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Bringing health through food to a majority of people.

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1 Bringing health through food to a majority of people.
DANONE GROUP Bringing health through food to a majority of people.

2 Contents 1 The History 2 The Strategy 3 The Values 4
Brands and Products 4 Danone in China 5 9/20/ Company Logo

3 The History History of success, the milestones in the history of a global food industry leader. Company Logo

4 The history( 4 Stages) B+SN=BSN Goes Global To Conquer Euro
60s-80s 80s-90s 1996 1997- The 1st Stage The 2nd Stage The 3rd Stage The 4th Stage B+SN=BSN Goes Global To Conquer Euro New Millennium Company Logo

5 The 1st Stage(1966-1980) B+SN=BSN BSN enters the food business
On 25 February Two glass companies, the Souchon-Neuvesel glassworks and Glaces de Boussois, announced that they were planning to merge. BSN enters the food business Encouraged by its takeover bid for Saint-Gobain, the French glass industry giant, in January 1969, A better idea was to start making the contents for its containers: it seemed obvious that bottles and beverages go together, as do baby foods and glass jars. In 1970, BSN became at a stroke the leading French manufacturer of beer, mineral waters and baby food. The leading French food group In 1973, after several months of negotiations, BSN and Gervais DANONE announced that they were to merge - creating the biggest food group in France. Gervais DANONE, already growing rapidly in Europe and worldwide, was hoping to quicken the pace of its expansion. For BSN, the merger represented a major opportunity to move forward and enter new markets, with a decisive shift toward food products. Pasta, ready meals, fresh packaged foods, and drinks became the heart of the Group's business. In 1979 its estimated turnover was 16.5 billion francs. Company Logo

6 The 2nd Stage (1980-1990) A New Strategy A strong base in Europe
In October 1973, the Yom Kippur war between Israel and Arab countries and the resulting boom in oil prices marked the end of the strongest economic growth cycle Europe had experienced for two centuries. All French companies suffered to some extent, and BSN Gervais DANONE was no exception. So It pulled out of the plate glass sector completely in 1981, selling off Boussois. From then on the Group focused firmly on food. A strong base in Europe As Europe was increasingly becoming a single market with 320 million inhabitants, BSN Gervais DANONE decided at the start of the 1980s to develop its business there. It looked first at the countries that offered the greatest opportunities for expansion, particularly because of the low concentration of supermarket and hypermarket chains: Italy and Spain. The move into biscuits In 1989 BSN Gervais DANONE added to its portfolio of biscuit brands, acquiring Nabisco's European subsidiaries: Belin in France, Jacob's in the United Kingdom and Saiwa in Italy. Within less than 20 years, the Group's European policy made it the third-biggest food group in Europe as a whole, and market leader in France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, and Portugal. By 1989 its turnover had risen to 48.7 billion francs. Company Logo

7 Developing Steps Giant Coming Road Going Global Biscuits Food BSN
Company Logo

8 The 3nd Stage(1990-1996) Consolidating in Europe International growth
In November 1989, the collapse of the Soviet empire opened up a whole new market in Eastern Europe. BSN Gervais DANONE immediately sent teams to the former communist bloc countries to explore the possibilities of moving into the area, starting with dairy products, cookies and mineral waters - products for which it was already internationally famous. International growth In 1993, BSN Gervais DANONE created a specialized export division. The strategy was to determine which brands had international potential and to which countries marketing teams should be sent. The division's turnover was soon being counted in billions of francs. DANONE naturally But the Group still lacked an evocative name to match its new objectives. In June 1994, it decided to drop BSN, which seemed to reflect the company's past rather than looking ahead to the future, and adopt the name of The Group DANONE, symbolized by a little boy gazing up at a star. Company Logo

