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Geographically Distributed Economic Base

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1 Geographically Distributed Economic Base
Source: Cai & Webster PPP & Urbanization in the PRC Cai & Webster (22 August 2013)

2 Harbin Spatial Dynamics
Source: Cai & Webster PPP & Urbanization in the PRC Cai & Webster (22 August 2013)

3 PPP at Municipal Level China Gas and Local government in building natural gas Private Sector (China Gas), 196 cities, Business Model. China Gas builds city gate and sources, distributes natural gas within cities, Working together- China Gas, Local Government, ADB Distribution of natural gas on household, factories, (usually uses coal, fuel), commercial users.. Provide to hotel. Supply buses and taxi, no need for gasoline and diesel, with much less emission. Model. China gas works with supplier.. Private sector provides supply… (Municipal Level PPP) from ___, ___. Help with the supply. Working with municipal level of government. How to work and why good model. Before natural government. City has own gas company that have been funded and mandated. Natural Gas more available since Turn coal into natural gas. With infrastructure supply. Since 2004 natural industry in China, only being used for 10 years, local government needs assistance in funding these natural gas infrastructure requirements. Fund operations. Problem on pollutants. Private sector involvement, transfer industry response. More experience in natural gas distribution. Construction, design of infrastructure. Beijing natural gas in cities, fund construction and distribution. Transfer operation risk- operating activities. Not bear risk beyond private sector . Government policies. Risk borne and managed by government counterpart. Strong support central. Identify risk. Partnerships. 3

4 PPP at Municipal Level – Risks Re-Allocation
Industry Risk Construction Risk Funding Risk Operation Risk Municipal Government China Gas Pricing Risk Policy Risk Concession that government gives to china gas. Close cooperation. Seek support at municipal level from Mayors. Coordination with various guarantee partners. Government support. Private sector bearing industry ri 4

5 PPP at Municipal Level - Cooperation
Functions & Roles Supervision Guidance Coordination Policy Support Referee China Gas Mayor’s Office Related government organization Constructions Bureau Urban Management Bureau Roads Department Fire Department Price Bureau Environment and protection Bureau Regional gas suppliers Government Departments Functions & Roles Service Provider Operator Gas Distributor Various units plays a crucial role to successfully manage require cooperation at municipal level. 4

6 Benefits of PPP China Gas Cooperation Private-Public Partnership
Benefits to Municipal Government Foreign investment Infrastructure No more subsidies Taxation Employment Clean energy solution Modernization & urbanization Benefits to China Gas Stable and predictable cashflow Able to access capital markets Further investment Cooperation Municipal Government China Gas Private-Public Partnership Society Benefits to Society Clean energy Lower cost of fuel Better customer services Safe and efficient operations 6 7 6

7 China Gas PPP Application
ADB Loans Structure Long Term Loan ADB Financial Resources ADB as Lender of Record A Loan CHINA GAS SOCIETY Commercial Banks / FI B Loan Upfront cost. 2.40 ADB invested in China Gas. China Gas uses ADB equities. For 196 cities. ADB Intangible Resources Social and Environmental Policies Corporate Governance & etc. 7 8 7

8 Structure to Finance Multiple PPPs
PC PRC Hold Co ADB USD Loan International banks syndication ADB CNY Loan Local Banks 100% Various Municipal Entities Project Sponsor (off-shore) PC: Project Company Concession Agreements with municipal governments CNY Bond Key success factors: ADB can provide to borrowers offshore or onshore loans in RMB or USD, provides flexibility since borrower can use loan proceeds as equity investment in China and through investment vehicles can be invested in multiple projects in multtiple provinces. Allowing borrower to fully utilize the loan proceeds. Investment holding co within China that will allow company to filter through the loan proceeds to an individual project that it wants to develop.

9 What is PPP? Example: Hospital PPP
Occasionally private Public Serviced infrastructure The building Maintenance Catering Support services Discrete PPP’s IT Medical equipment Pharmacy Pathology Clinical services Private versus public

10 Valuing risk Monetising risk transfer
Delivery On Time and On Budget: UK PPP Market Source: National Audit Office – UK Parliament – Expenditure Auditor

11 Introduction to Beijing Line 4
One of the arterial lines in BJ 28.2 kilometer 24 stations 11 interchange stations (4 stations are to be constructed) Run time of one trip: 48 mins Go through education area (Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ., and Renmin Univ.), high-tech area (Zhongguancun), and attraction spots (Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo) On Sep 28, 2009, Line 4 opened with ATO and the minimum 3 mins headway 9/20/2018 MTR Corporation

