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WELCOME. WELCOME We Gather: Be still Be present Acknowledgement of Country.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME. WELCOME We Gather: Be still Be present Acknowledgement of Country."— Presentation transcript:



3 We Gather: Be still Be present Acknowledgement of Country

4 We Listen: We Listen to a Reading from the Gospels

5 We Listen: A Reading from the Gospel of Luke (4:16-18)
He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”

6 We Respond: Prayer for Educators Page 18

7 We Go: Let us call this blessing on ourselves as we go about our tasks: Part One: May our work excite our hearts and kindle in our minds a creativity to journey beyond the old limits of all that has become wearisome. Part Two: May our work challenge us towards new frontiers that will emerge as we begin to approach them, calling forth from us the full force and depth of our undiscovered gifts. All: May the work fit the rhythms of our souls, enabling us to draw from the invisible new ideas, and a vision that will inspire. Amen!

8 We are learning to: understand how to gain employment with Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) understand BCE’s position on Catholic Identity understand the Archdiocese of Brisbane approach to Religious Education in all schools and colleges

9 From the Campfire to the Holodeck: Creating Engaging and Powerful 21st Century Learning Environments David Thornburg - October 2013, Jossey-Bass

10 Gaining employment with
Brisbane Catholic Education Matthew Neale

11 What does it mean to be a teacher?
Profession and craft Giving back to society Challenge, passion and success and setback

12 What does it mean to be a teacher in Catholic Education?
A vocation A call or summons A distinctive way of participating in God’s mission

13 Employment options and timelines Primary graduate program:
Applications closed: 31 May Video interview: 16 June to 2 July Shortlisting: 28 July to 11 August School interviews: 21 August to 15 Sept Offers: September and onwards

14 Employment options and timelines Secondary graduates:
Submit an on-line expression of interest at any stage this year Employment Vacancies Teaching Vacancies

15 Employment options and timelines Advertised vacancies
Open to experienced and graduate teachers Vacancies will be advertised on-line from now through to the start of the 2018 school year. Employment Vacancies Teaching Vacancies

16 Accreditation Accreditation to Teach Religion in a Catholic School:
4 units of tertiary study in religion 10 hours / year of religious PD Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School: 5 hours / year of religious PD

17 Questions Who you are and why you want to work in a Catholic school
Your contribution to the school Examples of your professional practice You need some good examples of your professional practice to deploy in an interview. Situation Action Outcome

18 Strong Catholic Identity:
Waterhole Sharing

19 Strong Catholic Identity



22 The Vision for Religious Education


24 Approach to Religious Education


26 We are learning to: understand how to gain employment with Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) understand BCE’s position on Catholic Identity understand the Archdiocese of Brisbane approach to Religious Education in all schools and colleges

27 A Keeping Blessing Leader: We set the keeping of Christ about you;
We call the guarding of God around you To encircle you To protect you And accompany you on your path

28 A Keeping Blessing Leader: We set the mystery of love around you
We pray the strength of the Spirit attend you To hold you To enfold you In God’s enduring love

29 A Keeping Blessing Leader: We set the power of our story about you
Our community together sustain you To support you To walk with you Held as one in God

30 A Keeping Blessing ALL: By the power of the Trinity,
In the knowing of our God We make this blessing prayer Through Christ Jesus, Amen.


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