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SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review

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1 SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review
Solar Dynamics Observatory Ground System Test Readiness Review June 14, 2006 1

2 SDO Ground System Manager Overview
SDO Ground System Raymond J. Pages, Ground System Project Manager 1

3 Test Readiness Review Agenda
Board Introduction, TRR Purpose 9:00 Ground System Readiness Test Overview 9:30 Element Development and Test Status MOC and Communications 10:00 FDF :30 DDS :00 SDOGS :30 Lunch :00 USN/SN/Compatibility Testing/KSC :00 SOCs :30 Security :00 Ground System Readiness Tests :30 Spacecraft Tests and Simulations :00 SUMMARY :30 1

4 TRR Review Board J B Joyce, Chairman Independent Bruce Thoman Code 592
Madeline Butler Code 500 Steve Coyle Code 581 Ken Lehtonen Code 584 John Ruffa Code 594 Dave Amason Code 424 Vic Buczkowski HTSI 1

5 Present the Ground System development and test status
TRR Objectives Present the Ground System development and test status Explain the Ground System Test Methodology Demonstrate the ground system readiness to test with the Observatory 1

6 Ground System Architecture
Telemetry & Command System ASIST / FEDS Telemetry Monitoring Command Management HK Data Archival HK Level-0 Processing Ground Station Control DDS Control Automated Operations Anomaly detection Flight Dynamics Maneuver Planning Product Generation R/T Attitude Determination Sensor/Actuator Calibration SDO Mission Operations Center EVE SOC Acquisition Data Observatory Commands Observatory HK Telemetry Tracking Data Integrated Trending & Plotting System Mission Planning & Scheduling Plan daily/periodic events Create engineering plan Generate Daily Loads HMI Science Data (55Mbps) Ka-Band: 150 Mbps Science Data Instrument Commands/Loads Data Distribution (Incl. 30-Day Science Data Storage) Ka Science Data AIA R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products EVE R/T HK Telemetry Science Planning and FDS Products Universal Space Network S-Band HK Tlm CMD, Acquisition Data Station/DDS Control Station/DDS Status SDO Ground Station WSGT S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm S-Band: TRK, Cmd & HK Tlm Alert Notification Flight Software Maintenance Lab Flight software loads Simulated housekeeping telemetry S/C Memory dumps Simulated commands Same Interfaces as WSGT Ground Station HMI AIA JSOC Stanford Univ. Science Data Capture LMSAL Instrument Monitoring & Control STGT Facility Orbit Determination OD Products Space Network (L&EO only) Tracking Data CMD S-Band: TRK & HK Tlm DDS & Ground Station Control AIA Science Data (67Mbps) EVE Science Data (7Mbps) (Palo Alto, CA) (Stanford, CA) Status and Control LASP (Boulder, CO) Data Ack. & Retrans. Requests FLATSAT HMI R/T HK Telemetry/ Science Planning and FDS Products SDO WSC FSW Support Tool Suite DDS & SDOGS Integrated Manager GSFC S-Band RF & FEP system Ka-Band RF system (Includes 72-hr storage) DDS FEP (Incl. 120-hr storage) Mimi MOC 1

7 Ground System Test Readiness Overview Robert Oertly,
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Ground System Test Readiness Overview Robert Oertly, 1

8 Ground System Test Readiness
Agenda Objectives Lifecycle Status Ground System Architecture Elements Test Documents Level-4 Requirements Tracking Level-3 Test Requirements Matrix GSRT Tools 1

9 Ground System Readiness Test Objectives
Analyze DMR level-3 requirements and develop test requirements and objectives Prepare tests and assign applicable requirements Track requirements status in the Test Requirements Verification Matrix (TRVM) Ensure progress through the test phase lifecycle Conduct test planning and notification through the GSRTT Perform tests, evaluate results and track problems Update Test Matrix documenting requirements scheduled, tested and verified Provide Test Reports documenting test issues and requirement discrepancies Report the test verification status at scheduled reviews Ensure the Ground System is ready for each test with the Observatory Ensure the Ground System is ready for Launch 1

10 GSRT Lifecycle Status 1 Test Phase Phase #1 Element/subsystem
Development Tests Phase #2 Element Acceptance Tests Phase #3 Ground System Readiness Testing Phase #4 Spacecraft Testing with the Ground System Phase #5 Operational Tests and Simulations Test Responsibility GSIM GSIM/MOM GSRTM MOM Test Conductors Element Developers FOT, SOC, SDOGS Teams GSRTT FOT, SOCs FOT, SOCs, SDOGS Team Test Types Unit testing System Testing Acceptance Testing Readiness Testing (Including SOC Integration) E-T-E Type Tests OPS Scenarios, Simulations Purpose Internal development Verification of Level 4 Requirements Development Verification of L4 in OPS environment Integrated Functional L3 Verification Verification with S/C opportunities Operational Readiness Problem Tracking Internal developer CDS for NASA Ground System CDS PR/PFR 1

11 Testing Documents Development Documents
SDO Detailed Mission Requirements Document/DMR (464-GS-REQ-0005) SDOGS Requirements Document (464-GS-REQ-0050) DDS Requirements Document (464-GS-REQ-0049) MOC Requirements Specification (464-GS-REQ-0046) SDO FDS Requirements Document (464-FDS-SPEC-0039) SDO MOC To SOC ICD (464-GS-ICD-0001) SDO MOC To USN ICD (464-GS-ICD-0065) SDO DDS To SOC ICD (464-GS-ICD-0010) SDO DSIM To GS ICD (464-GS-ICD-0066) SDO SDOGS and MOC ICD 464-GS-ICD-0064 FDS To GS ICD (464-GS-0068) Test Documents SDO Ground System Schedule SDO FDS Acceptance Test Plan (464-GS-PLAN-0057) SDO MOC Acceptance Test Plan (464-GS-PLAN-0055) SDOGS Acceptance Test Plan (464-GS-PLAN-0059) DDS Acceptance Test Plan (464-GS-PLAN-0058) Ground System Readiness Test Plan (464-GS-PLAN-0043) Portable Spacecraft Simulator (PSS) Specification Document (09/01/05) PSS Users’ Guide (03/31/06) SDO GSFC RF Compatibility Test Plan (464-GS-Plan-0072) SDO USN RF Compatibility Test Plan (464-GS-Plan-0073) SDO Ground System Back-Up Plan For Collimation Tower Test Facility (464-GS-PLAN-0189) 1

12 Ground System Elements SDO Ground System Elements
# of L3 Test RQS AIA SOC Atmospheric Imaging Assembly Science Operations Center 63 COMM Communications (NASA Integrated Service Network) 41 DDS Data Distribution System 82 EVE SOC Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment Science Operations Center FDF Flight Dynamics Facility 17 FSML Flight Software Maintenance Lab (and Flatsat Simulator) 9 HMI SOC Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager Science Operations Center 64 KSC Kennedy Space Center, Florida 3 MMOC Mini Mission Operations Center 4 MOC ANS Alert Notification System 7 MOC FDS Flight Dynamics System 58 MOC ITPS Integrated Trending & Plotting System 38 MOC MPS Mission Planning System 26 MOC T&C Telemetry and Command 196 SDOGS SDO Ground Station (2 antennas located at WSC) 96 SN Space Network (TDRS) USN Universal Space Network 60 TOTAL 853 1

13 Element Level-4 Requirements Tracking
MOC T&C Level-4 Matrix (EXAMPLE) 1

14 GSRT Level-3 Requirements Matrix (EXAMPLE)

15 GSRT Tools and Resources
Ground System Readiness Testing has several tools and resources that will be used in execution of the Ground System Test Plan. Four Portable Spacecraft Simulators (PSS) Flatsat Observatory Blue Mesa Collimation Tower Compatibility Test Groups Comprehensive Discrepancy System (CDS) Internal Discrepancy Reports (Acceptance Testing) Test Discrepancy Reports (GSRT Testing) PR/PFR Reporting System (Spacecraft Testing) CCR Systems (Configuration Change Requests) Project - SDOMIS Ground System - CCRS 1