12 BJMTR – PPP Company BIIC BCG MTR 2% 49% 49% *sub-company of BIIC
Concession Agreement Leasing Agreement Beijing Municipal Government Beijing Line4 Investment Company Beijing MTR (PPP Company) Operation Agreement Hold represent Government Hold Part A Asset Part B Asset Beijing MTR Co. Ltd was funded on 16th Jan 2006 9/20/2018 MTR Corporation 9/20/2018 Page 12 MTR Corporation

13 Over the years, new lines and extensions were
West Rail (2003) Lok Ma Chau Spur Line (2007) Ma On Shan Line (2004) TKO Extension (2009) MTR line 14 CHINA: Beijing municipality and Beijing MTR Corp Ltd initialled a PPP concession covering railway systems and the future operation of metro Line 14 on November 6. The agreement is still subject to approval by government authorities. Beijing MTR Corp Ltd is a joint venture of MTR Corp (49%), Beijing Capital Group (49%) and Beijing Infrastructure Investment Corp (2%). The Line 14 project is divided into two parts. Part A is being undertaken by Beijing Infrastructure Investment Corp and covers civil works accounting for about 70% of the project's 50bn yuan capital cost. Construction of the 47·3 km line started in 2010, with the first 12·7 km expected to open in 2013 and the rest of the line in 2015. Under the PPP deal Beijing MTR would be responsible for Part B, covering electrical and mechanical systems, rolling stock and operation and maintenance for 30 years. Beijing MTR would invest approximately 15bn yuan, 30% of the total project cost. MTR Corp would contribute additional equity of approximately 2·2bn yuan to Beijing MTR. Line 14 will run from Zhangguozhuang in the southern Fengtai District to Shangezhuang in the eastern Chaoyang District, via Chaoyang Park and the Wangjing central business district. The 37 stations will include 10 interchanges. 'Line 14 will be the backbone of public transport between the southern and eastern parts of Beijing, and it will offer great convenience to the local community when it opens', said Richard Wong, General Manager of Beijing MTR, which currently operates Line 4 and the Daxing Line. Tseung Kwan O Line (2002) Disney Resort Line (2005) Kowloon Southern Link (2009)

14 MTR Ownership Model Government Capital Contribution Model
Rail plus Property Model

15 Service Concession Model
Project Cost 100% Funded by The Government. Details of the O&M Concession to be agreed.

16 Horizontal Integration
Property Development Highway/Open Space Station Link bridge

17 Vertical Integration Retail Property Development Link bridge
Transport Interchange Station


19 What is PPP? Example: Hospital PPP
Occasionally private Public Serviced infrastructure The building Maintenance Catering Support services Discrete PPP’s IT Medical equipment Pharmacy Pathology Clinical services Private versus public

20 The Balancing Game! Damaged Financial Viability Loss of Time/ Momentum
Environmental & Social Concerns Affordability High Cost of Funds Indecision, Delays, Inflexibility, Corruption Private Sector Financing Transparency & Inclusiveness

21 Financing PPP: A Question of Risk Allocation!

22 第二部分 基础设施基金促进基建融资多元化 Part two: infrastructure funds promote diverse infrastructure financing 1、基础设施基金的基本结构如下所示: determine the fund name, type, size, duration, minimum subscription for new shares, etc., the basic design structure: 例如for example: Investment Management Company Investor A Investor B General Partner Limited Partner Commercial bank Custodian Infrastructure fund (limited partnership) Investment Infrastructure such as transportation, energy, environment, water, pension

23 ADB’s PPP Operational Plan
Pillar 1 Advocacy and capacity development Pillar 2 Fostering the enabling environment Pillar 3 Project development Pillar 4 Project financing Create awareness, encourage leadership, identify the potential of PPPs, develop capacity Help develop the policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional framework Provide expert support, tool kits, funding costs of transaction advisors, or procurement support Provide tailored financial support eg guarantees, equity, loans, viability gap funding EARD PSOD and EARD

24 Loan Products 1. Investment loan with a performance-based contract
2. Loans to financial intermediaries for onlending, at the financial intermediary‘s risk, to final borrowers 3. Policy-based lending, to support reforms and improve policies. It provides budget support to governments to address development financing needs. 4. Results-based lending, to support governments in designing and implementing government-owned sector programs. Disbursement is linked directly with the achievement of program results. 5. Partial credit guarantee to cover credit risks associated with a borrower’s inability to fulfill its debt service and repayment obligations on time. 6. A range of other products are available for private investors eg loans, equity investments

25 China Gas PPP Application
ADB Loans Structure Long Term Loan ADB Financial Resources ADB as Lender of Record A Loan CHINA GAS SOCIETY Commercial Banks / FI B Loan Upfront cost. 2.40 ADB invested in China Gas. China Gas uses ADB equities. For 196 cities. ADB Intangible Resources Social and Environmental Policies Corporate Governance & etc. 25 8 25

26 Structure to Finance Multiple PPPs
PC PRC Hold Co ADB USD Loan International banks syndication ADB CNY Loan Local Banks 100% Various Municipal Entities Project Sponsor (off-shore) PC: Project Company Concession Agreements with municipal governments CNY Bond Key success factors: ADB can provide to borrowers offshore or onshore loans in RMB or USD, provides flexibility since borrower can use loan proceeds as equity investment in China and through investment vehicles can be invested in multiple projects in multtiple provinces. Allowing borrower to fully utilize the loan proceeds. Investment holding co within China that will allow company to filter through the loan proceeds to an individual project that it wants to develop.


