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Permanent Generic Relatedness

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1 Permanent Generic Relatedness
Niels Grewe, Ludger Jansen, Barry Smith FOIS Ontology Competition 2016

2 Every portion of skin tissue has a Keratinocyte (kcyte) as part
kcyte =def. an epidermal cell which produces keratin

3 permanent specifical relatedness (PSR)
SkinTissue (x) Kcyte (y) has_part exists_at exists_at [t0…tn] same relatum, all the time works for your brain

4 temporary relatedness (TR)
SkinTissue (x) Kcyte (y) has_part exists_at exists_at [tm…tn-1] [t0…tn] same relatum, but only for part of the time works for milk teeth

5 permanently, generically related (PGR)
Every portion of skin tissue contains a Kcyte at every time in its history but not necessarily the same one has_part SkinTissue (x) Kcyte (y1) Kcyte (y2) exists_at exists_at exists_at [t0…tm] [tm…tn] [t0…tn] permanently, generically related (PGR) instance level change is silent on the type level

6 FOL Translations BFO 2 (Permanent Specific Relatedness - PSR)
t s (SkinTissue(s,t)  k Kcyte (s has_part k at t)) BFO 2 (Temporary Relatedness - TR) t s (SkinTissue(s,t)  t k (t continuant_part_of t & Kcyte(k) & (s has_part k at t)) BFO 2 (Permanent Generic Relatedness - PGR) t s (SkinTissue(s,t)  t ((t continuant_part_of t & TimeInstant(t))  k (Kcyte(k) & s has_part k at t))

7 OWL 2 Translations ??? Naive (ambiguous)
SkinTissue SubclassOf has_part some Kcyte BFO 2 (PSR) SkinTissue SubclassOf has_continuant_part_at_all_times some Kcyte BFO 2 (TR) SkinTissue SubclassOf has_continuant_part_at_some_time some Kcyte BFO 2 (PGR) ???

8 BFO 2 History Process (p) Object (o) History_of relation
Unfolds over a period of time Has temporal parts Examples: The life of an organism Object (o) Occupies a unique BFO spatiotemporal region r(o) History_of relation history_of (p, o): p = sum of all processes occurring in r(o) Provides a 1–1 link between object and process

9 Using parts of histories to represent PGR
PGR allows different relata at different times Continuants cannot have temporal parts But histories can have temporal parts (has_proper_occurrent_part)

10 Phases of histories Continuant has_history History Phase has_proper_ occurrent_part A phase is a temporal part of the history of a continuant The phases are parts of a process sum pertaining to a single entity

11 Phases and TQCs TQC_of Continuant TQC has_history phase_of History Phase has_proper_ occurrent_part Each phase projects onto what we can think of as a temporally qualified continuant (~ the continuant as if it only existed during that phase)

12 HasKcytePartPhase HasKcytePartPhase EquivalentTo (
(has_proper_occurrent_part some HasKcyte-PartPhase) and (has_proper_occurrent_part only HasKcytePartPhase) ) or (phase_of some (has_continuant_part_at_all_times some Kcyte))

13 Translation x is a HasKcytePartPhase 
either x is composed exclusively and non-vacuously of HasKcytePartPhases, or x is a phase of an entity that has a Kcyte as part at all times

14 Permanent Generic Relatedness
SkinTissue SubclassOf has_history some HasKcytePartPhase The history of any portion of skin tissue is a continuous sequence of HasKcytePartPhases of varying length

15 (y1) (y2) (y3) HKPPhase@[t0…tn] HKPPhase @[tm…tn] HKPPhase @[t0…tm]
SkinTissue (x1) has_phase has_occurrent_part has_occurrent_part Kcyte (y1) SkinTissue_TQC(x2) phase_of continuant _part_of_at _all_times has_occurrent_part Kcyte (y2) SkinTissue_TQC(x3) phase_of continuant _part_of_at _all_times Kcyte (y3) SkinTissue_TQC(x4) phase_of continuant _part_of_at _all_times

16 Conclusion can be captured in an OWL 2 setting
retains compatibilist 3D/4D view of BFO high complexity, partially mitigated through tool support (Tawny OWL macros) TQCs can be viewed as part of a model of BFO 2 OWL (as a façons de parler)

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