16 Communications Status Hun Tann
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Communications Status Hun Tann 1

17 Comm and MOC Status AGENDA Network Comm Schedule and Status
MOC Development Schedule and Status MOC Acceptance Test Configurations and Status MOC Requirements Verification MOC Discrepancies and CCRs 1

18 Network Comm Diagram 1

19 Data and Voice Schedule
MOC LAN and Firewall May 06 EVE/MOC first T1 T&C Circuit Jun 06 S/C I&T T&C LAN Jul 06 FlatSat LAN Sept 06 JSOC/MOC first T1 T&C Circuit Sept 06 DDS LAN data network and voice Oct 06 MOC VDS Voice Dec 06 SDOGS LAN and RTC WAN connections Dec 06 EVE SOC/DDS T3 Circuit Connection Jan 07 HMI SOC/DDS OC3 Circuit Connection Jul 07 AIA SOC/DDS OC3 Circuit Connection Jul 07 Launch site support April 08 Launch Aug 08 1

20 SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review
MOC Status Hun Tann 1

21 MOC Element Architecture

22 MOC Capability by Subsystem (Red indicates completed items)
MOC Release Schedule MOC Subsystem Release Number Date MOC Capability by Subsystem (Red indicates completed items) ASIST (T&C) 1 2 3 4 10/05 04/06 10/06 10/07 FEDS T&C I/F; Timeout event msg.; Internal Bit Sync Cmd bandwidth control; stored command processor. SDOGS interface; USN Network interface FEDS multiple streams Fixes, New requirements/Enhancements FDS 7/07 Scheduling and Planning Products, Attitude Support Utilities (Momentum Management, Slew Planning, HGA Calibration), Bi-Prop System, Maneuver Modeling Scripts, XFDS (Automation Layer), FDF – Configuration of Support Tools Matlab Attitude System Components (Attitude Determination System (ADS), Real Time Attitude Determination System (RTADS), Telemetry Processor (TP), Sensor Calibration Utilities), HGA Support Utility (New Requirement) MPS FDS ingest; Timeline & ATS load generation RTS Mgmt.; Daily ops sheet; Enhanced Print report Web server Timeline views; Timeline & RTS reports ITPS Core Ingest & trending for I&T Advanced Data types Mission specific requirements ANS Paging/Responses Monitoring MOC Critical components SOC Interface 1

23 MOC Release 1 Level 4 Requirements Verification
Total MOC Release 1 Requirements Delivered = 223 out of 253 total, 184 were tested and verified T&C: Delivered 107 Requirements out of 112 total 76 were verified 24 were partially verified 6 could not be evaluated 1 failed (fixed in release 2) MPS: Delivered 31 Requirements out of 39 total 25 were verified 6 were partially verified ITPS: Delivered 77 Requirements out of 82 total 75 were verified 2 were partially verified ANS: Delivered 8 Requirements out of 20 total 8 were verified 1

24 MOC Release 2 Level 4 Requirements Verification
Total MOC Release 2 Requirements Delivered = 288 out of 333, 176 been tested and verified T&C: Delivered 108 Requirements out of 112 total 76 have been verified T&C Release 2 Acceptance Testing is 70% Complete *FDS (Release 1): Delivered 50 Requirements out of 80 Total 37 have been verified FDS Release 1 Acceptance Testing is 74% complete MPS: Delivered 35 Requirements out of 39 total 19 have been verified MPS Release 2 Acceptance Testing is 54% Complete ITPS: Delivered 78 Requirements out of 82 total 42 have been verified ITPS Release 2 Acceptance Testing is 53% Complete ANS: Delivered 17 Requirements out of 20 total 2 have been verified ANS Release 2 Acceptance Testing is 11% Complete Total MOC Release 2 Acceptance Testing is 61% Complete *Note: FDS Release 1 coincides with MOC Release 2 schedule 1

25 MOC Release 2 AT Configuration
TLM/CMDs TLM RRCP FEDS 2 FEDS 3 CMD Echoes TLM CMD Echoes TLM Telemetry Segment TLM/CMDs FDS PSS ITPS ASIST TLM/CMDs RT 2: MOC Release 2 MPS ANS Support Segment TLM/CMDs FEDS 1 ASIST RT 1: MOC Release 1 Real-time Segment 1

26 MOC Release 3 AT Configuration
ITPS 1 FDS FEDS 2 ASIST TLM/CMDs RT 2: MOC Release 3 IFS TLM MPS ANS TLM/CMDs PSS TLM RRCP CMD Echoes TLM FEDS 3 Support Segment CMD Echoes Products TLM ITPS 2 Product Server FEDS 1 ASIST TLM/CMDs RT 1: MOC Release 2 ASIST Products TLM FEDS 4 TLM/CMDs DMZ Segment Products Telemetry Segment EVE T&C SOC’s HMI T&C AIA T&C TLM Color Printer CMDs Real-time Segment 1

27 MOC Internal Discrepancy Report (IDR) Status
MOC Subsystem # of IDRs Priority Status Open Fixed Closed T&C 6 All Routine 3 FDS 13 1 2 10 MPS ITPS ANS 7 Total 42 8 26 1

28 GS MOC Configuration Change Request (CCR) Status
MOC Subsystem # of CCRs Priority Status Open Delivered Closed T&C 5 All Routine 2 3 FDS 1 MPS ITPS ANS Total 17 8 6 1

29 Concerns Voice Cost Mitigation
Not clear about the cost for VDS vs. MOVE Mitigation Initial MOC/SOC interface tests will be conducted with the Black phones. Install VDS/MOVE when necessary. 1

30 Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) Status Robert DeFazio
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) Status Robert DeFazio 1

31 FDF Functions Orbit Determination Tracking Data Evaluation
SDOGS S-Band Certification Launch Vehicle Support Initial Acquisition Updates based on Launch Vehicle Vectors SN Acquisition Data 1

32 FDF Development All functions needed for SDO support are standard services No SDO specific modifications needed to FDF Operational Software FDF - MOC/FDS product exchange is documented in Interface Agreement Document (IAD) (464-GS-LEGL-0045) 1

33 FDF Testing All FDF software has gone through internal Acceptance Testing Standard functions are routinely exercised in support of other missions FDF will support Project Interface Tests, Simulations, Data Flows and Launch Readiness Tests SDOGS S-Band Service Certification Test Plan schedule for completion July 2006 Antenna certification scheduled for Summer 2007 Sample Orbital Elements Report successfully ingested by FDS (March 2006) USN interface tested in support of recent GOES-N Launch 1

34 Data Distribution System (DDS) Status Tom Bialas
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Data Distribution System (DDS) Status Tom Bialas 1

35 DDS Architecture 1

36 DDS Release Schedule/Status
Items in Blue have been delivered as releases. 1

37 DDS Test Status 1

38 DDS Release 2 Test Configuration

39 DDS Release 3 Test Configuration (GSFC & WSC)

40 DDS Level-4 Verification Status
Acceptance Test Status DDS AT #1 was completed as of February 2006 DDS AT #1.1 was completed as of March 2006 DDS AT #2 is in progress DDS AT #3 is scheduled for October 2006 through December 2006. Acceptance Test Release 1/1.1 Test Results 133 requirements delivered out of total 176 77 requirements passed 21 requirements partial 33 requirements deferred to the Release 2 Test Configuration 2 failed (see explanation on next slide) Release 1/1.1 Internal Discrepancy Reports 23 submitted, 14 fixed and verified with Release 1.1 All 9 outstanding IDRs are routine priority and will be addressed in Release 2. 1

