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Food & Nutrition through the Lifespan

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1 Food & Nutrition through the Lifespan
Adolescent Nutrition By: Helen Hawver For CTAE-Resource Network, FY11 Instructional Resources Project

2 FCS-FNL-6. Students will explain the nutritional requirements of the adolescence diet.
a. Identify changes in body composition as a result of growth and development and explain the cause of increased nutritional risk for individuals in this age group. b. Demonstrate an awareness of fluids, hydration, carbohydrates, and supplements on physical activity. c. Explain the causes of obesity and evaluate popular weight loss diets within the context of an adequate and balanced diet. d. Distinguish between eating disorders, predict the outcomes, and identify the at-risk individuals.

3 Obesity and Dieting Obesity in adolescence is often a result of childhood obesity (overfeeding during infancy and childhood). Poor self esteem/concept excludes an adolescent from a social life Dependence on fast food and SODA! Losing weight as an adolescence is more difficult than in childhood because adolescence have more control over what they eat and they have to make the decision to lose weight themselves

4 Obesity and Dieting cont.
Many adolescence turn to dieting as a way to fight obesity. This can become dangerous because many adolescence see smoking as a quick way to drop a few pounds since it is an appetite suppressant Teens also turn to drugs such as pot and cocaine because of their relation to weight loss

5 Popular Weight Loss Diets
Read the information on the diet Explain What the diet entails Advantages Disadvantages Answer Would you recommend this diet to an adolescent? A middle aged person? Why or why not What do you think are some dangers of this diet? What are the restraints of this diet (example: cost, time)?

6 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa
Ignores feelings of hunger and eats very little or refuses to eat These people see themselves as overweight even when they are dangerously underweight Basically a person voluntarily starves themselves Warning signs Intense fear of gaining weight Will not eat in front of others Hair loss Denial of hunger Absent or irregular menstrual periods Perfectionist Depressed/Lonely/Anxious/Empty/Hopeless Reads food labels constantly

7 Eating Disorders cont. Bulimia Nervosa
Repeated episodes of binging (eating a large amount of food at one time), and then purges (vomits) or takes laxatives to prevent the food from causing weight gain May also exercise excessively Often “look” a normal weight, but inside they have eroded their esophagus, worn away the enamel on their teeth, caused stomach ulcers, caused intestinal problems, and have starved their bodies of proper nutrition

8 Eating Disorders cont. Warning Signs of Bulimia
Worried about body weight Excessive food consumption Frequent trips to the bathroom after eating Blood shot eyes Sore throat Dental problems (tooth enamel wears away) Exercises excessively Irregular menstrual periods Depression and/or mood swings

9 Eating Disorders cont. Binge Eating Warning Signs
Binges, but does not purge or exercise May be overweight or “seesaw” between weights Warning Signs Hides away to eat Stashed wrappers/hidden food Seems to eat average amount and then not interested in food Late night eaters Often relates food to “having a bad day” or to “feeling better”

10 Eating Disorders cont. In paragraph form, write the answers to the following: What are the outcomes? Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Who is at risk? Outcomes: A: stress on heart, immune system, bones, ulcers B: poor teeth, esophagus damage, intestinal issues Binge: Stomach issues, intestinal issues All: possible brain damage, heart failure RISK: Low self esteem, poor body image, constantly told they are ugly, fat, etc, wealthy children who seem to “have it all” , children who are overly stressed/involved in too much, no parental control…permissive parents, OR authoritarian parents with too much control.

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