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When a Head Injury Causes Male Organ Problems

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1 When a Head Injury Causes Male Organ Problems

2 Head injuries are much on the minds of many men, especially those who engage in rough contact sports like football or boxing. Many professional athletes are discovering that head injuries can have lasting effects, many of which may not show up for some years. But injuries to the head can occur even in men who aren’t pro athletes; for example, an automobile accident can result in traumatic brain injury. Head issues are serious simply in and of themselves – but is it possible they could potentially have an effect on manhood health as well? Surprisingly, the answer is yes – a serious injury to the head could potentially result in male organ problems. It’s important to note that not all blows to the head mean trauma to the member. In many cases, male organ health is impacted minimally, if at all. But since it can occur, it pays for men to know a little about the possibility.

3 Head injuries There are numerous kinds of head injuries, but the one most often associated with male organ problems is called traumatic brain injury. As the name implies, this occurs when the brain is involved in a traumatic situation, such as hitting the windshield in a car accident or falling and having the head hit a hard sidewalk. Traumatic brain injuries can range in severity, sometimes resulting in headaches or concussions, other times in far more serious problems.

4 Male organ problems Among the male organ problems that may result from head injuries are: Sensual drive changes. According to one study, almost 50% of people who experience a traumatic brain injury report experiencing a decrease in their sensual drive. For some, this is transient and corrects itself within a few weeks; for others, the dampening may be more long lasting. A much smaller percentage report an increase in their sensual drive, in some cases to an extent that they may experience a form of compulsive sensual drive. Tumescence dysfunction. Some forms of tumescence functioning issues occur in 40-60% of men after a serious head injury. Again, this may be short term or long term.

5 Climactic release dysfunction. Similarly, as many as 40% of men have reported difficulty reaching a climactic release during sensual activity after injury. This includes both partner-based sensual activity and self- pleasuring. Decrease in Sensual Activity. A lowered sensual drive may lead to a decrease in actual sensual activity, but there may be other reasons, including pain or depression subsequent to the injury, which account for the slow down. Inhibition dysfunction. One of the rarer side effects, in some cases damage may affect the ability to exercise proper control over sensual desires, resulting in episodes of exhibitionistic tendencies or activities. Again, this is one of the less common side effects.

6 Men who experience male organ problems after a head injury are encouraged to bring this issue up with their loved ones and with their doctors. They should not be ashamed of the problem, and the sooner they seek help, the more quickly the issue can be addressed. An appropriate course of counseling or medication can be developed to address the problems. Some issues, such as a desire to engage in inappropriate sensual behavior, may require extensive treatment.

7 Manhood problems from head injuries can be challenging, but they are better addressed if the member itself is kept in its best possible shape. For that reason, regular application of a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is necessary. The best crème choices will include an array of vitamins which can work together to strengthen the member. Topical application via a crème of vitamins A, B5, C, D and E is excellent. Also crucial in a good crème: L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps prevent damage to peripheral nerve endings and thereby maintain proper manhood sensation and sensitivity.male organ health crème

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