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APPNA 40th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL

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1 APPNA 40th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL
A legacy for our future generations Proposal to establish a Pakistani-American sponsored Institution in the US APPNA 40th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL July 2017 Javaid Laghari, PhD

2 US and Higher Education
United States (US) has the best higher education system in the world. Out of the 100 Top Universities of the World, 31 are in the US alone as per QS World University Rankings 2018. US is the preferred destination of most foreign students from around the world, including, but not limited to, South Asia, Middle East and the Far East. It is estimated that there are over one million foreign students studying in US universities, the top fields being business and engineering. There are currently over 5000 Pakistani national students studying in US universities 2 Javaid Laghari, PhD

3 Universities in the US $27K $60K $40K
US has one of the most expensive higher education system in the world. Tuition fees for out-of-state and for foreign students varies from a minimum of $27k to $60k per year which is beyond the reach of most middle class Americans as well as foreign students coming from the East. Not all are large universities, About 40% of college students are enrolled in universities with fewer than 1,000 people. Some universities have fewer than 100 students. 3 Javaid Laghari, PhD

4 US and Pakistani-Americans
There are an estimated 500,000 Pakistani-Americans living in the US. Many are concentrated in large metropolitan areas, like Washington DC, Houston, Dallas, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles among others. Within the US, a large number of professionals, including physicians, engineers, IT & computer professionals, and entrepreneurs have Pakistani origin. It is estimated that there are over 15,000 physicians of Pakistan origin in the US. The number of engineers, IT and computer professionals are even higher. They are among the most prosperous professionals in the US. Most such families have strong cultural values. 4 Javaid Laghari, PhD

5 American Crescent University
There is no world class institution in the US which represents the cultural values of Pakistani-Americans. An institution representative of Pakistani values is the need of the hour, and will fulfill the cultural and political needs of this fastest growing constituency. The American Crescent University (“Crescent”) is proposed to be established in the US 5 Javaid Laghari, PhD


7 To educate its students
Mission To educate its students to coach its graduates in becoming socio-economically sustainable with a view towards developing global tolerance, harmony and prosperity To be caring, generous and responsible in a pluralistic society To encourage social cohesion To be technology driven To be creative and innovative To recognize that knowledge is power 7 Javaid Laghari, PhD

8 Core Values The Crescent University
strives for excellence and quality in learning and research recognizes that knowledge is power educates it students to be creative and innovative believes that progress is technology driven coaches its students to become socio-economically sustainable endeavors to become environmentally friendly encourages social cohesion values generosity and responsibility promotes tolerance and harmony in a pluralistic society 8 Javaid Laghari, PhD

9 $ Founding Goals To impart the best quality in education
To teach to be creative and innovative To be technology driven To conduct relevant research of interest to its community To be affordable To strive for a clean environment To participate in a caring community To promote global tolerance, social cohesion and peace To serve a pluralistic society 9 Javaid Laghari, PhD

10 Academic Programs In the first phase (five years), two to three academic programs are proposed to be established from among the following schools: Business and Information Management Engineering and Computer Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities Arts and Design Health Sciences Bachelors and / or Masters degrees will be offered in select concentrations. 10 Javaid Laghari, PhD

11 Some areas of current interest include:
Crescent Center The Think-Tank associated with Crescent will be a hub of intellectual activities, invited lectures, seminars, and conferences of interest to the community at large. Some areas of current interest include: Pakistani-Americans and US Society US Relations / Trade with Pakistan Development in Pakistan Governance and Human Rights in Pakistan Economy in Crescent countries (e.g. Islamic Finance, Banking and Economy, currently estimated at $ 3 trillion by 2020) 11 Javaid Laghari, PhD

12 Crescent Edge Lean and Mean Affordable Tuition
Unique Academic Programs Innovative Teaching Methodologies Cutting Edge Technologies Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Liberal Arts courses (Sustainable Environment, Diversity, Tolerance and Interfaith Harmony, etc) The Crescent Center Youth Development Center for School Age Children Skill Building for the Community Continuing Professional Education 12 Javaid Laghari, PhD

13 A large metropolitan area having a strong cultural diversity.
Proposed Locations A large metropolitan area having a strong cultural diversity. Washington DC Houston Dallas New York Chicago Los Angeles 13 Javaid Laghari, PhD

14 Sponsorship and Endowments
Crescent seeks sponsorships from various organizations / groups / individuals of Pakistani origin. Schools / programs could be named after the key sponsor(s). For example: Health Sciences (APPNA) Business and Information Management (Pakistani-American business community) Engineering and Computer Sciences (Pakistani-American scientific and engineering community) 14 Javaid Laghari, PhD

15 Estimated Start-up Costs
It is estimated the first phase of the American Crescent University, which may include up to three programs, will cost a minimum of $ 9.5 million over a period of five years: 1 $ 1.0 million for the start-up phase 2 $ 4 million for the acquisition of building and land 3 $ 2.5 million for capital cost 4 $ 2 million for the first three years of operation till the university becomes sustainable by its fourth year of operation and generates surplus revenues for future growth. 17 Javaid Laghari, PhD

16 Institutional Governance
Board of Trustees (key sponsors / donors) Board of Visitors (local) The following governing bodies will be constituted Academic Advisory Councils (leading Pakistani-US academics) for each program 15 Javaid Laghari, PhD

17 Registration, Incorporation and Accreditation
Crescent will be incorporated as a non-profit organization and obtain tax exemption as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization by the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to enable it to receive tax exempt donations and endowments. Crescent will register with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to issue I-20s for F-1 and M Visa applicants Crescent will seek registration, recognition and accreditation from the following agencies: US Department of Education, The State Higher Education Body, The Regional Accreditation Agency, The Academic Program Accrediting Agencies (e.g. AACSB for Business, NASPAA for Public Affairs, ABET for Engineering and Computing, LCME for Medical, CAHME for Healthcare Management, etc.). Graduates will be prepared to become Board Certified in relevant professional fields (e.g. ANMCB for Naturopathic Medical Certificate, etc.), and to be able to receive appropriate practice licensure 16 Javaid Laghari, PhD

18 All these are answered in a detailed concept paper available online.
FAQs Proposed name Proposed location Proposed programs Why non-profit Why not online Why accreditation All these are answered in a detailed concept paper available online. 18 Javaid Laghari, PhD

19 Proposer’s Biography Commissioner for Academic Accreditation at the Ministry of Education UAE Former Chairman Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan Coordinator General COMSTECH Senator Pakistan Parliament President SZABIST University, Karachi, Islamabad and Dubai Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of Graduate Studies at SUNY Buffalo Over 120 research papers and over 70 papers at International Conferences. Pakistani-American with experience in establishing universities from concept to completion, and in licensing and accreditation of universities nationally and globally Website: 19 Javaid Laghari, PhD

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