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6X Friday North American Societies

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1 6X 09-23-2016 Friday North American Societies
Obj: Describe early North American societies. Agenda: Prayer Do Now – Look at the Mayan temple in the picture. What does this artifact tell us about Mayan government/leaders? Connect evidence to your ideas. Discuss do now Finish and present group work

2 Hopewell Had lots of resources wood, dirt, water, rock, etc.
Agriculture Traded skins, pelts, and food. Maybe worshiped nature and leaders Probably lived separated in groups, small communities Most likely lived in the woods. Maybe lived near rock. Used rock or metal for sculpting.

3 Anasazi We think that the anasazi were very powerful because they’re very powerful because they lived close together. Worship nature because they built in a cave Very social or rely on each other because very close Very good with materials because theylive close Had to improvise and be flexible Good at pottery and not close to water so they can carry water in the vase!! Dz cammy

4 Cahokia

5 Hopewell

6 Cahokia

7 Anasazi


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