41 DDS Level-4 Verification Status (cont)
All current L4 status is a result of DDS Release 1.0 and 1.1 Acceptance Testing. Below shows a breakdown of the DDS subsystems and their L4 status FEP QCP TOAD POAD FOP** CORE DSIM NETWK FACILITY MISC TOTAL 41 17 13 11 49 8 5 176 DELIV 39 16 12 45 1 133 PASS 10 9 32 4 77 PARTIAL 2 3 21 CNE 29* 33 FAILED IDRs 23 * 29 of the 33 CNE (Could Not Evaluate) are FEP requirements pertaining to the Insnec High Data rate Receiver. HDR was not tested during release 1 in the DDS lab due to lack of ECL clock/data source to feed test modulator to loopback into HDR, simulating 720 MHz SDO Intermediate Frequency. This will be tested during Release 2 with the delivery of the Ka-Band Portable Spacecraft Simulator (PSS). **FOP allocation includes all File Output (FO), Retransmission Manager (RM), and Volume Manager (VM) 1

42 Solar Dynamics Observatory Ground Station (SDOGS) Status Marco Midon
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Solar Dynamics Observatory Ground Station (SDOGS) Status Marco Midon 1

43 SDOGS WSGT/STGT Architecture

44 SDOGS Hardware Delivery Process Approach

45 SDOGS Testing Approach
RRCP Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) including Converter Assembly I&T at the vendor facility Ka-Band\S-Band Antenna Assembly Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) SDO Antenna #1 FAT SDO #2 pedestal only Fiber Optic Assembly, RF Distribution Assembly, Timing Assembly, integrated into rack at Columbia Facility Informal Vendor Site Integration Test (SIT) at L-3 Datron Facility Antenna Vendor Site Acceptance Test (VSAT) at the WSC facility WSGT SDO #1 Antenna STGT SDO #2 Antenna SDOGS Integrated Site Acceptance Test (SAT) at WSC 1

46 SDOGS Integration & Test Configuration

47 SDOGS Schedule/Status
SDOGS HWCI Acceptance Testing Date SDOGS Deliverables Status RRCP Assembly FAT 2/9/06 1 each First Article RRCP 100% Production Test Data 4/21/06 1 each RRCPs 5/30/06 2 each RRCPs 2 each RRCP (spare unit) Converter Assembly 1 each Integrated FAT with RRCP Assembly 1 each Converter Assembly Spare chassis and up/down converter Fiber Optic Assembly Test Data Sheet 5/10/06 2 each units RF Distribution Assembly Test Data Sheets 8/6/06 Attenuators and amplifiers and RF Switch 75% Test Procedure 7/28/06 RF Integrated Assembly 50% Timing Distribution Assembly 6/30/06 2 each NTP server 0% 1

48 SDOGS Schedule/Status (continued)
SDOGS HWCI Acceptance Testing Date SDOGS Deliverables Status RACK Integration Test Procedure 11/8/06 1 each rack Timing Distribution, RF Distribution, Fiber Optic, Converter, RRCP 0% 11/16/06 SIT activities at the antenna vendor 11/30/06 Informal MOC T&C interface development, MOC interfacing and the development/checkout of operational procedures; 1 each rack Timing Distribution, RF Distribution, Fiber Optic, Converter, RRCP, 5/10/07 RF Compatibility testing, 1 each spare RRCP, up/down converter, Ka-Band LNA assembly, S-Band LNA Assembly, RRCP Antenna Assembly Ka-Band LNA downconverter Assembly 7/28/06 Support High Data Rate initial integration testing 50% 8/6/06 Support spacecraft integration testing SDO #1 VSAT 4/11/07 Antenna Subsystem Test SDO #2 VSAT 5/17/07 SDOGS Acceptance Testing SDO SVT 7/30/07 Integrated SDOGS testing 8/28/07 9/18/07 Integrated WSGT/STGT 1

49 SDOGS Verification Status
Acceptance Test Status RRCP Assembly RRCP and Converter Assembly Level-4 Requirements verified FAT completed 2/07/06 2 each RRCP spares expected delivery 8/06 – include SLE protocol Receipt of Production Test Data Regression testing of all deliverable units Fiber Optic Transceivers Receipt of Test Data Sheet Verified against the test data sheet and integrated into the HDR BER baseline testing configuration 1

50 SDOGS Verification Status
Level-4 Requirements Verification to date RRCP Assembly scheduled 131 completed Antenna Assembly scheduled 0 completed (FAT) Discrepancies and CCRs IDRs RRCP Assembly 13 IDRS 12 resolved urgent 13 routine 0 critical CCRs CCR 358 SDO Ground Station Ka-band S-band Antenna procurement Change Approved by CCB Resolved CCR 513 Changes Required to Resolve HGA Blockage Problem.  Approved by CCB Resolved CCR 013 Add STGT Capability to switch Antenna Support between SDO and other missions Approved by CCB Resolved 1

51 Concerns WSC Col Tower availability Mitigation
Permanent Col Tower will not be ready for earliest SDOGS Testing Mitigation Development of a portable tower for SDO use Permission for temporary tower was received Plans are being implemented at present Sharing of some compatible RF equipment with the permanent tower to keep cost down 18 Meter Antenna development delay makes schedules very tight Project and GSPM are monitoring antenna schedule closely 1

52 USN, SN, Compatibility and KSC Testing Frank Scoville
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review USN, SN, Compatibility and KSC Testing Frank Scoville 1

53 USN COMPAT TESTING USN support required for S-Band TT&C for Pre-launch; L&EO; routine weekly tracking passes; and contingency/disposal support through EOM USN requirements - SDO DMR 4/04’ USN RF Compatibility Test Plan 5/06’ Internal Data flows; Interface Testing 4/07’ USN RF Compat GSFC 5/07’ ETE With SDO MOC /07’ System Integration /08’ Operations Training /08’ Ops Launch Tests, Sims, & Support L-4 mos. Technical Interchange Meetings On-going GST RF Lead and GS Engineer were at USN for GOES-N L&EO support 1

54 USN at GSFC Compat Test Configuration

55 GSFC COMPAT TESTING SN support required for S-Band TT&C for Pre-launch; L&EO SDOGS provides prime station support for S-Band and Ka-Band SN/SDOGS requirements - SDO DMR 4/04’ TDRS to SDO mission coverage analysis 2/06' PSLA Baseline Review Copy submitted to Code 450 4/06’ SN/SDOGS RF Compatibility Test Plan (GSFC) 5/06’ GSFC RF Compat GSFC 5/07’ and 8/07’ TIMs On-going 1

56 GSFC S-Band Compat Test Configuration
SDO S-Band Test Configuration 1

57 GSFC Ka-Band Compat Test Configuration
SDO Ka-band Test Configuration 1

58 SN Compat Test Configuration

59 KSC TESTING KSC support required for S/C receipt & processing; L-4 mos launch vehicle integration; T&C pre-launch; L&EO; and post-launch activities KSC requirements – SDO DMR 4/04’ SDO Spacecraft and Observatory I&T Plan 7/05’ MIWG/GOWG On-going Launch Site Support Plan (LSSP) 5/06’ SDO MOC to KSC I/F tests; S/C ETE tests; mission L-4 mos simulations; launch site readiness tests 1

60 KSC Test Configuration
FDF FDF Reference Files Orbit Predicts and Tracking Schedule SDO MOC MOC FDS Launch State Vector SOCs AIA FDS Products RT P/B kbps TLM, CMD responses SOC CMD SFDUs KSC MOC T&C 2 kbps CMDs EVE SDO SOCs IGSE Kbps H/K, CMD Responses RT P/B kbps TLM, CMD responses AIA HMI 2Kbps SFDU Instrument CMDs PSS Post launch Kbps H/K, EVE Schedule, CMD Requests, Forecasted Activity Trending Data, Charts, Plots HMI MOC Heartbeats RT P/B HK TLM MOC MPS MOC ITPS MOC ANS 1

61 SOCs Development and Test Status Eliane Larduinat
SDO Test Readiness Review SOCs Development and Test Status Eliane Larduinat 1

62 SDO MOC/DDS/SOC Interface Context Diagram
MOC-SOC ICD FDS to GS ICD Housekeeping telemetry EVE SOC Boulder, CO Commanding data MOC GSFC, MD FDS Products S-Band JSOC HMI SOC AIA SOC Stanford, CA Palo Alto, CA Mission Support data DDS White Sands, NM Science Telemetry Ka-Band Protocol Data DDS-SOC ICD 1

