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FUTURA 2013-2014 *.

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Presentation on theme: "FUTURA 2013-2014 *."— Presentation transcript:


2 Meet the Teacher Natalee Mapp *

3 What Does FUTURA stand for?
Facilitating Understanding Through Utilizing Real Life Applications *

4 What is F.U.T.U.R.A.? Problem Solving Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking Evaluative Thinking *

5 Expectations Have an acceptable level of productivity
Development and use of planning strategies Utilization of problem solving techniques Application of core content learning to projects and products Flexibility and Critical thinking Collaboration with fellow students Perseverance and task commitment Maintenance of proper classroom decorum *

6 Buffalo Trail FUTURA Center
 Wednesday – Little River 4th & 5th Thursday – Buffalo Trail 5th Friday – Buffalo Trail 4th Our classes is room 204 *

7 Tentative Daily Schedule
Take Bus to FUTURA center 9:00 Arrive at FUTURA center 9:00-10:00 Interest Development Centers 10:00-12:00 Systems Investigations 12:00-12:25 Recess & Restroom 12:25-12:55 Lunch 12:55-1:30 Creative Problem Solving 1:30-1:45 Agendas, Reflection and Clean up 1:45 Take Bus back to base school Students are actively working/learning the entire time they are in FUTURA. There are no specials to break up the day. *

8 Your Attendance Is Important To Us!
If your student is going to be absent, please also call Buffalo Trail Elementary School (703) *

9 Inclement Weather 1 hour delay: FUTURA starts 1 hour late (10am)
2 hour delay: FUTURA starts 2 hours late (11am) Early dismissal: FUTURA students send back to home school

10 Lunch Students may bring their lunch from home or buy at the FUTURA center. Lunch accounts are interconnected with your child’s base school. Please make sure they have money on their account if they plan to buy lunch when at FUTURA. Please send your child with a nutritious and “nut free” snack. *

11 Interest Development Centers
Goals: FUTURA students have the opportunity to choose activities based on interest and learning style while working at their own individual pace. Students learn task commitment and time management skills. Reflect on individual accomplishments and set goals. *

12 Systems Investigations

13 Essential Understandings of Systems
Systems have design Systems can change Systems have boundaries Systems have a function Systems have parts that interact *

14 Binder Your child is responsible for bringing their binder each week
Agendas will be used to keep track of due dates. FUTURA *

15 Assessments A performance assessment is given at the end of each semester. (late January and June) Informal assessments are ongoing. These will be in your child’s FUTURA binder. Students are often asked to complete self-assessments on various products. This allows them to reflect on their learning. A copy of the FUTURA Assessment can be found in your child’s binder. *

16 At home, FUTURA students may need to:
Homework Policy Home School Homework - Students have two days to make up any missed assignments. At home, FUTURA students may need to: Continue FUTURA research Bring in materials for certain lessons Complete Renzulli extensions

17 What Is Renzulli? Renzulli is an internet based educational tool which provides fun, engaging and meaningful activities that are tailored to meet your child's individual interests and needs. Parents are encouraged to open a free account. Students are to check their accounts at least once week outside of FUTURA class. Renzulli Learning is linked to the Buffalo Trail FUTURA Webpage.

18 Please Check Website - Buffalo Trail Elementary School
-Specialist -FUTURA You can find this presentation on the website.

19 Buffalo Trail Elementary
Communication Buffalo Trail Elementary (703) or *

20 Thank You For Your Support
I look forward to a great year of FUTURA. Please feel free to visit the classrooms after the presentation. Mapp: RM 204

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