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Ivona Sigurnjak, Evi Michels, Sara Crappé, Ellen Dolmans, Filip M. G

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Presentation on theme: "Ivona Sigurnjak, Evi Michels, Sara Crappé, Ellen Dolmans, Filip M. G"— Presentation transcript:

Ivona Sigurnjak, Evi Michels, Sara Crappé, Ellen Dolmans, Filip M.G. Tack, Nico Vergote, Erik Meers

Problem statement Objectives 2 GREENHOUSE TRIAL Methods Results 3 CONCLUSION Current work Future perspectives

3 INTRODUCTION Problem statement Objectives

4 PROBLEM STATEMENT Intensive industrial farming results in localized nutrient (N,P) excesses at a regional level. Similar situations in France (Brittany region), Netherlands, Germany (Nord Westfalen), Italy (Po Valley) Sutton et al. Our Nutrient World: Global overview on nutrient management (2013)

Flanders is the main production location of frozen vegetables, accounting for 46% of European production (Vanhaverbeke et al., 2008). In 2010, million kg of fertilizer N and 5.5 million kg of fertilizer P was applied on Flemish soil (Eurostat, 2013) in spite of existing excesses for animal manure nutrients. Manure excess on soil balance kg N/ha MIRA (2012): Soil balance in Flemish agriculture, figures for MIRA (2012): Flanders Environment Report – Eutrophication

OBJECTIVES A sustainable resources management (C2C)! CRADLE – TO – CRADLE CONCEPT

7 GREENHOUSE TRIAL Methods Results

8 GREENHOUSE TRIAL Test plant : lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
N-P205-K20 requirements: – 125 – 240 kg/ha Salt sensitive crop: upper limit of 1,8 mS/cm = 90 – 100 % yield (Naaldwijk method) Lab & Field scale assessment

9 Bio-digestion and manure derivatives
GREENHOUSE TRIAL: lab scale assessment 1) GREEN FERTILIZERS Physico-chemical characterisation: Total NPK, Available NPK, EC, pH, OM, DM In total 12 bio-digestion and manure derivatives Bio-digestion and manure derivatives 1. RO – concentrate (3x) NK – fertilizer 2. Evaporated effluent from biological treatment 3. Ammonium sulphate (2x) N – fertilizer 4. Struvite P – fertilizer 5. Effluent from biological treatment K – fertilizer 6. Effluent from constructed wetlands 7. LF of pig manure 8. LF of digestate 9. Urine from separated stable constructions N - fertilizer

10 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: lab scale assessment
2) POT- EXPERIMENT Aim: evaluate the use of bio-digestion/manure derivatives as compared to synthetic fertilizers with respect to EC level 60 pots (1 blank + 4 replicates) filled with a mixture of greenhouse soil and bio-digestion/manure derivatives Result: EC level for tested bio-digestion/manure derivatives was within the limit of 1,8 mS/cm, except in the case of evaporated effluent from biological treatment (as N- fertilizer). ! In order to meet the nutrient requirements of the lettuce. ...after 24h EC was measured.

11 GREEN FERTILIZERS Struvite LF of digestate CW effluent
Ammoniumsulphate Fertilizers DM (%) Total N (g/kg FW) Total P2O5 Total K2O pH EC (mS/cm) Struvite 92 51 212 11 7,6 0,95 LF of digestate 3,5 5,3 0,86 4,4 8,7 48 CW effluent 0,5 0,02 0,004 1,5 8,1 9 Ammoniumsulfate 33 86 0,11 0,18 2,3 291 Pure struvite contains 9.9 percent Mg, 5.7 percent N, and 12.6 percent P. P -fertilizer NK -fertilizer K -fertilizer N -fertilizer

12 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: field scale assessment
Kruishoutem, BE Greenhouse area: 752 m2 (2x 376 m2) Complete randomized block design 10 objects with 4 parallels = 40 plots (10 m2)