63 SOC Interface Configuration Schema
DDS MOC Firewall Firewall Firewall Firewall (WSC) Router Router (GSFC) OC3 or T3 T1 T1 Router Router Router Router SDP SOC Capture 1 SDP SOC Capture 2 SOC Support SOC “other” SOC Ops Prime WS SOC Ops Back-up WS T&C SOC Firewall . SDP SOC Science Processing cluster Outside 1

64 SOC Interface Overview
Functionally, each SOC has two elements: “T&C SOC” for control and monitoring of the instruments “SDP SOC” for science data capture, processing, archival and distribution Location EVE SOC (T&C and SDP) located at LASP, Boulder, CO HMI and AIA have a joint SOC (JSOC) for both instruments T&C JSOC located at LMSAL in Palo Alto, CA SDP JSOC located at Stanford University for science data capture Communication network configuration T&C SOC only network connection is through the MOC firewall(s) SDP SOC needs to be connected to outside world for data distribution The “capture machines” are directly connected to the SDO-provided switch-routers Support DDS interface and supply data to the science processing “cluster” Additional SOC machines may connect to the MOC for HK telemetry, FDS products and other mission support data available on the MOC Product Server 1

65 SOC Interface Testing Schedule
2006 2007 2008 A A M M J J J J A A S S O O N N D D J J F F M M A A M M J J J J A A S S O O N N D D J F M A M J J A S O MOC/SOC Development MOC Releases April 2006 - October 2006 R2 R3 PDB Releases March 2006 - Oct 2006 R1 R2 DDS Releases April 2006 - Oct 2006 R2 R3 EVE T&C Releases July/Aug EVE SDP Releases June 2006 JSOC T&C Releases November 2006 JSOC SDP Releases March 2007 MOC/SOC Interface Tests MOC/SOC Interface Tests - - (T&C SOC) (T&C SOC) EVE/MOC Integration Jun - Jan HMI/AIA MOC Integration Oct - Feb All SOCs/MOC Integ . Apr - Apr DDS/SOC Interface Tests DDS/SOC Interface Tests - - (SDP SOC) (SDP SOC) EVE/DDS Integration Feb - Mar HMI/DDS Integration Jul - Aug AIA/DDS Integration Aug - Sep All SOCs/MOC Integ. . Sep - Sep 1

66 SOC Planned Tests MOC-SOC interface tests DDS-SOC interface tests
Test 1 - Connectivity between MOC and T&C SOC Test 2 - SOC Real-time Housekeeping telemetry Test 3 - SOC Commanding Test 4- - Level-0 Housekeeping telemetry Test 5 - FDS Products Test 6 - Planning data Test 7 - Alert notifications Test 8 - SOC IGSE test Test 9 - Contingency and equipment failure tests DDS-SOC interface tests Test 1 - Connectivity between DDS and SDP SOC Test 2 - MOC to DDS to SDP SOC Connectivity Test 3 - Real-time science data Test 4 - DDS-SOC Protocol files Test 5 - Science data retransmissions from DDS Test 6 - ERR files Test 7 - Contingency and equipment failure tests 1

67 EVE Development Status (1)
EVE T&C Software Releases: Pre-Release B (OASIS-CC), June 05 Software interfaces with the spacecraft simulator/ASIST (SSIM) to support EVE board checkouts, and engineering model and flight instrument testing EVE monitor and command system, OASIS-CC, consists of: Populated command and telemetry (TLM) databases TLM panels; all TLM available Test procedures for repeatability Created IDL routines to produce TLM plots for quick-look analysis Pre-Releases C/D (Planning and Eng Data Processing ), July/Aug 06 Planning and Long-term Engineering data analysis products available 1

68 EVE Development Status (2)
EVE SDP Software Releases: Pre-Release A (Level 0 Processing ), Sept 05 Software interfaces with spacecraft simulator/DDS (SSIM) to support engineering model and flight instrument testing. The software can: Assemble and verify EVE test pattern Check Engineering and Flight CCD data (Quick-look Utilities for Integration and Test) Process data through Level 0A & 0B Pre-Release B (Level 0 Processing ), June 06 Initial DDS-SPOC interface development (flight code development) Level 1 processing 1

69 JSOC Development Status (1)
HMI/AIA JSOC T&C Software Releases LMSAL EGSE Release 6.6, Feb 16, 2006 Four sets of LMSAL EGSE currently running this version against ASIST This version supports Tests 1 – 6 and 8 Updates required for: Setup reconfigure to receive HK recorded telemetry EGSE to be updated by Oct 2006 Automatic Notification System (Test 7) to pager or to text phone message EGSE to be updated by Nov 2006 JSOC Interface testing (acceptance testing) Test with Real-Time Node (RTN, LMSAL implementation of MOC-SOC ICD) Test HK recorded telemetry reception with RTN Use with spacecraft simulator (SSIM) 1

70 JSOC Development Status (2)
HMI/AIA JSOC SDP Software Releases JSOC SDP EGSE preliminary release, September 2004 Supports of instrument integration and test Interfaces with the SSIM/DDS JSOC/DDS interface release, March 2007 Full implementation of the JSOC/DDS interface Will support interface testing starting in July 2007 1

71 SOC Test Status SOCs perform their own Acceptance Testing and follow a rigorous process Test documents Established configuration management process Discrepancy tracking tools SOC software is heritage software EVE T&C system is the same software currently used to operate several LASP missions: QuikSCAT, ICESat, and SORCE HMI/AIA T&C software is inherited from several LMSAL missions, including instruments on SOHO, Solar-B and TRACE. HMI and AIA have identical T&C software, thus reducing test effort SOC software is tested against each new release of flight software SOC software is used to support instrument development and integration and test 1

72 SOC Acceptance Testing Interface Test Configuration
T&C SOC (Ops WS) SSIM (S/C Simulator) Instrument hardware Cmd/Tlm Cmd/Tlm Science Data ASIST/ NTGSE Science Data Files SDP SOC QAC Files DDS SOCs have been interfacing with the SDO-provided Spacecraft Simulator (SSIM) for over a year . Includes an ASIST (NTGSE) to support T&C functions Contains a small version of DDS for SDP support Produces science data files in the specified format. Generates a QAC file. 1

73 SOC Interface Requirement Status
The SOC interface detailed requirements are defined in The MOC-to SOC ICD The DDS-to-SOC ICD The FDS to Ground System ICD ICDs are under the control of the SDO Project CCB ICDs have been recently revised and are up-to-date All modifications are proposed and discussed within the SOWG before being submitted to the CCB Modifications were related to minor format changes made necessary as implementation proceeds Requirements Verification Draft SOC Interface test procedures has been sent to the SOC Lead Engineers for review A draft verification matrix captures requirements and the associated test cases Test cases will be executed to verify all the data flows and requirements defined in the ICDs 1

74 MOC-SOC Interface Test Configuration
PSS FEDS ASIST Primary commands telemetry SOC WS Firewall MOC ANS MOC MPS MOC Product server 1

75 MOC-SOC Real-time HK Telemetry
PSS FEDS ASIST Primary commands telemetry SOC WS Firewall MOC ANS MOC MPS MOC Product server 1

76 … SOC-MOC Commanding T&C SOC PSS FEDS ASIST Primary commands telemetry
SOC WS Firewall MOC ANS MOC MPS MOC Product server T&C SOC 1

77 MOC-SOC L0 HK Telemetry, FDS Products and Mission Support data
PSS FEDS ASIST Primary commands telemetry SOC WS Firewall MOC ANS MOC MPS MOC Product server Note that Mission support data, including operational reports, can be bidirectional 1

78 DDS/SOC Interface Testing Configuration Science data (TLM) files
EVE SOC Data capture WS FOP server HMI SOC Data capture WS PSS FOP server TOAD POAD Science telemetry VCDU server QCP servers AIA SOC Data capture WS FOP server 1

79 DDS/SOC Interface Testing Configuration Retransmissions and protocol files
EVE SOC Data capture WS FOP server Science telemetry HMI SOC Data capture WS PSS FOP server TOAD POAD VCDU server QCP servers AIA SOC Data capture WS FOP server 1

