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Entrepreneurship Written Plan Guide

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1 Entrepreneurship Written Plan Guide
Read through the first 2 slides and create a canvas for your idea That should literally take no more than 30 minutes The below link will help with that part Then, based off of that (which you can always edit/revise) start outlining the business plan according the DECA event guidelines and following the slide progression below while using the help documents

2 Made by José Matías del Pino
Made by José Matías del Pino. Thanks to those who inspired this canvas: Dan Khan, Ash Maurya and Alex Osterwalder.

3 [The name of your Startup]
Top 3 problems. Top 3 features. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying. Can't be easily copied or bought. Target Customers. Activity that drives retention/revenue. Path to customers. Customer Acquisition Costs Distribution Costs Hosting People, etc. Revenue Model Lifetime value Revenue Gross Margin Put a name (or a number) to this iteration

4 I. Executive Summary You will actually do this last…reference the document “I. Executive Summary” once done with everything else and it will be a breeze to write up

5 II. Problem Simple and straightforward; open the document and follow that

6 III. Customer Segments Follow the next slides for clarification (especially the Amazon example) and basically you are defining your target market/”perfect customer”

7 Target Market Be this…..

8 Target Market Not this…..

9 Target Market Define a target market (the perfect customer)
Don’t try to throw a blanket over everyone and say you are going to sell to everyone

10 Target Market Target market (who can you sell the most of your product to?) Good potential market has: Large enough population so its worth the effort to sell it to them Members that benefits from it as well as perceive a need for it Members that can afford it and willing to pay Members that can be identified and reached with a marketing message

11 Target Market Define demographics, geographics and psychographics to get to your target market Demographics: statistical data about your target market • Age  • Gender • Income level • Education level • Marital or family status • Occupation

12 Target Market Define demographics, geographics and psychographics to get to your target market Geographics: specific location data about your target market • Urban, suburban, rural • Specific states, cities, countries • Lakes, fields, mountains, etc.

13 Target Market Define demographics, geographics and psychographics to get to your target market Psychographics: personal characteristics of your target market • Personality • Attitudes • Values • Interests/hobbies • Lifestyles • Behavior Go through guided practice first (went through expensive Nike track spikes), then have them flip it over

14 Segments example with
What did they focus on selling first? Why? Books, b/c of world-wide demand for literature, the low price points for books, along with the huge number of titles available in print Customer Segments? (back in 1994 at start up) People who buy books Further in depth, who are the “early adopters” (perfect customer) Avid book readers that use the internet, are willing to make purchases online, and like to explore books



17 IV. UVP The shortest part of your plan but VERY important; slides below to help and use the document to help as well WAIT TO DO THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE AT LEAST COMPLETED: PROBLEM SOLUTION CUSTOMER SEGMENTS

18 What is a UVP? - Unique Value Proposition- One or two sentence statement about your product/company telling the customer “here is why you should buy from us and how we are unique from the rest” - A UVP is NOT a slogan (“Just do it!” is a slogan, not a UVP) - It is the largest, main message on a website and advertisements

19 UVP Pop Quiz Simple Fix for Broken Head Gaskets
Repairs Broken Head Gaskets in Just One Hour Which UVP is better? 2, because adds the fact of “one hour” to show differentiation

20 UVP Tips Keep it clear and concise
Should be able to be read and understood in 10 seconds or less States how the product/service is different or better than the competitors (indirectly; not saying the competitors names) Communicates the direct benefit that the consumer will experience from purchasing your product/service Example of a short, but very good UVP: “Sleepy Time Sweatshirt; the unique built in pillow hood sweatshirt for the tired traveler on the go”

21 Test out the UVP 1-2 sentences
When writing it (or once written) evaluate it by reading and see if it answers the following questions: What product or service is your business selling? What is the end benefit of using it? Who is your target customer? (without listing a massively detailed description) What makes your offering unique or different?

22 V. Solution Simple and straight forward Follow the help guide This is essentially where you describe in-depth how your product/service will work by describing what problems it fixes (align the explanation according to how you wrote your problems)

23 VI. Channels Slides below to help Follow the document (which also has the notes below basically) This is basically where all marketing ideas will fit into the plan (very important) How will you reach your customers, put your UVP in front of them and “create an environment to sell”?

24 My new business idea! I have created the perfect product/service for you !(a homework machine that gets you all A’s in every class!) and I wrote a UVP. UVP: “My Dog Did My Homework” is the only homework machine that guarantees A+ homework for high school students at any level, in any class at a price you and your parents can easily afford What is the fastest, yet cheapest way for me to get the UVP in front of high school students eyes (aka making you aware of the product)?

25 WHAT ARE Channels!? TV channels? NO
Channels are how your business will reach your customers (people who pay you!!) Channels are very important-they let people know about your product The more specific your early adopter definition, the easier it is to formulate specific channels for reaching them. What is viable and realistic for a start up business? TV commercial? Ad in prominent magazine?

26 The answer The answer: Get creative and start small
Network, you can find friends of friends, etc. that you can get to try it Provide positive experience and get referrals from them Blog? Snapchat stories for your business? Twitter? Facebook? How much $ does the above cost you? Develop FREE channels first (like all of the above)

27 Inbound vs. Outbound channels Push vs. pull channels
Inbound channels use “pull messaging” to let customers find you organically (naturally) and bring them in Create fresh, relevant, targeted content specifically designed to reach a distinct audience. Examples: blogs, social media, SEO (search engine optimization; increasing the likelihood that your website will appear when certain words are searched), podcasts, etc. Outbound channels rely on “push messaging” for reaching customers; it’s the shotgun blast of marketing (broad based and distributed widely) The more billboards ads or banner ads you pay for = the more people will see your product = the more sales you can make Examples: print ads, TV ads, banner ads on websites, trade shows, cold calling, direct mailing


29 VII. Revenue Models AKA “Business Models” or “Revenue Streams” This is explaining how you will make money It may seem “obvious” but you need to explain it well Slide below may help, but ultimately reference the “Business Models 101” document

30 Business Models Simply put, how your business gets/creates your product/service and how your business will make money Various ways Restaurant/sports store/sales Google Bus/subway Ticketmaster Hertz Can have more than one model in your business!

31 The rest… B. What are the life time values? C. What is the revenue? D. What is the gross margin? These will come later and I will help you with these and the financials portion

32 VIII. Cost Structure More to come… Will help you with this

33 IX. Key Metrics More to come… Will help you with this

34 X. Competitive Advantage
Pretty straight forward What makes it unique that it cannot be easily copied? Reference

35 XI. Conclusion Same as above
There is the Conclusion document but don’t write this until financials are mostly done

36 XII. Bibliography Don’t forget this! Start it on its own page (just like in a research report)

37 HELP!! Come and see me for help! Stop in or

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