13 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: field scale assessment
Reference: object 11 and 16 Fertilization: Total N system Objects Calcium ammonium nitrate (kg) Triple Superphosphate Patentkali Struvite Ammonium sulphate (L) CW effluent Liquid fraction digestate 11 0,78 0,27 0,80 - 12 0,65 0,59 13 2,45 14 161,07 15 0,21 0,25 39,33 16 17 2,00 156,60 18 0,45 35,00 19 0,75 20 54,30 INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT GREENHOUSE 1 COMBINATION TREATMENT GREENHOUSE 2 Calcium ammonium nitrate: nitrogen (N) 27 % (ammonia N (N-NH3) %, nitrate N (N-NO3) %), magnesium (MgO) 4.0 %, calcium 6.0 %. Achema. Triple Superphosphate: 46% P2O5. Patentkali: 30% K2O.

14 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: field scale assessment
Date Trial progress 04/06/2013 Sampling soil /06/2013 Applying fertilizers 14/06/2013 Planting 14/06/ - 17/07/2013 Weekly assessment and sampling (EC and pH) 17/07/2013 Harvest + Quality determination

15 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: quality assessment
Quality parameters: uniformity, volume, color weight, tipburn, basal rot, yellow leaves, bremia, crop filling and crop closure

16 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: plant results (1)
Physico-chemical assessment: Fresh weight, Dry weight, Total NPKS, Cu and Zn R.L R.L

17 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: plant results (2)
Physico-chemical assessment: Fresh weight, Dry weight, Total NPKS, Cu and Zn Objects Total N (g/kg DW) Total P Total K Total S Cu (mg/kg DW) Zn 11 44,95 ± 1,2 3,72 ± 0,17 52,33 ± 6,9 3,10 ± 0,3 7,55 ± 1,6 71,90 ± 11,9 12 43,14 ± 2,8 4,03 ± 0,25 51,12 ± 4,1 2,98 ± 0,3 7,57 ± 0,9 68,74 ± 10,4 13 43,04 ± 1,9 4,12 ± 0,56 56,24 ± 4,9 3,31 ± 0,3 7,03 ± 0,9 80,31 ± 11,6 14 43,14 ± 1,5 3,93 ± 0,18 57,00 ± 8,2 3,15 ± 0,04 8,05 ± 0,9 85,91 ± 8,7 15 41,12 ± 0,6 4,14 ± 0,52 44,39 ± 9,2 3,13 ± 0,4 8,34 ± 2,3 75,56 ± 22,2 16 44,66 ± 1,9 3,53 ± 0,32 66,38 ± 10,4 3,18 ± 0,3 7,71 ± 0,6 60,25 ± 3,6 17 40,93 ± 2,5 3,61 ± 0,13 68,12 ± 3,6 3,34 ± 0,1 7,50 ± 1,8 62,13 ± 9,3 18 43,84 ± 3,3 3,51 ± 0,20 72,31 ± 4,5 3,27 ± 2,3 6,77 ± 1,2 67,13 ± 9,0 19 43,98 ± 5,2 3,61 ± 0,40 62,38 ± 5,3 3,20 ± 2,0 6,65 ± 1,0 63,18 ± 7,2 20 38,38 ± 2,6 3,88 ± 0,61 68,59 ± 6,2 3,29 ± 1,9 7,21 ± 1,0 55,04 ± 5,0 Expressed on DW!