80 SOC Interface Testing - Summary
SOCs development and acceptance testing is on track to meet the scheduled SDO Ground System interface tests MOC and DDS release schedules meet the needs for SOC interface testing Documentation is ready: ICDs and interface tests procedures Early start with EVE SOC will allow to identify and correct logistics and “first time” problems HMI and AIA use the same software allowing to reduce the total expected time to test 1

81 Ground System Security Jim Wiedman
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Ground System Security Jim Wiedman 1

82 Security Requirements
FISMA/NIST – Federal IT Security Policy Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) set out high level security requirements Includes access control, training, configuration management, maintenance, media protection, physical protection, personnel security, risk assessment, communication protection, etc. NPR A - NASA IT Security Policy Revision in force May 16, 2006 NASA Information Technology Requirements (NITR) filling in gaps GPR GSFC IT Security Policy Includes incident response, roles and responsibilities, vulnerability scanning, warning banners, etc. GPR 2810 will likely require an update now that NPR A is signed IONet Security Policy Includes network services restrictions, audits, and connection procedures GSFC Space Asset Protection Policy – Mission Focused Policy Security for mission programs Includes requirements for protecting spacecraft commanding 1

83 Security Schedule and Status
Task Due Date Status Security Plan May 2006 Completed Risk Assessment MOC Firewall Installation I&T Firewall July 2006 Equipment received FlatSat Firewall Sept 2006 DDS Firewalls Jan 2007 Space Asset Protection Package Feb 2007 In progress Security Operations Review June 2007 Scheduled 1

84 Security Verification Status
Vulnerability Scanning – performed by IONet Security MOC is complete EVE T&C scheduled for June 2006 S/C I&T Scheduled for July 2006 Other network segments as they are brought online. E.g., HMI/AIA, SDOGS, DDS Weekly scanning by SDO GS Security once all network segments are operational Document Audits Security Package complete: Security Plan, Risk Assessment, IONet Checklist reviewed by IONet Security Command authentication CCB approved April 2006 Space Asset Protection Plan scheduled for February 2007 with Code 590 NIST SP Self Assessment - performed by GS Security MOC scheduled for December 2006 EVE T&C scheduled for December 2006 S/C I&T scheduled for January 2007 JSOC T&C scheduled for March 2007 FlatSat scheduled for July 2007 Certification and Accreditation To be determined by NASA HQ 1

85 GS Network Architecture

86 Concerns Concern: Security requirements, policies, guidelines and documents are in a state of flux Mitigation: Mission-dedicated security personnel involved with various GSFC security committees to stay informed of latest developments 1

87 Ground System Integration Tests Robert Oertly
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review Ground System Integration Tests Robert Oertly 1

88 Ground System Test Readiness
Agenda Schedule Test Tools Test Implementation 1

89 GSRT Test Schedule 1

90 Test Tools and Resources
There are 4 Portable Spacecraft Simulator (PSS) systems. Two are capable of housekeeping and command operations and two of these also provide simulated science data streams. All four simulators are developed and operating. One PSS is located in the MOC for MOC Acceptance Testing and MOC to SOC TLM and CMD interface testing. One PSS with a science card is located in the DDS development and test Lab in Bldg 11. One PSS with a science card is located in the MOC area for DDS AT until the DDS moves to WSC One PSS is located at the PSS development area and will move to the USN sites Flatsat is located in Bldg 23 Flatsat will be used by the MOC FOT for procedure development, training and simulations The Flight Software Maintenance Group uses Flatsat for software development and maintenance SDO Data will be recorded during Observatory I&T for use during GSRT testing SDO data will also be used by the PSS to increase simulator data fidelity 1

91 Test Tools and Resources cont.
The Blue Mesa Collimation Tower will be used for SDOGS S-Band and Ka Band RF Telemetry, Command and Tracking testing. SDO Ground System is implementing a plan for an interim portable tower. The Comprehensive Discrepancy System (CDS) is a Tool for tracking Internal Discrepancy Reports (IDRs) and Test Discrepancy Reports (TDRs). The CDS is online and tracking ground system IDRs 1

92 GSRT Fully Integrated Ground System Test

93 GSRT Fully Integrated Ground System Test
The Integrated Ground System Test is to verify the SDO Ground System’s ability to receive, record, process, and display SDO S-Band TLM, CMD, TRK data and Ka-Band Science data. Associated protocols and status information from all ground stations through to the SDO control Mission MOC and each instruments’ SOC will be verified. The housekeeping and command data flow processing will include the interfaces with the MOC and SOC subsystems. The Ka-Band Science data flow processing will include the interfaces from SDOGS through to the DDS and SOCs. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS, FDF, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SDOGS, SN, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), USN, S/C I&T, PSS and Recorded SDO data 1

94 GSRT Telemetry and Command Test
Simulated HK Telemetry R/T PB Kbps data Memory Dumps. Flight S/W Loads Kbps CMDS data MOC T&C ASIST/FEDS ITPS ANS FDS MPS SDO MOC CMD Load Requests R/T & P/B 2Kbps – Kbps HK, Hr. TLM Data File, CMD Responses Status R/T & P/B HK TLM 1Kbps - 250Kbps PDB Files FDS Products Paging Messages Science Uplink Plan Instrument CMD Request FLATSAT PSS Recorded Data GSFC I&T S/C or Emulation Remote User Displays Internal Displays Attitude Orbit Predicts Attitude Data SOCS AIA EVE HMI MOC System Heartbeats 2kbps SFDU Instrument CMDs, Batch Mode CMDs, Operational Reports Schedules 1

95 GSRT Telemetry and Command Test cont.
The Telemetry and Command Test is to verify the Ground System’s ability to receive, record, process, and display CCSDS format housekeeping telemetry (TLM) and command (CMD) data, with associated protocols and status information. The TLM and CMD data flow processing will include varied data sources to the MOC subsystems and through to each SDO SOC via COMM (NISN) interfaces. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), MOC ANS, MOC FDS, FDF, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), PSS, Flatsat, S/C I&T area, The PSS, Flatsat simulators and recorded SDO data are used as available and required for each test iteration 1

96 GSRT Science Data Processing Test SDO Ground Station Antennas
DDS DSIM SDO Ground Station Antennas (WSGT,STGT) Emulation POAD Status and Control Files Metadata Files H D R M O WSGT FEP2 SDO SOCs WSGT FEP1 TOAD (42 TByte RAID) Ka-Band IF 720 MHz 150 Mbps Science Data H D R FEP VCDU Server AIA VCDUs PSS QCP Ka-Band IF 720 MHz VCDUs & Metadata 67 Mbps Science TLM QAC, DSF, ERR files File Output Processor AIA Replay Request ASF, ARC File Exchange Raid QCP EVE VCDUs STGT FEP2 VCDUs & Metadata 7 Mbps Science TLM QAC, DSF, ERR files H D R M O File Output Processor EVE STGT FEP1 Ka-Band IF 720 MHz QCP HMI VCDUs Replay Request 150 Mbps Science Data H D R FEP VCDU Server ASF, ARC File Exchange Recorded Data Ka-Band IF 720 MHz VCDUs & Metadata File Output Processor 55 Mbps Science TLM QAC, DSF, ERR files HMI Raid QCP Spares Replay Request ASF, ARC File Exchange Status and Control Files Status and Control DSIM Status and Control Status and Control DDS Status DDS Control Directives MOC GSFC 1

97 GSRT Science Data Processing Test
The SDO Science Data Processing Test is to verify the Ground System’s ability to receive, record and forward science data VCDUs to the SDO SOCs. The science data flow processing will include the data interfaces from the DDS FEP HDR receiver through to each SDO SOC for receipt and archive operations. Distribution to users can be tested as SOC offline processing systems become available. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, FDF, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), PSS and recorded SDO data 1

