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Organizational Aspects of Multi-Agency Imagery and LiDAR Programs

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1 Organizational Aspects of Multi-Agency Imagery and LiDAR Programs
Organizational Aspects of Multi-Agency Imagery and LiDAR Programs Presented to the 2014 WV GIS Conference By Brad Arshat, CP, EIT Date: June 4, 2014

2 Potential Benefits of Multi-Agency Projects
Cost Savings Enhanced buying power Economies of scale Efficiency of flight/control layouts Eliminating the high costs associated with multiple aircraft and ground survey mobilizations Elimination of the time and expense associated with multiple, duplicative procurements, and administration of multiple contracts Streamlining of program management Agencies can share in each other’s expertise Sharing of resources and responsibilities, such as responsibility for QC A uniform technical specification can result in operational efficiencies and easier sharing of data Greater potential for federal funding participation Sharing of risk 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

3 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.
Program Development Who leads the consortium? Agency lead or special form of organization? Public agencies only, or involve commercial organizations? Minimum participant size, e.g. County? Partitioning of the project area – Fly entire area in one year, or over multiple years? Handling of out-of-cycle updates Handling of contiguous area discounts Frequency of updates Which base products, which buy-ups? Ordering of deliverables not offered as buy-ups Delivery of/access to raw imagery and orientation data 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

4 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.
Funding Who funds the program, what do they provide, who benefits? Possible funding models Lead agency, e.g. State, funds a base product at no cost to other agencies. Buy-ups available to participants. Lead agency subsidizes a base product, with financial participation from participating agencies No “free” data – participating agencies must fund any products they wish to receive Who markets the program? Lead agency, vendor, or both? Maximizing participation is often key to sustainability and growth 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

5 Potential Contractual Issues
One contract between lead agency and contractor, or individual contracts with each participating agency? Who manages buy-ups – lead agency or vendor? Form of data ownership – Outright ownership or lease in perpetuity? Use of offshore subcontractors Standards – Resolution, accuracy, 3-band or 4-band, color characteristics, tiling, data formats, coordinate systems & projections, etc. Whose standards? May drive participation, funding Handling of non-standard deliverable requests Special cost scenarios Agencies with existing source data, e.g. DEM’s, control Agencies that want to perform their own land surveys 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

6 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.
Operational Concerns Coordination during short acquisition seasons is crucial Consider a 24/7-available POC at each participating agency to provide input about ground conditions, e.g. snow, leaf-off, flooding, out-of-the-ordinary events Order of data delivery to participants Has the potential to lead to discontent from those who are furthest back in the delivery order Pilot Project – one or multiple? Decisions regarding acceptability, especially where there are subjective elements such as with imagery Ensuring timely review of pilot data 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

7 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.
Operational Concerns Quality Control By agency, vendor, or independent party? Ensuring timely review and response to contractor Conflicts regarding acceptance between lead and participating agencies – who has the final say? Online QC resources, training of QC team Hosting and Deployment of Data Can be challenging with large volumes of data Handling data requests from the public 9/20/2018 ©2013, The Sanborn Map Company, Inc.

8 Questions?

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