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Warm Up What number is half-way between 0.7 and 0.8?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up What number is half-way between 0.7 and 0.8?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up What number is half-way between 0.7 and 0.8?
What number if half-way between and 0.008?

2 Unit 3, Lesson 2 Equate and Compare

3 usually used in combination
Equal Inequality Equality Exactly the same amount or value Condition of being Not ; opposite of Equivalent Recommendations You can make any necessary changes to the ppt to meet the specific needs of your students Preview in presentation mode prior to using in your teaching– there is a lot animation! Teacher Edition: p Miscellaneous Notes: The slide with animation builds a scaffold from equal, equality, inequality to equivalent. Can be used as teachers see fit in accordance with their delivery of the lesson Equi- -valent equal or equally usually used in combination

4 Visualize Decimal Equivalents
Equivalent Decimals 0.6 = 0.60 = 0.600

5 Are they equivalent decimals?
0.60 0.6 Turn and Talk Are they equivalent decimals? “Yes, 0.60 and 0.6 are equivalent decimals because ___________.” .60 and 0.6 Recommendations You can make any necessary changes to the ppt to meet the specific needs of your students Preview in presentation mode prior to using in your teaching– there is a lot animation! Teacher Edition: p .188 Miscellaneous Notes: Visualize Decimal Equivalents on TE p. 188 Turn and talk with a partner responding using the sentence frames that appear depending on how students respond to the question “Are they equivalent decimals?” If needed the two graphs can be shown to help students see that both decimals are equivalent ; that is the last click on this slide “No, 0.60 and 0.6 are not equivalent decimals because ___________.”

6 tenths > hundredths hundredths > thousandths
Place Value tenths ones > tenths hundredths tenths > hundredths thousandths hundredths > thousandths ones Recommendations You can make any necessary changes to the ppt to meet the specific needs of your students Preview in presentation mode prior to using in your teaching– there is a lot animation! Teacher Edition: p .189 Miscellaneous Notes: Animation goes along with “Teaching Note: Watch For!” on TE p.189

7 Math Boards Position your math board so the long bar divided into 100 equal parts is at the top. This bar represents one whole! Label one end 0 and the other end 1.0. Label each heavy tick mark by tenths.

8 Math Boards (con’t) One your bar, you have little ticks between each tenth. What number do these ticks represent? Write the number of hundredths under each number of tenths. Example: 0.1 = 0.10

9 Math Boards (con’t) Suppose the bar is divided into thousandths. Name the number of thousandths there would be from zero to the one-tenth mark. Write the number of thousandths under each hundredth. Example: = 0.100

10 Let’s Practice… Turn to page 44 in your Activity Book. Complete

11 Decimal Secret-Code Cards
Turn to page 45 in your Activity Book Cut along the dotted line on the front of the Decimal Secret-Code Cards to make tenths, hundredths and thousandths cards Keep all your tenths cards together, all your hundredths cards together, etc. (Place in separate zip lock bags) Do you notice any patterns that can be seen on the backs of the cards? The tenths show dimes The hundredths show pennies The thousandths show tenths of pennies

12 Modeling Decimal Numbers
Find these three cards!! 0.2 0.06 0.008 Tenths card Hundredths card Thousandths card Place the on top of each other to display the number in standard form. 0.268 Assembled card

13 Inequality Signs > <
Describe the meaning of the following symbols: > < Examples using symbols: 15 > 12 12 < 15 Remember: BIG mouth eats BIG number!!!

14 0.6 or 0.28 Equivalent Decimals Which number is greater???
How could we make 0.6 and 0.28 have the same number of decimal places? Write 0 to the right of 0.6 = 0.60 Would writing a zero to the right of 0.6 change the value of 0.6?

15 Decimal Secret Cards 0.3 0.03 0.003 Find the following cards
Using the cards and the < and > signs, arrange all possible comparisons of the three decimal numbers One possible comparison: 0.3 > 0.03 To check your work, use the backs of the cards and think about the values of the dimes, pennies, and tenths of pennies.

16 Watch Out!!! Fill in the circles with the correct inequality sign: < or >. but 17 > 9 but 0.17 < 0.9 but 73 <138 but 0.73 > 0.138 but 456 > 8 but < 0.8

17 Note: Keep your Decimal Cards. We will use these tomorrow!
Hard Back Book page 86 Note: Keep your Decimal Cards. We will use these tomorrow!

18 Homework Homework and Remembering page 49

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