98 GSRT SDOGS RF Communications and Station Operations Test
WSC PSS SDO SOCs AIA SOC 67 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files HDR MOD DDS AIA Internal TLM/CMD/Science Data Test EVE SOC 7 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files Equipment Area HMI SOC 55 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files Test Inject 150 Mbps Science WSGT 720 MHz EVE SDOGS SDO MOC 150 Mbps Science STGT 720 MHz Ka-Band: 26.5 GHz Downlink (RHCP & LHCP) 150 Mbps Science Data PSS Ka-Band: Science Data S-Band: TLM & CMD SDO ETU MOC T&C AIA TLM & CMDs Status, Control HMI EVE TLM & CMDs HMI TLM & CMDs M O D M O D Status, Control DSIM Status, Control S-Band: MHz Uplink 2 kbps CMDs MHz Downlink 1-250 kbps TLM and TRK Trending Data, Charts, Plots MOC ITPS WSGT Status, Control M O D M O D kbps TLM CMD responses Mini MOC System Heartbeats Paging Messages MOC ANS Col Tower CMDs Paging Messages kbps TLM and TRK CMD responses Blue Mesa Schedules, CMD Requests MOC MPS STGT TRK Data FDF CMDs, Schedules ACS, ATT Data MOC FDS Orbit/Attitude Predicts 1

99 GSRT SDOGS RF Communications and Station Operations Test
The SDOGS RF Communications and Station Operations Test is to verify the SDOGS integrated with the Ground System is able to receive, record, process, and display SDO S-Band (TLM, CMD and TRK) and Ka-Band Science data, and associated protocols and status information. S-Band TLM, CMD and TRK operations and data flow processing will include the interfaces to the MOC subsystems and SOCs. The Ka-Band Science data flow processing will include the SDOGS interfaces to the DDS and SOCs via COMM (NISN) interfaces. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS, FDF, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SDOGS, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), PSS and recorded SDO data (First at the SDOGS test inject and then modulated from the WSC Col Tower) 1

100 GSRT SN RF Communications and Station Operations Test
TDRS SN S-Band: RF MHz Uplink RF MHz Downlink WSC Tracking Data TDRSS Antennas SN Acquisition Data RT S-Band TLM & CMDs FDF RT I&T RF TLM & CMDs TDRSS Early Orbit Tracking data, display, FDF Reference Files 2 kbps CMDs 2 kbps S-Band Data MOC T&C FDS Products MOC FDS GSFC ACS ATT Data CTV/RFSOC RT I&T TLM & CMD, Hard-line MOC ANS RT I&T TLM & CMD, Hard-line Schedule, CMD Requests, Forecasted Activity Trending Data, Charts, Plots MOC System Heartbeats RT P/B HK TLM 2kbps GSFC I&T SDO S/C MOC MPS MOC ITPS SDO MOC 1

101 GSRT SN RF Communications and Station Operations Test
The SN Test is to verify the Ground System’s ability to receive, record, process, and display SDO housekeeping telemetry, command and tracking data, and associated protocols and status information through the TDRS Space Network (SN). The data flow processing will include the interfaces to the MOC subsystems via COMM (NISN) interfaces. This test will initially run during the Compatibility Test with SDO at GSFC. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), FDF, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SN, SDO I&T area, GSFC Compat Van, RFSOC 1

102 GSRT USN RF Communications and Station Operations Test
SDO MOC USN Sites MOC System Heartbeats U S N M C PA & CA USN Forecast MOC MPS Data Stimulus Weekly Station Schedule SOCs Schedule, Requests PSS & Transponder South Africa MOC ANS AIA RF MHz downlink, S-Band MOC T&C RT P/B 2kbps kbps 24 Hr. HK Data File, MOC CMD responses Chile Kbps H/K, CMD Responses RF MHz uplink, 2kbps RF RHCP CMD EVE 2kbps SFDU Instrument CMDs USN Recorded Data 2kbps R/T CMDs RT P/B HK TLM 1kbps – 250kbps PDB Files MOC ITPS Hawaii HMI ATT, ACS Data FDS Products MOC FDS Australia Orbit Predicts and Tracking Schedule FDF Reference Files Acquisition Data file & IIRV Weekly Radiometric TRK Data, Doppler & Range Tone TRK FDF 1

103 GSRT USN RF Communications and Station Operations Test (cont.)
The USN Tests are to verify the Ground System’s ability to receive, record, process, and display SDO housekeeping telemetry, command and tracking data and associated protocols and status information through the Universal Space Network (USN). The data flow processing will include the sites to the USN control centers at Horsham PA and Newport Beach CA and through to the MOC and each SDO SOC via COMM (NISN) interfaces. Testing will involve recorded data and the PSS and transponder for integrated USN-MOC-SOC testing. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), FDF, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), USN, PSS, recorded SDO data 1

104 GSRT KSC Launch Site Readiness Test
FDF FDF Reference Files Orbit Predicts and Tracking Schedule SDO MOC MOC FDS Launch State Vector SOCs AIA FDS Products RT P/B kbps TLM, CMD responses SOC CMDs KSC MOC T&C 2 kbps CMDs EVE SDO SOCs IGSE Kbps H/K, CMD Responses RT P/B kbps TLM, CMD responses AIA HMI 2Kbps SFDU Instrument CMDs PSS Post launch Kbps H/K, EVE Schedule, CMD Requests, Forecasted Activity Trending Data, Charts, Plots HMI MOC Heartbeats RT P/B HK TLM MOC MPS MOC ITPS MOC ANS 1

105 GSRT KSC Launch Site Readiness Test
The Launch Site Readiness Test is to verify ground system ability to receive, record, process, and display SDO housekeeping TLM and CMD data at the MOC from KSC. The test will verify interfaces to and from the SDO Integration and Test area at the Kennedy Space Center and include TLM and CMD data flow processing with the SOC IGSEs located in the MOC. This test is essential to be completed prior to the GSFC MOC FOT testing with the SDO observatory at KSC. In addition, station data to the MOC will be sent to KSC to test the post-launch data path from the GSFC to the I&T IGSEs at KSC for L&EO. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM, FDF, KSC (varied I&T and launch configuration areas), MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC ITPS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SOC IGSEs, AIA SOC, EVE SOC, HMI SOC, PSS at the KSC SDO I&T area 1

106 SDOGS – KA ETU RF Test WSC PSS SIM Blue Mesa DDS SDOGS Col Tower 1
WSGT FEP1 Equipment Area H D R FEP VCDU Server 26 GHz to 720 MHz Downconverter 150 Mbps Science WSGT 720 MHz PSS SIM SDO C&DH Ka Comm Card ETU M O D WSGT Raid Ka-Band: 26.5 GHz Downlink (RHCP & LHCP) 150 Mbps Science Data STGT FEP1 H D R FEP VCDU Server 26 GHz to 720 MHz Downconverter 150 Mbps Science STGT 720 MHz Col Tower STGT Raid Blue Mesa DDS SDOGS 1

107 SDOGS – KA ETU RF Test (cont.)
The SDOGS KA ETU Test is to verify the SDO Ground System’s (GS) ability to receive, and process science data from a SDO engineering test unit KA-Comm Card. Ka simulated science data will also flow through the KA-Comm Card and then RF modulated at the WSC Col Tower for receipt by the SDOGS antennae. The Ka signal stability will be verified through the actual SDOGS antenna equipment strings. A modulated signal with data can also be processed as normal through the DDS HDR. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS, SDOGS, Science Simulator, KA-ETU 1

108 72 Day E-T-E Science Performance Test
WSC PSS HDR MOD Emergency B/U Mode AIA SOC 67 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files DDS SDO SOCs F E P 150 Mbps Science WSGT 720 MHz Test Inject EVE SOC 7 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files AIA HMI SOC 55 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR, ASF, ARC Metadata Files 150 Mbps Science STGT 720 MHz F E P SDOGS Ka-Band: 26.5 GHz Downlink (RHCP & LHCP) 150 Mbps Science Data EVE Equipment Area Status, Control MOC T&C AIA TLM & CMDs EVE TLM & CMDs PSS Ka-Band: Science Data S-Band: TLM & CMD M O D HMI TLM & CMDs Status, Control DSIM Status, Control S-Band: MHz Uplink 2 kbps CMDs MHz Downlink 1-250 kbps TLM and TRK HMI Trending Data, Charts, Plots MOC ITPS M O D WSGT Status, Control kbps TLM CMD responses Mini MOC System Heartbeats Paging Messages MOC ANS Col Tower CMDs Paging Messages Blue Mesa kbps TLM and TRK CMD responses Schedules, CMD Requests MOC MPS STGT TRK Data FDF CMDs, Schedules ACS, ATT Data MOC FDS Orbit/Attitude Predicts SDO MOC 1

