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Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

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1 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB 1

2 EcoCycleDesign A tool for design and planning July 4 2009
Anders Nyquist Architect SAR/MSA Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB Njurunda Sweden Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

3 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
EcoCycleDesign EcoCycleDesign is a holistic way to design buildings and cities Combines beautiful design with system design We have improved the method for more than 40 years in different types of projects EcoCycleDesign can be used both for new buildings and retrofitting of an old building EcoCycleDesign includes cost efficiency, sustainability,energy saving, recyclable material, high quality, good indoor environment and health We have done it. And it works Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

4 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
The sun energy creates the presumptions for EcoCycleDesign The sun energy is the interest rate and all what you can use on our planet is the capital Use the interest rate! Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

5 Leading principles for EcoCycleDesign
* Reduce * Reuse * Recycle * Renewables * Rethinking Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

6 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
Why EcoCycleDesign? Our life-stile of endless consumption is causing chaos in mother nature The earths resources will not last for long Human beings have dramatically affected nature, especially during the last 200 years – the industrial epoch in the history of man Our economy is still based upon cheap fossil fuel and constant growth of gross national product The global population is growing too fast Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

7 The global population during 10.000 years
Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

8 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
The global population during the last 100 years Population today total 6 billion in cities 3 billion. Population 2050 total 10 billion in cities 7,5 billion. Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

9 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
The global market for EcoCycleDesign is big There is a need for new cities for about 4 billion people in the next 40 – 50 years!! There is a need for new homes for per day during the next 40 – 50 years The infrastructure can not be built in the old fashion way New cities with new technology – Clean Tech How can we mobilize the whole world in this challenge? We all can play a vital role in creating a sustainable and eco-cycle adapted world! Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

10 Some local environmental problems in Europe
Lack of water Sewage problems Stormwater problems Lack of cheap energy The traffic situation Polluted air Fires Need of locally produced food Retrofitting of old buildings Restore nature Desertification The need of a sustainable social vision for the cities Sustainable affordable low cost housing Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

11 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
The modern city is an unbalanced system Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

12 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
In the new eco-cycle adapted cities – how can we handle the need of * Fresh Water * Energy * Food * Building Material * Communication * Waste Handling How can we educate the young generation to solve all these problems? Clean Tech and Eco Cycle Design can be the tools for planning and building Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

13 Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB
An anthill is the perfect city Local materials Perfect ventilation and humidity Low need of energy Good roads Organic food No waste Eco cycle adapted infrastructure Well organized – the queen in the top Built on a social vision Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

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