key principles or tricks you can use. Don’t use natural language. Instead remember ands and ors. Explain what they do. Another trick is to use truncation.
Finding journal articles: Effective search strategies in an articles database
Make sure you know what the database is searching by default. You’ll get very different results if default is to search full-text of all articles instead of only searching citations and abstracts (summaries). Change the default if you need to. Consider the source – many databases will allow you to view articles by type. Is the article scholarly, trade or popular? Got too many results? Look for ways to refine search results in the database Also think about what the database is searching. Check that out. Is it searching full-text or citations and summaries. This is important and we’ll see why in a moment. Getting back to types of articles. Get a list of results but you can typically filter by type. If you get too many hits first time what can you do. I’ll share some tips about this with you.
Finding journal articles: Using article databases for your research
How do you know which articles database to choose? Use the research guides for business on the library home page So now we understand fundamentals on how to search properly and what kind of different bus articles there are, logical to start searching an articles database. But how do you find that out? Here are two options. [image is linked to home page] Explain they can use this prominent link on the home page – subject research guides. It’s basically a place where the business librarians pull together the key articles databases. So let’s have a quick look. Show them that the newspaper databases are separate. Another way to get to the databases and really a better way because this is a tailored guide for HRM is the web guide for your class (first link on your Library Resources handout). Let’s go there. Need to click where it says finding articles when you don’t know which articles database to use. Go there and show them. Now it’s quite a list but really only boils down to a few key things to remember. I ask you know to refer to your finding business articles handout – the key databases refer on the reverse side. Explain that the biggest most comprehensive databases are Proquest Business and BSP – they have scholarly, trade and popular. If you are looking to research current trends in an industry or in a profession Trade and Industry a specialist resource. If focusing on Canadian context CBCA Complete is good. And note that all the databases with Proquest beside them can be searched together. Finally PsycInfo is one to keep on the radar if you are a HRM student esp. if thinking of majoring in this area. Good for HRM and OB. If you want newspaper articles the key database to remember is Factiva. For Canadian news we have Canadian newsstand. Show them these on the web guide too. OR Use the course web guide we created for HRM 2600 – it’s available via the Moodle site for your course
Finding Journal Articles: Using article databases for your research
To access an articles database: Once you get to be a dab hand at all this and you know the names of the databases there is a quick route for looking them up. Go to next slide. So you just go back to the search box on the library home page and type the name of the database in there. Do this so they see how it works. Type the articles database name into the catalogue’s search box (i.e. Proquest Business, Business Source Premier, etc.)
What would you type in this search box?
Research question: What kind of policies are firms developing around the use of social media sites in the workplace? Search So we are going to do a live demo very shortly. First let’s talk about topic we are working with. Read out slide. Before we go live let’s take a look at what the search interface will look like and get familiar with its features and some things it’s good to know. What would you type in this search box?
Proquest Business Advanced search
Select advanced search mode. This makes it very easy to build your search This is what we are going to see. Two things to remember. If want to search ABI/INFORM Global and combine that with Trade and Industry and CBCA Business – need to choose “select multiple databases” Also our topic has a couple of different concepts so actually easiest to use advanced search when we have a few different concepts.
Building an advanced search Start like this…
Building an advanced search Improve your search…
Introduce synonyms or like terms, e.g. social media or facebook or twitter Look for variants on word forms, e.g. work*
RefWorks: Help with citing and organizing sources
Finding journal articles: Using article databases for your research
Demonstration: Let’s search Proquest Business live! Then PsycInfo. Start at the web-based guide for today’s session
What is RefWorks? Free to all York students, staff and faculty
Web-based Set up an account by going to this web site and choosing option to set up an individual account Allows you to create a database of citations or references to resources (books, journal articles, web sites, etc.) Facilitates the automatic insertion of citations within a research paper as in-text references, footnotes, or endnotes, and the creation of a formatted bibliography using a citation style of choice More information available on our web site 25
Bronfman Business Library
Location: S237 Schulich School of Business Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. This is where we are and when we are there.
Getting help from us throughout the year
Questions or comments? Feel free to contact the library: In person: Schulich Building S237 Chat: IM Chat Reference (available on the Bronfman Business Library homepage Phone: So to wrap-up. You may have assignment queries later on in terms for this course or for other HRM or business courses. Remember we are there to help.
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