109 72 Day E-T-E Science Performance Test
The 72 Day End-To-End Science Performance Test is to verify the SDO Ground System’s ability to operate for 72 consecutive days. The SDOGS science data flow processing will include the interfaces to the DDS FEP through the DDS to each SDO SOC. Normal routine S-Band operations will also be conducted to emulate a full load on the ground system. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS, FDF, MOC ANS, MOC FDS, MOC MPS, MOC T&C, SDOGS, SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), PSS, Col Tower 1

110 I&T – WSC/DDS – SOC Science End-To-End Test
POAD DDS Metadata Files SDO SOCS TOAD (42 TByte RAID) GSFC I&T QCP AIA VCDUs VCDUs & Metadata 67 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR files File Output Processor AIA SDOGS RF Rack LNA Downconverter Ka-Band IF 720 MHz 150 Mbps Data F E P QCP Replay Request ASF, ARC files OC3 Line 150 Mbps Data EVE VCDUs VCDUs & Metadata 7 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR files File Output Processor EVE QCP HMI VCDUs Replay Request ASF, ARC files Ka-Band RF 26 GHz VCDUs & Metadata File Output Processor 55 Mbps Science TLM, QAC, DSF, ERR files HMI Status and Control Replay Request ASF, ARC files Status and Control DSIM Status and Control DDS Status DDS Control MOC GSFC 1

111 I&T – WSC/DDS – SOC Science End-To-End Test (cont.)
The I&T – WSC/DDS – SOC, Science End-To-End Test is to verify the quality of SDO Ka-Band science data processed through the Ground System to the SOCs. The science data flow processing will include the RF interfaces from the SDO through the SDOGS RF rack through to the GSFC DDS FEP all located at the GSFC S/C I&T area. The GSFC FEP output will be sent over an OC3 leased line to the DDS at WSC. The science data will then be processed through the WSC DDS Core System to each SDO SOC. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), DDS (at GSFC I&T and WSC), SOCs (AIA, EVE, HMI), SDO, SDOGS RF rack at GSFC I&T. 1

112 Ka-Band Tracking Opportunities Ka-Band Tracking Opportunities
Optional WB-57 Aerodynamic Antenna Other Spacecraft Un-Modulated Ka-Band signal Transmitted GPS Coordinates Transmitted via packets Blue Mesa Col Tower 26.5 GHz Ka-Band Receiver Ka-Band Auto-Track SDOGS Ka-Band Tracking Opportunities 1

113 Ka-Band Tracking Opportunities (cont.)
Ka-Band Tracking tests will add to the verification of the SDOGS Ka tracking capabilities. SDOGS will use the WSC Col Tower for S-Band and Ka-Band Tracking. Besides Col Tower tests, opportunities with other spacecraft and the optional WB-57 Aircraft can be used. SUPPORTING ELEMENTS AND CONFIGURATIONS COMM (NISN), SDOGS, MOC, WB-57, Other Spacecraft 1

114 Concerns WSC Col Tower availability
The permanent Col Tower will not be ready for the earliest SDOGS Antenna Testing Mitigation Development of a portable tower for SDO use Permission for a temporary tower at Blue Mesa was received Plans are being implemented at present Sharing of some compatible RF equipment with the permanent tower will be implemented to keep cost down 1

115 SDO Mission Operations Testing Chris Silva, SDO Mission Ops Manager
SDO Ground System Test Readiness Review SDO Mission Operations Testing Chris Silva, SDO Mission Ops Manager 1

116 SDO Mission Operations Testing
Agenda Observatory I&T Dataflow to MOC and SOCs FlatSat Test Bed Configuration and Interface to MOC Mission Ops Test Milestones with Observatory Overview of Test Opportunities with the Observatory Mission Ops Testing using FlatSat 1

117 I&T Facility (GSFC Bldg-7/10)
Observatory I&T Dataflow to MOC and SOCs SOC SOC SDP SOC T&C Inst. CMDs MOC Internet H/K TLM F E D S TLM Primary ASIST H/K TLM CMDs CMDs I&T Facility (GSFC Bldg-7/10) H/K TLM GSE Status Primary ASIST H/K Telemetry (VCDUs) S-Band FEDS CMDs Commands (CLTUs) H/K TLM GSE Status Trending ITPS H/K Data Archive H/K TLM CMDs Ka-band Science Data Associate ASIST SAS Rack GDS Umbilical H/K TLM CMDs Ka FEP Inst. T&C Systems GSE Control Directives Science Data Files CNE Gateway Ka Data Archive Science Data IGSE Internet PC Internet 1

118 FlatSat Test Bed Config & I/F to MOC

119 Mission Ops Test Milestones with Observatory
2007 2008 Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov Jan Mar May July Sept Observatory Integration and Testing PSR Mission Operations Reviews MOR FORR 1st SDO Housekeeping Data Flow with MOC S/C Only EVE HMI AIA MOC Flight Procedure Testing with Spacecraft High-rate OC3 Data Circuit S/C I&T to WSC MOC Flight Procedure Testing with Instruments Mission Simulations (Day in Life) Mission Simulations During TV/TB Testing Mission Simulations Contingency Operations Mission Simulations L&EO Operations Testing with SDO at KSC Launch Rehearsals Launch August Last Revision: May 2006 1

120 Test Opportunities w/ Observatory (1 of 2)
Test Opportunity Date ~ Test Hours Comments First Spacecraft Housekeeping Dataflow with MOC Nov 2006 24 First live telemetry data transmitted to MOC from the spacecraft. Testing will include No-Op commanding to verify command coordination between MOC and I&T T&C systems Performed after C&DH electrical integration is complete Once interface is established, telemetry can be flowed to the MOC on an as needed basis (coordinated with S/C TCs) Telemetry can also be sent to SOCs as needed (to be negotiated between Instrument Teams and FOT) MOC Flight Procedure Testing with Spacecraft April 2007 48 FOT requires time with spacecraft to test contingency procedures that cannot be tested with the FlatSat simulator. (For example cross-strapping procedures) Time may be spread out over several days, executed during off-hours First EVE Housekeeping Dataflow to EVE SOC May 2007 First live EVE instrument housekeeping telemetry data transmitted through the MOC to the EVE SOC Performed after EVE instrument integration is complete EVE housekeeping telemetry can be sent to SOC (via MOC) on an as needed basis (to be negotiated between EVE Team and FOT) First HMI Housekeeping Dataflow to JSOC First live HMI instrument housekeeping telemetry data transmitted through the MOC to the JSOC Performed after HMI instrument integration is complete HMI housekeeping telemetry can be sent to JSOC (via MOC) on an as needed basis (to be negotiated between HMI Team and FOT) First AIA Housekeeping Dataflow to JSOC First live AIA instrument housekeeping telemetry data transmitted through the MOC to the JSOC (performed after AIA instrument integration is complete) AIA housekeeping telemetry can be sent to JSOC (via MOC) on an as needed basis (to be negotiated between AIA Team and FOT) 1

