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Poetry Pages 523 – 529 CCRS – W , W , RL , SL , L , L , L , L

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Pages 523 – 529 CCRS – W , W , RL , SL , L , L , L , L"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Pages 523 – 529 CCRS – W , W , RL , SL , L , L , L , L Literary Skills – Understand tone and diction

2 Poetry Personification – a type of figurative language in which the writer gives human characteristics to inhuman things. Onomatopoeia – use of words that sound like what they mean. Example – Boom, bang, drip Allusion – reference to a past well-known event or story Tone – a writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject or toward an audience.

3 Quickwrite (p. 523) Make notes about people whom you consider heroes because they helped you become the person you are today. What makes these people heroes to you?

4 “Women” (p. 524) What is the extended metaphor in the poem?
Who is the speaker of the poem? What is the tone of the poem?

5 Quickwrite (p. 526) What do you think children fear? What makes children feel safe? When a child looks out the window on a cold winter night, what might he or she be thinking?

6 “Boy at the Window” (p. 527) What is personified in the poem?
Find an example of onomatopoeia. Find an allusion in the poem. Find alliteration in the poem.

7 Onomatopoeia Art Batman Theme Song

8 Activity P. 525 questions 1-7 P. 529 questions 1-8
P. 525 Writing Celebrate Heroes Read p. 499 & 501 P questions 1-8 & 1-4 Onomatopoeia Art – Choose favorite example of onomatopoeia and create artwork. Must use color.

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