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GUEST SPEAKER Thursday, April 19 Dede Willis Vice President Operations

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1 GUEST SPEAKER Thursday, April 19 Dede Willis Vice President Operations Proligo LLC TOPIC “The Genomics Revolution”

2 TODAY Azul Casares 5:00 - 6:00 Presentation Room 218 6:00 - 7:00 Reception Room 248

3 Internet Market Potential
(Est). E-commerce market(1) $537 million $8.3 billion Online users (1) million million % that are online shoppers (1) % % Online advertising (2) $51 million $1.6 billion Internet services (3) $1.4 billion $8.1 billion … but: % of citizens on the Net (1) % 12% Sources: (1) Jupiter Communications, (2) Forrester Research, (3) International Data Corporation

4 Contrasting Environments
ASSUMPTIONS in most REALITIES in most existing E-models developing countries Complexity rate of change Accessibility to Resources Environment Stability LOW HIGH

5 Economic Situation in Argentina
Date Context Factors Hyperinflation (4,923% / year) Peso to U.S. dollar convertibility Foreign direct investment legal framework 1994 Mexican devaluation 1997 Asian market slump 1998 Russian default & Brazilian economic crisis Country risk Foreign investment interest rate Economic crisis and many banks went bankrupt Volume of stock trading: $13 M trades/day ($100 M in 1993) Brokerage firms: 50 active (180 in 1993)

6 Argentina: Country Risk 1993-1999

7 Internet Adoption in Argentina
Date Factors Telecom system privatized: Telecom and Telefónica (monopolies to end on Nov. 1999) Low PC penetration (average wage $500/month) High access cost (5 ISPs: 60% market, other 200: 40%) Internet users: 400,000 (1.5% of the population) Actual buyers: 5% South American online buying: 26% own country Not enough locally relevant content or services Low credit card usage Inadequate fulfillment systems


9 Financial Destination Site
and Its U.S. Models

10 AméricaEconomía (AE)/ Dow Jones Partnership
Customer Individuals interested in Latin American financial markets: Investors, researchers, analysts, journalists, finance professionals Information (Content Providers) AméricaEconomía (AE)/ Dow Jones Partnership provided 10% equity, support in establishing AE’s Internet strategy, and advertising AE provided links to Dow Jones, its own financial information, access to its sales force, and advertising Advertising Fees Transaction Fee Hybrid Services Fee for service agreement to receive financial information. Joint marketing and preferred pricing programs, and primary ISP through Latin America Multimedios América Internet Service Provider Reciprocal links to direct traffic, and advertising exchange relationships Data Processing and Networking was offering its information content, and signing Microsoft as its exclusive supplier. Microsoft provided support, and a preferred customer status Other Ad hoc Partnerships Preferred computer hardware supplier

11 Organizational Capabilities Development at
Phase Phase Phase Phase 4 Business idea Starting firm Launching site Growing Business Resources & Competencies Leverage Diversification Strengthening

12 Phase 1. Developing Business Idea
Leverage Diversification Strengthening Casares’ technology and business skills Adrian’s formal training at Harvard Visits to Internet companies (E*Trade, Yahoo!) Receive feedback from U.S. investors Skills and knowledge transformed into first business plan (became the firm’s map) Resources & Competencies

13 Phase 2. Starting the Company
Leverage Diversification Strengthening Casares’ personal savings Financial information from public sources Web site modeled after a group of U.S. single purpose sites 5 people are hired IT: 1 computer, 2 programmers Resources & Competencies

14 Phase 3. Launching the Web Site
Leverage Diversification Strengthening Funding from angel investor Advertising by StarMedia Alliances with info providers Consultants from InvestCapital Focus groups with InvestCapital’s clients Software development advice from Hong Kong Visits to Brazil and Mexico Hired 8 more employees IT: 3 computers, 4 programmer, 1 server Resources & Competencies

15 Phase 4. Growing the Business
Leverage Diversification Strengthening Funds from U.S. investors Partnerships with AmericaEconomia (+sales force) Reciprocal links program to direct traffic Agreement with Microsoft, IMPSAT, Compaq Media child of EC in Argentina U.S. become advising partners Endeavor provided contacts Microsoft placed tow consultants full-time Informal advisory network of business leaders Hired 11 more employees (CFO and CSO) HQ in Miami. Offices in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico IT: 11 computers, 9 programmers, 5 servers. Resources & Competencies

Explore how the Internet can simultaneously be a local, regional, transcontinental and multilingual medium for content and commerce. Review fundamental organizational, managerial and technological issues associated with doing business in marketplace & space. Understand the need to consider the macro-level strategy and the micro-level implementation. …And to do so in the context of one of the most dynamic online markets in the world.

17 Reference Montealegre, R. “Extending Chakravarthy’s Strategy Framework
to Cope with Constrained and Unstable Environments: Imitative Catching-up E-Commerce at,” IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 3, No. 4, July 2000, pp

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