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TCP Congestion Control

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1 TCP Congestion Control
Jennifer Rexford Fall 2017 (TTh 1:30-2:50pm in CS 105) COS 561: Advanced Computer Networks

2 Holding the Internet Together
Distributed cooperation for resource allocation BGP: what end-to-end paths to take (for ~50K ASes) TCP: what rate to send over each path (for ~3B hosts) AS 2 AS 1 AS 3 AS 4

3 What Problem Does a Protocol Solve?
BGP path selection Select a path that each AS on the path is willing to use Adapt path selection in the presence of failures TCP congestion control Prevent congestion collapse of the Internet Allocate bandwidth fairly and efficiently But, can we be more precise? Define mathematically what problem is being solved To understand the problem and analyze the protocol To predict the effects of changes in the system To design better protocols from first principles

4 Fairness

5 Fair and Efficient Use of a Resource
Suppose n users share a single resource Like the bandwidth on a single link E.g., 3 users sharing a 30 Gbps link What is a fair allocation of bandwidth? Suppose user demand is “elastic” (i.e., unlimited) Allocate each a 1/n share (e.g., 10 Gbps each) But, “equality” is not enough Which allocation is best: [5, 5, 5] or [18, 6, 6]? [5, 5, 5] is more “fair”, but [18, 6, 6] more efficient What about [5, 5, 5] vs. [22, 4, 4]?

6 Fair Use of a Single Resource
What if some users have inelastic demand? E.g., 3 users where 1 user only wants 6 Gbps And the total link capacity is 30 Gbps Should we still do an “equal” allocation? E.g., [6, 6, 6] But that leaves 12 Gbps unused Should we allocate in proportion to demand? E.g., 1 user wants 6 Gbps, and 2 each want 20 Gbps Allocate [4, 13, 13]? Or, give the least demanding user all he wants? E.g., allocate [6, 12, 12]?

7 Max-Min Fairness The allocation must be “feasible”
Total allocation should not exceed link capacity Protect the less fortunate Any attempt to increase the allocation of one user … necessarily decreases the allocation of another user with equal or lower allocation Fully utilize a “bottlenecked” resource If demand exceeds capacity, the link is fully used Progressive filling algorithm Grow all rates until some users stop having demand Continue increasing all remaining rates till link is full

8 Resource Allocation Over Paths
B Three users A, B, and C Two 30 Gbps links C Maximum throughput: [30, 30, 0] Total throughput of 60, but user C starves Max-min fairness: [15, 15, 15] Equal allocation, but throughput of just 45 Proportional fairness: [20, 20, 10] Balance trade-off between throughput and equality Throughput of 50, and penalize C for using 2 busy links

9 Distributed Algorithm for Achieving Fairness

10 Network Utility Maximization (NUM)
Users (i) Rate allocation: xi Utility function: U(xi) Network links (l) Link capacity: cl Routes: Rli=1 if link l on path i, Rli=0 otherwise U(xi) xi If the utility function is concave, this is a convex optimization problem, and a locally optimal solution is a globally optimal solution maximize Si U(xi) subject to Si Rlixi ≤ cl variables xi ≥ 0

11 Network Utility and Fairness
concave (diminishing returns) Alpha-fair utility U(x) = x1-a/(1-a) for a ≠ 1 U(x) = log(x) for a = 1 U(x) x Max throughput Proportional fairness Max-min fairness 1 small a (more elastic demand) large a (more fair)

12 Solving NUM Problems maximize Si U(xi) subject to Si Rlixi ≤ cl
variables xi ≥ 0 Convex optimization Maximizing a concave objective Subject to convex constraints Benefits Locally optimal solution is globally optimal Can be solved efficiently on a centralized computer “Decomposable” into many smaller problems

13 Move Constraints to Objective
decoupled across sessions max Si U(xi) subject to Si Rlixi ≤ cl variables xi ≥ 0 coupled across sessions “dual decomposition” (compute the Lagrangian) p_l are “prices” or “Lagrange multipliers” L(x,p) = max Si U(xi) + Sl pl (cl – Si in S(l) xi) link prices (Lagrange multipliers)

14 Decouple the Terms L(x,p) = max Si U(xi) + Sl pl (cl – Si in S(l) xi)
decoupled across links decoupled across sessions rewrite L(x,p) = max Si [U(xi) – (Sl in L(i) pl ) xi] + Sl pl cl p_l are “prices” or “Lagrange multipliers” rewrite path price L(x,p) = max Si [U(xi) – qi xi] + Sl pl cl Then, maximize L for a given p, and minimize L for a given x

15 pl[t] = (pl[t-1] - b (cl – yl))+
Decomposition rates xi offered link load yl = S Rlixi User i Link l max (U(xi) – qixi) pl[t] = (pl[t-1] - b (cl – yl))+ xi path cost qi = S pl prices pl

16 Link Prices and Implicit Feedback
What are the link prices pl? Measure of congestion Amount of traffic in excess of capacity That is, the packet loss! What are the path costs qi? Sum of the link prices pl along the path If loss is low, sum of link loss is roughly path loss No need for explicit feedback! User i can observe the path loss qi on path i Link l can observe the offered load yl on link l

17 Coming Back to TCP Reverse engineering Forward engineering
TCP Reno Utilities are arctan(x) Prices are end-to-end packet loss TCP Vegas Utilities are log(x), i.e., proportional fairness Prices are end-to-end packet delays Forward engineering Use decomposition to design new variants of TCP E.g., TCP FAST Simplifications Fixed set of connections, focus on equilibrium behavior, ignore feedback delays and queuing dynamics

18 TCP Congestion Control

19 Congestion in Drop-Tail FIFO Queue
Access to the bandwidth: first-in first-out queue Packets transmitted in the order they arrive Access to the buffer space: drop-tail queuing If the queue is full, drop the incoming packet

20 How it Looks to the End Host
Delay: Packet experiences high delay Loss: Packet gets dropped along path How can TCP sender learn this? Delay: Round-trip time estimate Loss: Timeout and/or duplicate acknowledgments Mark: Packets marked by routers with large queues

21 TCP Congestion Window Each sender maintains congestion window
Max number of bytes to have in transit (not ACK’d) Adapting the congestion window Decrease upon losing a packet: backing off Increase upon success: optimistically exploring Always struggling to find right transfer rate Tradeoff Pro: avoids needing explicit network feedback Con: continually under- and over-shoots “right” rate

22 Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease
How much to adapt? Additive increase: On success of last window of data, increase window by 1 Max Segment Size (MSS) Multiplicative decrease: On loss of packet, divide congestion window in half Much quicker to slow than speed up! Over-sized windows (causing loss) are much worse than under-sized windows (causing lower throughput) AIMD: A necessary condition for stability of TCP

23 Leads to TCP Sawtooth Behavior
Congestion Window timeout triple dup ACK slow start t

24 Receiver Window vs. Congestion Window
Flow control Keep a fast sender from overwhelming slow receiver Congestion control Keep a set of senders from overloading the network Different concepts, but similar mechanisms TCP flow control: receiver window TCP congestion control: congestion window Sender TCP window = min { congestion window, receiver window }

25 TCP Tahoe vs. TCP Reno Two similar versions of TCP TCP Tahoe TCP Reno
TCP Tahoe (SIGCOMM’88 paper) TCP Reno (1990) TCP Tahoe Always repeat slow start after a loss Assign slow-start threshold to half of congestion window TCP Reno Repeat slow start after timeout-based loss Divide congestion window in half after triple dup ACK

26 Discussion

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