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Exact meeting title 14 April 2016

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1 Exact meeting title 14 April 2016
Sustainable Development Goals Eurostat

2 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: leave no one behind
Approved by UNGA on 25 September 2015 Motto: leave no one behind 17 goals (SDGs) and 169 targets

3 17 goals and 169 targets!

4 Different levels of SDG monitoring
Global monitoring: based on a core set of global indicators, covering all targets harmonised to common global standards predominantly taken from official data applicable to all countries each of the 169 targets should be measured Monitoring the SDGs: Mission impossible!

5 241 indicators for GLOBAL monitoring
Identified by IAEG-SDG Agreed by 47th UNSC in March 2016 "as a practical starting point" Waiting approval from ECOSOC and UNGA

6 Further work needed on SDG indicators
Not all indicators are already available (3 tiers) Some targets not fully covered Some indicators are controversial Need for methodological enhancements Examples of contorversial indicators: 2.b.1: Producer support estimate 3.8.1: Coverage of essential health services

7 Main current IAEG-SDG work streams
Establish a tier system Develop missing indicators (especially tier 3) Ensure disaggregation («Leave no-one behind») Identify interlinkages Establish data flows and transmission technicalities (SDMX) Capacity building (in cooperation with HLG)

8 Tier system – provisional

9 Foreseen reviews of the indicator list
2017: Problematic indicators mentioned at 47th UNSC 2 reviews in 2020 and 2025: Indicators not aligned with or which do not fully reflect the target Indicators not sufficiently measureable or specific Indicators for which methodological development or data collection efforts have encountered significant difficulties Indicators where new tools and/or methodologies have become available

10 Main outstanding issues from 3rd IAEG-SDG meeting
"Conflict" between UN agencies and countries Indicator selection Countries fear "data manipulation" from the UN agencies Methodological development of missing indicators de facto mandated to the agencies Reporting burden for countries Need to avoid duplication of transmissions Need to consider regional and national reporting Despite the implementation of the SDGs, including the monitoring, should be a country-led process, the monitoring is in the hand of the UN system. At national level, need to enhance the coordination of the national statistical systems by the NSIs.

11 Thank you! Questions?

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