9 The 4th Stage(1997- ) Three core activities Globalization speeds up
In May 1997, Franck Riboud announced Group DANONE was planning to focus on three main market sectors: Fresh Dairy Products, Beverages, Biscuits and Cereal Products. With a view to achieving leadership in the global sectors, Group DANONE decided to restructure, setting up four new divisions - Fresh Dairy Products, Biscuits and Cereal Products, Beverages, and Asia-Pacific. Concurrently, three international brands were brought to the forefront: Danone, Evian and LU. Globalization speeds up Since 1998 Group DANONE has stepped up the development of its brands and activities worldwide. Recent years have seen some 40 acquisitions in Asia, Latin America, Central Europe, in Africa and in the Middle East. World leader in Fresh Dairy Products and Bottled Water Group DANONE is now a global leader in three strong-growth categories in the active health sector. - No. 1 worldwide in Fresh Dairy Products - No. 1 worldwide equally placed in Bottled Water (by volume) - No. 2 worldwide in Biscuits and Cereal Products Today, Group DANONE employs 89,449 people in more than 120 countries. In 2004, Group DANONE recorded sales of 13,700 million euros. Company Logo

10 Strategy is a distinctive pattern of success.
The Strategy Strategy is a distinctive pattern of success. Company Logo

11 Local Ranges and Proximity
The Strategy Strategy Local Ranges and Proximity Growth and margins New Frontiers Creating Value Research and Health Global Concepts Mission Company Logo

12 What makes Group DANONE unique? How can their ensure that DANONE
The Values What makes Group DANONE unique? How can their ensure that DANONE remains unique? By developing a company vision and defending its core values! Company Logo

13 Core Values DANONE Openness Humanism Enthusiasm Proximity
Values To Success Humanism Openness Enthusiasm Proximity Company Logo

14 Values Analysis Openness Enthusiasm Humanism
Diversity is a source of wealth and change a constant opportunity. Enthusiasm There are no limits…only obstacles to be overcome. Humanism The attention paid to individuals, whether they become consumers, employees or citizens, is at the heart of all our decisions. Company Logo

15 Brands and Products Strong Brands
Fresh dairy products, beverages, biscuits & cereal products — DANONE draws on unparalleled expertise in each of its core businesses to bring healthy food to more people every day. Group DANONE is recognized for the dynamism and strength of its brands: No.1 in Fresh Dairy Products No.1 equal in Bottled Water (by volume) No.2 in Biscuits and Cereal Products Its dominant position worldwide is based on major international brands and on its solid presence in local markets (about 80% of global sales come from brands that are local market leaders). Company Logo

16 4 Brands (Each representing nearly $1 billion in sales worldwide)
The leading brand worldwide for Fresh Dairy Products; Danone represents almost 20% of the international market. Danone is present in 40 countries worldwide 2 The best selling mineral water brand, with 1.5 billion bottles sold every year. Present in the 5 continents, in 125 countries. 3 The second brand worldwide, the first Biscuits brand of Group DANONE, which represents almost the half of the sales for the Biscuits and Cereal Products division. LU is mainly present in Western Europe. 4 The leading brand for refreshing still water (water, ready made tea, fruit juices). The brand is one of the most popular in China, with more than 1.5 billion liters of water sold each year. Its name means “the child who laughs”. Company Logo

17 Major Players in the world
Spain Mexico Aqua Fontlla Bonafont Dannon Naya Doing Business Globally Manufacturers Indonesia Canada USA Company Logo

18 Danone In China Company Logo

19 The Schedule History in China 2006 1980s 2000 1990s
% Huiyuan China JV with Mengniu,49% 2000 In1987Guangzhou Danone M&A Robust 92% 2001 Take shares of Bright 2004 Buy Meilinzhengguanghe 50% Bright 20.01% 1990s JV in Shanghai with Bright 1996 M&A Wuhan Beer54.2%, Wahaha 41%, and Yili 54.2% Company Logo

20 Rapidly expansion in China
M&A B E C D A 蒙牛集团 汇源果汁 光明乳业 娃哈哈集团 乐百氏 Company Logo

21 Products in China Biscuits Beverage Mineral Water Fresh dairy products
Cereal products Company Logo

22 Danone VS Wahaha Company Logo

23 Click to edit company slogan .
Thank You ! 李 帅 张宏伟 平秀婷 Click to edit company slogan .

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