18 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: plant results (2)
Physico-chemical assessment: Fresh weight, Dry weight, Total NPKS, Cu and Zn Objects Total N (g/kg DW) Total P Total K Total S Cu (mg/kg DW) Zn 11 44,95 ± 1,2 3,72 ± 0,17 52,33 ± 6,9 3,10 ± 0,3 7,55 ± 1,6 71,90 ± 11,9 12 43,14 ± 2,8 4,03 ± 0,25 51,12 ± 4,1 2,98 ± 0,3 7,57 ± 0,9 68,74 ± 10,4 13 43,04 ± 1,9 4,12 ± 0,56 56,24 ± 4,9 3,31 ± 0,3 7,03 ± 0,9 80,31 ± 11,6 14 43,14 ± 1,5 3,93 ± 0,18 57,00 ± 8,2 3,15 ± 0,04 8,05 ± 0,9 85,91 ± 8,7 15 41,12 ± 0,6 4,14 ± 0,52 44,39 ± 9,2 3,13 ± 0,4 8,34 ± 2,3 75,56 ± 22,2 16 44,66 ± 1,9 3,53 ± 0,32 66,38 ± 10,4 3,18 ± 0,3 7,71 ± 0,6 60,25 ± 3,6 17 40,93 ± 2,5 3,61 ± 0,13 68,12 ± 3,6 3,34 ± 0,1 7,50 ± 1,8 62,13 ± 9,3 18 43,84 ± 3,3 3,51 ± 0,20 72,31 ± 4,5 3,27 ± 2,3 6,77 ± 1,2 67,13 ± 9,0 19 43,98 ± 5,2 3,61 ± 0,40 62,38 ± 5,3 3,20 ± 2,0 6,65 ± 1,0 63,18 ± 7,2 20 38,38 ± 2,6 3,88 ± 0,61 68,59 ± 6,2 3,29 ± 1,9 7,21 ± 1,0 55,04 ± 5,0 Normal range* 3.1 – 4.5 (%) 0.35 – 0.60 4.5 – 8.0 0.20 – 0.30 (%) 7 – 80 (mg/kg) 25 – 250 (mg/kg) Range in objects 3.8 – 4.5 0.35 – 0.41 4.4 – 7.2 0.29 – 0.33 (%) 7.0 – 8.3 (mg/kg) 55 – 86 Expressed on DW! * Reference: R J Hill Laboratories Ltd. Crop guide – Glasshouse lettuce.

19 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: soil results
Physico-chemical assessment: Dry weight, Organic matter, Total content and plant available amounts of macronutrients, Cu and Zn Objects DM (%) OM (%) on DM Total N (g/kg) Min. N (g/kg) Total P Av. P (g/kg) Total K Av. K (mg/kg) Total S (mg/kg) Cu (mg/kg) Zn (mg/kg) 11 86,16 6,95 2,04±0,14 0,033±0,01 0,79±0,10 0,50±0,05 0,64±0,02 43,5±5,4 329±25 7,63±0,57 27,80±1,17 12 86,33 7,36 2,16±0,31 0,043±0,00 0,74±0,03 0,46±0,03 0,63±0,06 39,9±10,7 360±39 7,59±0,21 28,18±0,50 13 86,07 7,31 1,95±0,20 0,72±0,02 0,51±0,03 0,62±0,03 54,4±7,2 403±38 7,07±0,51 27,05±0,60 14 85,85 7,09 2,23±0,36 0,043±0,03 0,74±0,01 0,49±0,04 0,62± 0,03 45,0±9,6 345±63 7,71±0,21 28,10±0,27 15 86,41 7,13 2,18±0,17 0,046±0,03 0,78±0,02 0,66±0,03 49,9±10,4 353±61 7,34±0,43 27,33±0,57 16 87,51 6,42 1,94±0,12 0,75±0,04 0,51±0,02 72,2±22,2 318±48 7,30±0,43 26,51±1,73 17 86,65 6,35 1,89±0,12 0,013±0,01 0,78±0,03 0,50±0,03 0,58±0,04 63,4±7,9 317±28 7,60±0,88 28,22±2,03 18 86,08 6,88 2,01±0,22 0,055±0,01 0,74±0,04 0,53±0,06 0,57±0,04 100,3±12,6 371±49 7,08±0,38 27,22±2,61 19 86,68 6,52 2,06±0,14 0,77±0,05 0,52±0,05 0,54±0,04 65,9±7,5 365±76 8,01±1,37 27,02±2,20 20 87,00 6,72 1,98±0,33 0,002±0,00 0,70±0,03 0,51±0,04 53,6±18,5 324± 59 7,09±0,47 26,52±0,63 Increase in OM with green fertilizers. Object 20, high Total N and low Mineral N??? Mineral N is the highest with LFD (15 and 18).

