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Black Frontiers Review.

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1 Black Frontiers Review

2 bondage bond – age (noun)
Kid friendly definition – slavery; being held against your will controlled by another Sentence stem – The Emancipation Proclamation…

3 earthen earth – en (adjective) Kid-friendly definition – made of earth
Sentence stem – Pioneers on the Great Plains made…

4 homesteaders home – stead – ers (noun)
Kid-friendly definition – settlers; people who live on land granted by the U.S. government Sentence stem – Many people left the destruction of the South…

5 commissioned com – mis –sioned (adjective)
Kid friendly definition – having a rank of second lieutenant or above in the U.S. Army Sentence stem – Prejudice prevented African Americans from becoming…

6 encounter en – count – er (verb)
Kid friendly definition – face; meet unexpectedly Sentence stem – Mrs. Woodward had a pleasant…

7 settlement set – tle – ment (noun)
Kid-friendly definition – colony; a group of buildings and the people living in them Sentence stem – Daniel Boone led pioneers to Kentucky where they…

8 More Words to Know (Suffixes ‒en, ‒age, ‒ment)
Suffixes are word parts added at the end of a base word. A suffix can change a word’s part of speech.

9 golden Definition – yellow Sentence stem – There once was
a goose that ...

10 package Definition – wrapped box
Sentence stem – The mail carrier delivered ...

11 disappointment Definition – discouragement
Sentence stem – Nate’s face showed his disappointment when ...

12 frozen Definition – frigid; very cold
Sentence stem - When the temperature drops ...

13 passage Definition – journey; voyage Sentence stem - The explorers ...

14 refreshment Definition – food or drink
Sentence stem – Our hunger and thirst ...

15 Skill: Cause and Effect
A cause is what makes something happen. An effect is something that happens as a result of a cause. Several causes may lead to one effect. Cause Cause Effect

16 Look Back and Write Who and where were the Exodusters? Did they succeed? Review pages Provide evidence to support your answer.

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