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The eGY Kick-Off! July 7th, 2007 Perugia, Italy

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1 The eGY Kick-Off! July 7th, 2007 Perugia, Italy
The Electronic Geophysical Year ( ) The eGY Kick-Off! July 7th, 2007 Perugia, Italy For more information, visit

2 The Day’s Schedule July 7th, Perugia eGY and IGY+50 Demos Geosciences in Africa Reception (invitation only) eGY launch

3 The Day’s Venues July 7th, Perugia
eGY and IGY+50 Demos University Cloisters Room for Demos and Posters Wireless Internet IGY Movies Theater adjacent to cloisters Seats ~100 people Geosciences in Africa eGY launch University Rectory Seats ~500 people


5 eGY and IGY+50 Demos July 7th, Perugia
Goal: Demonstrate eGY activities in detail Needs: - Who wants to present materials? eGY Showcases, working groups, etc. - Cherry pick from other IUGG poster sessions - Send out a call of participation Send me an if you are a chair and have appropriate posters, if you are involved in eGY and have something to present, if you know anyone who should be involved, send me an ….

6 And the IGY+50 Celebration
eGY Launch And the IGY+50 Celebration : VIP Speeches (all short) Dan Baker, eGY JoAnn Joselyn, IUGG Thomas Rosswall, ICSU Renato Locchi, Mayor Others? Public Event Goal: To celebrate the IGY+50 while at the same time capturing the message of eGY.

7 And the IGY+50 Celebration
eGY Launch And the IGY+50 Celebration A Series of 4-6 Global Messages that Capture the IGY legacy and extol the importance of eGY - Messages may be live satellite feeds or taped messages (or a combination): 2-5 minutes - Introduced by ‘live’ presenters that lay out the context - Each message crafted to highlight the data aspects of the IGY legacy - Hosted by a prominent Italian father and son team, the public face of Italian science, in Italian and English - Broadcast to Perugia town center, potentially by satellite to museums around the world

8 And the IGY+50 Celebration
eGY Launch And the IGY+50 Celebration Potential Paths of Broadcast: EduSat - Educational Satellite (India) - Sanjay Limaye is our contact, with support from IHY coordinator, Cristina Rabello- Soares - Need to establish feasibility by April 15th - Target museums and other public venues, using existing networks, like ASTC, to get the word out quickly. - Working with Italian broadcasting to see if will pick up the broadcast and help us bridge to EduSat.

9 And the IGY+50 Celebration
eGY Launch And the IGY+50 Celebration 1. A message from Mauna Loa to talk about the CO2 measurements taken there during IGY that first demonstrated the breathing of the planet. 2. An interview/message from Sir Edmund Hillary to celebrate polar exploration 3. A message from Japan focusing on seismology and the importance of data access for gathering information for EQ prediction. 4. A message from the President of India, talking about the importance of access to data in the 21st century. (Rosalyn Pertzborn) 5. Message from the International Space Station, talking about IGY's impact on space science (Barbara Thompson) 6. Greetings from above the Arctic Circle, talking about how global warming is impacting the lives of indigenous people. 7. Lonnie Thompson from the top of Quelccaya, Peru (5200m) to talk about retreating tropical ice cores. (CoBabe-Ammann) FINALLY, a live feed from the South Pole, where the Italian Antarctic Exploration team is scheduled to be on July 7th. (Alan Rogers)

10 And the IGY+50 Celebration
eGY Launch And the IGY+50 Celebration What do I need? People interested in presenting the context talks in Perugia (By June 1) Connection to Messengers -- Who do you know? What do you want to hear? (Now!) Help facilitating -- either capturing messages or helping set up connections (By June 1) Connections to museums and other public venues, including hosts

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