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Monday, October 17, 2016 Warm-up Talk about quizzes Jelly Blubbers

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 17, 2016 Warm-up Talk about quizzes Jelly Blubbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 17, 2016 Warm-up Talk about quizzes Jelly Blubbers
Describe what is wrong with wording a question like these examples if I am trying to conduct a fair survey Don't you agree that student drop-off in the morning is a problem? There are many people who believe that student drop-off in the morning is a problem. Are you one of them? Do you agree that student drop-off in the morning is a problem and that the administration should be working diligently on a solution? Talk about quizzes Jelly Blubbers Height Survey for seats…

2 Objectives Content Objective: I will work with various types of samples and explain the difference between them. Social Objective: I will participate in the class activities. Language Objective: I will clarify the meanings of SRS, STRATIFIED, SYSTEMATIC, and CLUSTER sampling

3 Scheme – clear, correct assignment of two-digit random numbers
Stopping Rule – state correctly when a trial ends Count – state or demonstrate that the number of winners is the outcome Non-Replacement – state that numbers cannot be used more than once in a trial Correct execution of YOUR scheme and stopping rule 4 (complete response) = All 5 E’s 3 (substantial response) = 4 E’s 2 (developing response) = 3 E’s 1 (minimal response) = 2E’s OR E for step 5

4 JellyBlubbers

5 Complete at least 5 definitions or examples
Homework Read chapter 12 Complete at least 5 definitions or examples

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