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Hanging Gardens of Babylon

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2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Fertile Crescent The Story of Mesopotamia is the story of the _____________ & _____________ of EMPIRES! City-State_________________________________________________________________________________________ Cuneiform____________________________________________________________________________________ Cultural Diffusion_____________________________________________________________________________________ Phoenician Alphabet_____________________________________________________________________________________ Zoroastrianism_________________________________________________________________________________ - Mesopotamia -Fertile land between the ____________________ and __________________________ Rivers  -____ to _________ miles wide Sumer -First ____________________ -Collection of _________________ -Each city-state centered around a _______________ called a ______________________ Hammurabi’s Code _____________ 1st Babylonian Empire -Ca BCE _________________ invade -Establish capital at ________________, on the Euphrates River -The ___________________c onquered the 1st Babylonian Empire, ca BCE -The _______________ conquered the Assyrians, ca BCE -They became the __________________, or the 2nd Babylonian Empire -The ___________________c onquered them, 539 BCE The Birth of Empire -_________________ of Akkad ca B.C. -Created world’s first __________________ by controlling northern and southern ___________________________ -Spread ____________________ culture beyond Tigris-Euphrates Valley Sumerian Inventions -______________, sail, plow -Sewer, __________ -Number system -___________________ -Algebra Hanging Gardens of Babylon

3 The Phoenician Alphabet
Phoenicians Traders -Collection of ___________________ -About 1100 B.C. dominated __________________________ trade -Shipbuilders and ________________ -First Mediterranean people to voyage beyond the ______________________________ The Phoenician Alphabet Hooked on Phonics! -Needed to ________________ transactions -Created a ______________ alphabet -______ letters -Same phonetically as the Hebrew -First two letters: aleph, __________ Hebrews -Enslaved in Egypt -Led by Moses out of Egypt -40 years wandering in the desert -10__________ -The _________ Hebrews -_______________ “the Promised-Land:” faced drought, famine, starvation -Abraham’s _____________ with God: A nation out of __________ Father of all three major world _______________ Isaac and Ishmael Judaism and Islam Merchandise -Red-__________ dye - Made from rotten __________ -Papyrus -Wine -_________________ -Precious metals -Slaves -Back in Canaan (Israel), _____________ over ____________ with Philistines

4 The Persians -Came from present-day ___________________ -_______________ the Great seized ___________________. - Freed the _____________ people - Allowed them to return to _________________ - Allowed them to rebuild the Temple of ____________________ -_____________________ rulers -Darius the Great built the city of _______________________ -__________________________ - Monotheistic - Good vs. ______________ - Afterlife=a ______________ place & a bad place! Remember, the story of Mesopotamia is the story of the __________ and __________ of empires. Sumerians Akkadians Amorites (_____ Babylonian Empire) Hittites (___________ WEAPONS) Assyrians (IRON WEAPONS, FIERCE __________) Neo-Babylonians (Chaldeans [related to the Amorites]), ____ Babylonian Empire __________________


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