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The Circulatory System

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1 The Circulatory System

2 Cardiovascular Diseases (page 61)

3 Arteriosclerosis Plaque = calcium, fat, cholesterol and cellular waste. Buildup of plaque in arteries causes the artery walls to become hard and thick, losing elasticity, and decreasing blood flow An embolism can result if a piece of the plaque breaks off and blocks a blood vessel. Thrombosis is similar to an embolisim but is caused by blood clots.


5 Causes: Treatment: Diet high in cholesterol, fat, and salt smoking
lack of exercise Gentetics Treatment: best treatment is often lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, and not smoking. Existing plaque does not naturally go away. Sometimes drugs or surgery are necessary

6 Hypertension (high blood pressure / alta presión sanguínea)
Blood pressure = force of blood pushing against walls of arteries, resistance

7 Hypertension (high blood pressure / alta presión sanguínea)
If there is high blood pressure, the heart has to work harder to pump blood High blood pressure develops over many years, and affects almost everyone eventually If left untreated, it can lead to more serious health problems such as heart attack or stroke, aneurysm or blood clot, heart failure, blindness or kidney failure


9 High blood pressure is commonly caused overtime but there are risk factors that increase the chances: Age, risk increases between years old Overweight or obese, more blood needed to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues Smoking tobacco Too much salt in your diet Drinking too much alcohol High stress

10 Heart attack infarto Age
Caused when blood supply to the heart is blocked Most commonly caused by buildup of plaque in the arteries or blockage due to a blood clot Risk factors: Age Obesity, lack of exercise Smoking Use of illegal drugs High blood pressure Stress Diabetes Always call for emergency help if you think someone is having a heart attack



13 Aneurysm aneurisma Aneurysm refers to a bulge or 'pocketing' of the wall or lining of a vessel commonly occurring in the blood vessels at the base of the septum, or within the aorta. If the aneurysm bursts, this leads to internal bleeding and possible death.



16 Diseases and Disorders of the blood (page 62)

17 Anaemia anemia Low levels of haemoglobin or red blood cells, which causes tissues to receive less oxygen Most common type: iron deficiency Low levels of iron in body, hard to produce haemoglobin for red blood cells Common symptoms are fatigue or weakness Can be treated by altering eating habits (eating more iron rich foods) or by taking iron supplements (pills) Hemoglobin = protein that carries oxygen found in red blood cells Ironrich foods = meats, beans, green vegetables


19 Anaemia anemia Low levels of haemoglobin or red blood cells, which causes tissues to receive less oxygen Haemoglobins are proteins that carry oxygen. Most common type: iron deficiency Low levels of iron in body, hard to produce haemoglobin for red blood cells Common symptoms are fatigue or weakness Can be treated by altering eating habits (eating more iron rich foods) or by taking iron supplements (pills) Hemoglobin = protein that carries oxygen found in red blood cells Ironrich foods = meats, beans, green vegetables


21 Leukaemia leucemia Cancer that affects blood and bone marrow
Abnormal amount of white blood cells are produced that cannot fight infection Most common cancer found in children


23 treatment options: Symptoms: - easy bleeding or bruising
weakness or fatigue - bone pain frequent or sever infections - red spots on skin rapid weight loss Exact causes are still unknown but believed to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors Blood cells have mutations in their DNA, cause cells to grow and divide more rapidly than normal treatment options: bone marrow transplant (replace bone marrow with healthy cells) Chemotherapy (chemicals kill leukaemia cells) Radiation therapy (x-rays damage leukaemia cells)

24 Haemophilia Blood does not clot normally due to a lack of proteins
People with haemophilia bleed longer than normal after an injury or accident It is a genetic disorder (inherited) with no cure


26 Haemophilia Treatment: injection of hormones that increase clotting
If very serious, blood infusions or replacement therapy medications that thicken blood Fact: Haemophilia was common among European royals in the 19th-early 20th century Queen Victoria passed the disease to her descendants sometimes known as the ¨royal disease¨

27 Healthy habits Cardio exercise (running, cycling, swimming)
Drink water to dilute and eliminate waste from body Do not smoke, it increases blood pressure and stress on the heart Avoid high-fat diets, which causes buildup of plaque Eat low-salt diet, too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure Maintain a healthy weight

28 Questions 1. What can cause an embolism?
Pieces of plaque can break off from the wall of a blood vessel and obstruct blood flow resulting in an embolism. 2. What is a heart attack? When blood supply to the heart is suddenly blocked. This prevents blood and oxygen from reaching inside the heart, causing a heart attack. 3. What is a haemoglobin and why is it important? It´s a PROTEIN in R.B.C. that carries oxygen. It´s important because if the level of the harmoglobin is below normal, you will not receive enough oxygen. 3. What is the most common cáncer found in children? Leukaemia. It impacts the blood and bone marrow. There are a large number of abnormal W.B.C. 5. What is a symtom of Haemophilia? Not allowing blood to clot. 6. Why is it important to avoid foods high in fat? Because it can lead to obesity, arteriosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. High body weight increases the chance of heart attack.

29 Homework Pg. 68 #5 Only Circulatory
Name Organ Impacted Causes Symptoms/ Complications Healthy Habits Arteriosclerosis Hypertension Heart attack Aneurysm Anaemia Leukaemia

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