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5 Concerns for a New Mom-To-Be

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1 5 Concerns for a New Mom-To-Be

2 5. Prenatal Nutrition The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend: (Source: services of fruits and vegetables -9 servings of whole grain -3 servings of milk, yogurt, cheese for calcium -3 servings of meat, poultry, fish eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas (Protein) --Image Source:

3 Prenatal Supplements Folate Antioxidant Support Vitamin C Vitamin A
Vitamin B12 Metagenics prenatal vitamin: (source: --Folate: promotes healthy fetal development, breast health, and healthy mental function and mood --Antioxidant support: be sure it includes vitamin E and selenium along with carotenoids --Vitamin C: support healthy tissue maintenance (healthy development of cells, cartilage, collagen, bones, and teeth), iron absorption, immune function --Vitamin A: Supports normal growth, healthy immune function, and vision --Vitamin B12: supports healthy mental function and mood --Image;

4 4. Stress Negative effects of stress include:
Increased risk of premature delivery Increased risk of low birth weight babies Increased heart rate and blood pressure that can lead to eclampsia Eclampsia is hypertension that can lead to seizures within the mother. ( --Information Source: --Image

5 How to Manage Stress Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.
Get plenty of sleep. Exercise regularly. Use natural stress relief techniques. Reduce your workload. --Source:

6 3. Breast Feeding --Did you know:
-There are 400 nutrients known to be in breast milk (Source: Powdered Infant Formulas and Baby’s First Foods, by Dr. Claudia Anrig, D.C.) -Breast milk contains high levels of DHA and AA that nourish’s a baby’s developing brain ( --Image:

7 Breastfeeding Guidelines
Breastfeed during 1st hour after delivery. Feed whenever a newborn shows signs of hunger. Feed newborn with only breast milk for the first 6 months. A trained observer should monitor mom within hours after delivery. Expressing and storing breast milk are encouraged Breastfeeding is recommended for the first 12 months of life or longer. --Information: American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines --Image:

8 2. Exercise Top Recommended exercises include: swimming, walking, yoga, aerobics, dance, running, and bicycling. --Weights Image: --Yoga Image:

9 Exercise Guidelines Never exercise to the point of exhaustion or breathlessness. Take frequent breaks. Drink plenty of water. Avoid rocky or uneven surfaces to decrease chances of falling. Weight training to emphasize tone. Avoid exercises lying flat on your back in the 2nd at 3rd trimesters. (This decreases blood flow to your womb.) Source:

10 1. Chiropractic Care Pelvic balance Allows room for baby to grow.
Avoid intrauterine constraint. Encourages proper positioning of the baby --Information: --Picture source:

11 Possible Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy Controlling Nausea Reducing Labor and Delivery Time Relieving Back and Neck Pain Helps Prevent Cesarean Section --Source:

12 Questions --Image:

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