28 CDIA Focus Area Infrastructure Investment Project Cycle Up-stream
Down-stream Infrastructure Investment Prioritization Pre-Feasibility Studies Linking projects to financing Feasibility Study City Development Plan/Strategy Financing Arrangements CDIA Focus Areas Project Implementation CDIA works in helping cities to cover the gap between planning to implementation The program focuses on mid term investment infrastructure development Cooperating with cities in the preparation of projects to gain access to finance by means of PFS Enhancing city capacity to prepare better projects in general by institutionalizing the PFS model Operation & Maintenance

29 PPP Experience within the Program
City/ Urban Intervention (PFS) Investment value in USD Million Linked to finance Pipeline Gejiu, PR China Primary Land Development 751.6 X Banda Aceh, Indonesia River-based urban infrastructure development, CBD rehabilitation 22.6 Surabaya, Indonesia Urban transport Ongoing support Surakarta, Indonesia Urban transport (Tram system) 49.0 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 62.8 Faisalabad, Pakistan Industrial Waste water 141.9 Urban Transport 583.1 Islamabad, Pakistan Urban Transport (BRT System) 79.0 Ilo Ilo, Philippines CBD revitalization 9.2 Ferry Terminal System 29.8

30 Finalized Gejiu, Yunnan Focus areas Primary Land Development
CDIA support USD 350,000 for PFS & Capacity Building Estimated investment value USD 750 million Potential source of financing PPP

31 CDIA intervention in Gejiu
Before CDIA intervention Urban development plant with investment estimate of 4 b RMB. Requesting private sector participation for 3 years. No answer. Environmental hazards by the existing mining conditions Local villagers not being addressed. What we did Hire real estate experts to conduct the study Re-visit the urban plan to adapt it to market conditions. Re-evaluate the investment proposal (environmental issues, social elements,…) Investigate developer businesses to attract them to the project Outcomes Robust and feasible business proposal Reconfigure the rules of engagement with the private sector Draft expression of interest and pre-requisites for private sector participants to join a bidding Draft contract and contract conditions for the engagement with private sector. Discussion with private party are being held at the moment

32 On going Yongzhou, Hunan Focus areas Primary Land Development
CDIA support USD 250,000 for PFS & Capacity Building Estimated investment value USD 120 million Potential source of financing PPP or other sources

33 CDIA intervention in Yongzhou
Before CDIA intervention Partial intervention in the development of solid waste management. Segregated points of view about the same topic. Unclarity about which way to go in choosing systems and investment Unaware of best environmental practices to solve their issues. What we are doing Evaluating the problem from a holistic situation Involve all departments to become a REAL integrated solid waste management system. Developing technical and financial solutions that are cost effective Analyzing the capacities of the local government to face the investment and operations Expected outcomes Robust and feasible business proposal to attract private sector according to the real business opportunity and balance risk allocation Specific PPP structure with rules of engagement and Pre-requisites for private sector partners Key points to be included in the draft PPP contract.

34 On going Xiaolan, Guangdong Focus areas
Energy efficiency (Cooling/heating district co-generation) CDIA support USD 290,000 for PFS & Capacity Building Estimated investment value USD 145 million Potential source of financing PPP

35 Next Steps for PPP Project Innovation Support from Innovation in
The IFIs Urbanization Demands from Innovation in Financing Project Innovation Next Steps for PPP

36 Next Steps for PPP Support from Project Innovation Innovation in
The IFIs Urbanization Demands from Innovation in Financing Project Innovation Next Steps for PPP

37 Next Steps for PPP Project Innovation Support from Innovation in
The IFIs Urbanization Demands from Innovation in Financing Project Innovation Next Steps for PPP

38 Next Steps for PPP Project Innovation Support from Innovation in
The IFIs Project Innovation Urbanization Demands from Next Steps for PPP Innovation in Financing

39 Next Steps for PPP Project Innovation Support from Innovation in
Financing Project Innovation Support from The IFIs Urbanization Demands from Next Steps for PPP

40 Next Steps for PPP Project Innovation Support from Innovation in
Urbanization Demands from Innovation in Financing Project Innovation Support from The IFIs Next Steps for PPP

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