121 Test Opportunities w/ Observatory (2 of 2)
Test Opportunity Date ~ Test Hours Comments MOC Flight Procedure Testing with Instruments Dec 2007 48 This time is reserved for the FOT and SOCs to jointly test and validate Instrument contingency procedures which reside in the MOC (for example instrument safing or shutdown) Time may be spread out over several days and executed during off-hours Day in The Life Mission Simulation Jan 2008 24 Simulate typical SDO day in the life (Full sun ops) This simulation will include High-rate science data from the Instruments over a temporarily OC3 circuit from GSFC to WSC through the operational DDS and to the SOC SDP facilities Project plans to install GSFC-to-WSC OC3 circuit for approx days to support this testing Mission Simulations During TV/TB Jan-Feb 2008 84 Simulate typical SDO day in the life (Full-sun and Eclipse ops) These simulations will focus on the planning and coordination between the MOC and SOCs specific to Eclipse Operations. Simulations will likely be executed piecemeal as several separate opportunities scheduled around thermal transition periods OC3 circuit should still be in place allowing flow of High-rate science telemetry to be included simulations Contingency Operations Feb-Mar 2008 Contingency Tests and Simulations: This time is set aside for simulating/testing the MOC’s ability to handle various contingency scenarios that cannot be simulated with the FlatSat Examples include: C&DH, ACE, and GCE Cross-strap configurations, HGA Handovers, Loss of Comm recovery, and Ka-band and S-band RF configurations, Instrument Contingencies (TBD) Mission Simulations L&EO Simulation March 2008 L&EO Simulations: Time is set aside for the MOC and SOCs to test and simulate planned IOC activities which cannot be simulated with the FlatSat Examples include Instrument Turn On and Initialization activities Launch Rehearsals (Three total) Aug 2008 24 hours Rehearse the timeframe from Launch minus 8 hrs to Launch All mission support personnel participate in these rehearsals to assure that all channels of communication have been well thought out and exercised 1

122 Mission Ops Testing with Observatory
Due to FlatSat single-string design, some tests can only be performed with the observatory . . . MOC Instrument health and safety contingency procedures Spacecraft contingency procedures involving cross-strapping or switching to redundant units “Day in the Life” testing that includes high-rate science data flow from instruments Ka-Comm and High Speed Bus contingency procedures with instruments Testing of “Coordinated Events” (instrument calibrations) Loss-of-Comm recovery procedure High Gain Antenna deployment procedure Tests will be coordinated with Observatory I&T Manager, Systems Team, and S/C Subsystem PDLs

123 Mission Ops Testing with FlatSat
Approach: Develop integrated team consisting of representatives from FOT, FlatSat, GSFC Dynamic Simulator (GDS), Systems Team, Spacecraft Team, GS Dev Team, Flight Dynamics, FSW, and FSW Test Team SDO Maneuver Scenarios (End-to-end) MOC FDS Maneuver Command Sheets MOC MPS ATS/RTS load templates and command load generation MOC T&C System Command Load uplink and verification Maneuver execution (GDS simulates propulsion system and ACS sensors and actuators) Delta V: nominal GTO ascent burns, GTO contingencies, and nominal GEO station-keeping Delta H: emergency “tip-off” rate control, GTO, and nominal GEO momentum management Flight Software Uplink and Dump Functions Software uploads to RAM and EEPROM SDNs (C&DH, ACE, PSE, GCE processors) Software uploads to RAM and EEPROM for Main Processor (C&DH and ACS software) PBBL: uplink new software using Prom-based Boot Loader on MP and SDNs ACS Slew Scenarios (required to support Instrument Cals) Execute attitude portion of each defined instrument calibration scenario Will use observatory to verify coordination between S/C commands and instrument controlled operations (post instrument integration) High Gain Antenna (HGA) Handover Operations Solid State Recorder (SSR) Data Recovery Operations 1

124 SDO Ground System Testing
TRR Summary Raymond J. Pages 1

125 Summary Items

126 Acronyms 1

CCSDS CDS CDR CLTU CM CMD COL COMM COTS CPT CTV Attitude Control System Attitude Determination System Atmospheric Image Assembly Alert Notification System Apogee Motor Firing Advanced Spacecraft Integration and System Test Acceptance Test Absolute Time Sequence Command & Data Handling Calibration Configuration Control Board Closed Circuit Loop Configuration Change Request Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Comprehensive Discrepancy System Critical Design Review Control Link Transmission Unit Configuration Management Command Collimation Tower Communications Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Comprehensive Performance Test Compatibility Test Van 1

ETU EVE FAT FDF FDS FEDS FEP FISMA FOMD FORR FOT FOV FSML Database Data Distribution Center Data Distribution System Detailed Mission Requirements DDS and SDOGS Integrated Manager Extended Expendable Launch Vehicle External Ground Support Equipment End Of Mission Extended Precision Vector End-to-End Engineering Test Unit Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment Factory Acceptance Test Flight Dynamics Facility Flight Dynamics System Front End Data System Front End Processor Federal Information Security Management Act Facilities Operations Maintenance Department Flight Operations Readiness Review Flight Operations Team Field of View Flight Software Maintenance Lab 1

GSPM GSRT GSRTM GSRTT GT GTO HGA HK HMI HW IAD I&T ICD ID Flight Software Geosynchronous Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Gigahertz Government Off The Shelf Ground Operations Working Group Ground System Ground Support Equipment Goddard Space Flight Center Ground System Implementation Manager Ground System Project Manager Ground System Readiness Testing Ground System Readiness Test Manager Ground System Readiness Test Team Guide Telescope Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit High Gain Antenna Housekeeping Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Hardware Interface Agreement Document Integration & Testing Interface Control Document Identification 1

130 SDO Acronyms (Cont.) 1 IDL IDR IF IFS IGSE IONet IP ITPS IT JSOC Kbps
KHz KSC L&EO LAN LASP LMSAL LNA LSSP LWS Mbps MBps MHz Integrated Data Language Internal Discrepancy Report Intermediate frequency; interface Internal File Server Instrument Ground Support Equipment Internet Protocol Operational Network Internet Protocol Integrated Trending & Plotting System Information Technology Joint Operations Science Center Kilobits per second Kilohertz Kennedy Space Center Launch and Early Orbit Local Area Network Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory Low Noise Amplifier Launch Site Support Plan Living With a Star Mega bits per second Mega Bytes per second Mega Hertz 1

NASA NASCOM NISN NIST NOC OA OASIS OC12 OC3 OPS P/B PC PDB Mission Interface Working Group Mini Mission Operations Center Mission Operations Center Mission Operations Review Memorandum Of Understanding Mission Operations Voice Enhancement Mission Planning Mission Planning System Mission Planning System Function Mission Requirements Document Not Applicable National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Communications NASA Integrated Space Network National Institute of Standards & Technology Network Operations Center Operations Agreement Operations and Science Instrument Support Optical Carrier 12 (12 x Mbps) Optical Carrier 3 (3 x Mbps) Operations Playback Personal Computer Project Database 1

RFI RIOnet RRCP RT (R/T) RTS RTADS SAT S/C SDO SDOGS SDP SEC Pre-Environmental Review Problem Failure Report Principal Investigator Permanent Online Archive Device Problem Report Power Subsystem Electronics Project Service Level Agreement Pre-Ship Review Portable Spacecraft Simulator Quality And Accounting Radio Frequency Request for Action Request for Information Restricted IOnet Range Receive Command Processor Real Time Relative Time Sequence Real-Time Attitude Determination System Site Acceptance Test Spacecraft Solar Dynamics Observatory Solar Dynamics Observatory Ground Station Science Data Processor Sun-Earth Connection 1

SWT T&C TBD TC TCP/IP TDRS TDRSS TIM TLM TMF TOAD Standard Formatted Data Unit Site Integration Test Space Network Science Operations Center Statement of Work Science Processing Operations Center System Requirements Review Solid State Recorder Second TDRS Ground Terminal Systems Test and Operations Language Software Science Working Team Telemetry & Command To Be Determined Test Conductor Transfer Control Protocol/Internet ProtocoL Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System Technical Interchange Meeting Telemetry Trim Motor Firing Temporary Online Archive Device 1

WSGT Telemetry Processor Tracking Test Requirements Verification Matrix Telemetry Tracking & Command Universal Space Network Universal Time Coordinated Virtual Channel Virtual Channel Data Unit Voice Distribution System Wide Area Network White Sands Complex White Sands Ground Terminal 1

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