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Holocaust DeHumanization

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1 Holocaust DeHumanization
By: Avery herbst, madison cenate, donovan itobi, will schmitt, and alyssa petrarca

 process of depriving a person or group of positive human qualities. Making them feel less than a human  Not worthy of life Treating someone in any way that physically and emotionally deprives their human status

3 The beginning the holocaust
First concentration camp opened in march (Dachau) Located in southern Germany More than 40,000 camps were created Concentration camps were originally created for prisoners of war  and members of German Communist parties

4 Dachau First concentration camp to open
Used as a training center and model for future concentration camps Was in operation for 12 years 200,000 prisoners stepped foot and passed through 

5 Dehumanization in dachau
Began with stripping men and women All hair was shaved Jews were taken by doctors for various medical experiments These experiments included combat wound simulations, of which most of the time were very extreme Forced to do heavy labor Experimented on for possible vaccines

6 About Auschwitz Biggest concentration camp
Had 5 functions (concentration, slave-labor, POW, extermination, and transit) Known as the "death factory" 3 big stages of killing  gassing at Stammlager September May 1942 The Red Hut May 1942  the White Hut June 1942 46 "ovens" at Auschwitz 

7 Continued Prisoners were tattooed a number for identification purposes
About 400,000 prisoners were tattooed  Block 24  People today will deny this part of history At Auschwitz, Josef Mengele performed horrid and very gruesome experiments on the Jewish prisoners Jews used for science experiments have been demoted to the position of a lab rat. Without their consent or permission they were put through terrible simulations such ass hypothermia and altitude sickness. Doctors also performed bone grafting experiments Most of the prisoners who were subject to experiments in the Holocaust died during or shortly after them

8 Examples of Dehumanization
Public nudity Prisoners were forced to walk around without clothing Long tiring roll calls  Public hangings after roll call  Prevention of regular use of toilets Sold their shoes, hair, gold teeth, blood Robbery  Secrecy  Amusement 

9 Social status Higher class: rewarded with desirable work
These were the kapos and others in charge of the prisoners Lower class: more demanding tasks (factory work, mining, construction) This was the majority of prisoners in concentration camps

10 Different methods of dehumanization
Forcing them to wear the star of david

11 Continued... Stripping Jews of their rights

12 Continued... Forced them into ghettos

13 Dehumanization Continued
Jews were forced to dig their own graves, as Nazis saw themselves as too elite to dig graves for "rats" Over 1 million Jewish children and babies were mercilessly slaughtered because of their inability to provide labor in concentration camps Babies were used for target practice, as they were tossed into the air or stood up in rows. " 'you'll all be shot, like dogs...' " (Night, pg. 33, Elie Wiesel). This statement shows that SS officers don't at all view their victims as human. Since mass genocide was an task that deteriorated one emotionally, Nazis trained themselves to believe that Jews weren't people at all.

14 Methods of dehumanization Worksheet multiple choice answers
c. depriving people of human qualities d. southern germany a. star of david

15 Methods of dehumanization worksheet true/false answers
4. false 5. false 6. false

16 Methods of dehumanization worksheet fill in the blank answers
7. ghettos 8. 40,000

17 bibliography

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