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Tuesday, October 24, 2017 During the American Revolution, Would you have been a patriot or a loyalist? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, October 24, 2017 During the American Revolution, Would you have been a patriot or a loyalist? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, October 24, 2017 During the American Revolution, Would you have been a patriot or a loyalist? Explain.

2 The colonists are beginning to divide
Patriots Loyalists Represented The majority Took Control of Local Governments The minority (1/3 may have sympathized with England) Wealthy Merchants & landowners Enslaved African Americans Native Americans

3 The Year was 1774 … First Continental Congress
12 out of 13 colonies sent representatives Met in Sept & in October Patrick Henry, George Washington, Samuel Adams were present Demanded Repeal of Intolerable Acts Called for training of Militias Would meet in May 1775 if demands not met

4 Then, In 1775 … Second Continental COngress
Attempts to restore the peace Philadelphia in May 1775 Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Ben Franklin attended Prepared for war by forming the continental Army – George Washington was commander Printed paper money and started acting like a government Olive Branch Petition: July 5, 1775 – stated that the colonists were loyal to king and asked the king to stop fighting. King George III rejected petition and sent 20, 000 troops to “end the rebellion”

5 Early Battles Foldable
Fold paper in half (hot Dog) Next, divide the paper into three sections. Cut the top paper along the line, making three sections (tabs) Label the top flaps Inside Flap: Lexington and Concord Date: Battle of Bunker Hill The Battle of Moores Creek Bridge Summary (include important people) Summary (include important people) + -

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