20 GREENHOUSE TRIAL: soil results
Physico-chemical assessment: Dry weight, Organic matter, Total content and plant available amounts of macronutrients, Cu and Zn Objects DM (%) OM (%) on DM Total N (g/kg) Min. N (g/kg) Total P Av. P (g/kg) Total K Av. K (mg/kg) Total S (mg/kg) Cu (mg/kg) Zn (mg/kg) 11 86,16 6,95 2,04±0,14 0,033±0,01 0,79±0,10 0,50±0,05 0,64±0,02 43,5±5,4 329±25 7,63±0,57 27,80±1,17 12 86,33 7,36 2,16±0,31 0,043±0,00 0,74±0,03 0,46±0,03 0,63±0,06 39,9±10,7 360±39 7,59±0,21 28,18±0,50 13 86,07 7,31 1,95±0,20 0,72±0,02 0,51±0,03 0,62±0,03 54,4±7,2 403±38 7,07±0,51 27,05±0,60 14 85,85 7,09 2,23±0,36 0,043±0,03 0,74±0,01 0,49±0,04 0,62± 0,03 45,0±9,6 345±63 7,71±0,21 28,10±0,27 15 86,41 7,13 2,18±0,17 0,046±0,03 0,78±0,02 0,66±0,03 49,9±10,4 353±61 7,34±0,43 27,33±0,57 16 87,51 6,42 1,94±0,12 0,75±0,04 0,51±0,02 72,2±22,2 318±48 7,30±0,43 26,51±1,73 17 86,65 6,35 1,89±0,12 0,013±0,01 0,78±0,03 0,50±0,03 0,58±0,04 63,4±7,9 317±28 7,60±0,88 28,22±2,03 18 86,08 6,88 2,01±0,22 0,055±0,01 0,74±0,04 0,53±0,06 0,57±0,04 100,3±12,6 371±49 7,08±0,38 27,22±2,61 19 86,68 6,52 2,06±0,14 0,77±0,05 0,52±0,05 0,54±0,04 65,9±7,5 365±76 8,01±1,37 27,02±2,20 20 87,00 6,72 1,98±0,33 0,002±0,00 0,70±0,03 0,51±0,04 53,6±18,5 324± 59 7,09±0,47 26,52±0,63 1) No significant difference as compared to the reference 2) Increase in organic matter observed in treatments with green fertilizers Increase in OM with green fertilizers. Object 20, high Total N and low Mineral N??? Mineral N is the highest with LFD (15 and 18). 3) Attention point! Ammonium sulphate: S content LF digestate: Cu and Zn content

21 CONCLUSION Current work Future perspectives

22 CONCLUSION Struvite, LF digestate, CW effluent and Ammonium sulphate = sustainable substitutes for chemical fertilizers in agriculture. Attention point! Bio-digestion/manure derivatives should be used in accordance with Good Agricultural Practices.

23 FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Stimulation of green fertilizer use in European legislation Field trials “Optimalization of nutrient fluxes in European agriculture by using bio-based mineral fertilizer substitutes: a field experiment” Field trial a wider range of bio-digestion derivatives, such as evaporated effluent from biological treatment, will be tested on cauliflower

QUESTIONS? Department of Applied Analytical and Physical Chemistry Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Ecochemistry Coupure Links 653 B – 9000 Ghent, Belgium Prof. Dr. ir. Erik Meers Dr. ir. Evi Michels M.Sc. Ivona Sigurnjak

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