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Session 55 Draw six segments that pass through every dot in the figure without taking your pencil off the paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 55 Draw six segments that pass through every dot in the figure without taking your pencil off the paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 55 Draw six segments that pass through every dot in the figure without taking your pencil off the paper.

2 Go over test The easiest thing to do is to plug in 1 and -1 (or 2 and -2) if you get the same y, then it’s Even. If you get the opposite y, then it’s Odd. If you get different y’s, then it’s Neither.

3 Unit 5 Vocabulary The easiest thing to do is to plug in 1 and -1 (or 2 and -2) if you get the same y, then it’s Even. If you get the opposite y, then it’s Odd. If you get different y’s, then it’s Neither.

4 Angle A figure formed by 2 rays with a common endpoint. The angle is

5 Circle The set of points on a plane at a certain distance, or radius, from a single point, the center

6 Perpendicular Line Two lines that intersect at a right angle (90°).
Written as

7 Parallel Line Lines in a plane that either do not share any points and never intersect, or share all points. Written as

8 Line Segment A line with two endpoints. Written as

9 Point An exact position or location in a given plane.
Point A or Point B

10 Line The set of points between points P and Q in a plane and the infinite number of points that continue beyond the points. Written as

11 Distance along a line The linear distance between two points on a given line.

12 Right Angle An angle that measures 90°.

13 Acute Angle An angle measuring less than 90° but greater than 0°.

14 Obtuse Angle An angle measuring greater than 90° but less than 180°.

15 One-to-One A relationship wherein each point in a set of points is mapped to exactly one other point.

16 Pre-image The original figure before undergoing a transformation.

17 Image The new, resulting figure after a transformation

18 Isometry A transformation in which the preimage and image are congruent.

19 Every segment is congruent to its image.
Transformations are called RIGID if every image is congruent to its preimage. Rigid transformations can also be referred to as an ISOMETRY. Every segment is congruent to its image.

20 Which of the following are rigid transformations? (Isometry)

21 Isometries not only preserve lengths, but they preserve angle measures parallel lines, and betweenness of points

22 Find the value of each variable, given that the transformation is an isometry.

23 Congruent Figures are congruent if they have the same shape, size, lines, and angles.

24 Similar Triangles Triangles are similar if they have the same shape but have different sizes.

25 HW Practice WS

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