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Information Lifecycle วัฏจักรสารสนเทศ

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Presentation on theme: "Information Lifecycle วัฏจักรสารสนเทศ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Lifecycle วัฏจักรสารสนเทศ

2 Online transaction processing system
Information today comes in wide variety of type, for example it could be: message A photograph or Online transaction processing system 9/20/2018

3 Organization have to know the type of data and how it will be used
Understanding of what its evolution and final destiny is likely to be 9/20/2018

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5 Active data Active data are referenced on a regular basis during day-to-day business operations. 9/20/2018

6 Data becomes active as soon as it is of interest to an organization
Data becomes active as soon as it is of interest to an organization. Data life cycle begins with a business need for acquiring data. The ease of access for users to active data is an absolute necessity in order to run an efficient job 9/20/2018

7 Over time, this data loses its importance and is accessed less often, gradually losing its business value, and ending with its archival or disposal. 9/20/2018

8 Inactive Data  Data are put out to archived data once they are no longer active. i.e. there are no longer needed for critical business tasks or analysis.  In past, most enterprises archived data  in Microfilms and tape back-ups. 9/20/2018

9 Information Lifecycle Management
ILM is the practice of applying certain policies to the effective management of information throughout its useful life. 9/20/2018

10 Records and Information Management (RIM) Professionals for over three decades manage information in paper or other physical forms (microfilm, negatives, photographs, audio or video recordings and other assets). 9/20/2018

11 Data Life Cycle in Enterprises

12 With so much data being held, data, during its lifetime, the data will be moved to different physical location. This is because depending on where it is in lifecycle; it need to be located on the most appropriate storage device. 9/20/2018

13 ILM is comprised of the policies, processes, practices, and tools used to align the business value of information with the most appropriate and cost effective IT infrastructure. 9/20/2018

14 ILM includes every phase of a "record" from its beginning to its end.
During its existence, information can become a record by being identified as documenting a business transaction or as satisfying a business need. 9/20/2018

15 Much recorded information may not serve a business need of any sort, but still serves to document a critical point in history or to document an event. Examples of these are birth, death, medical/health and educational records. 9/20/2018

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17 Phases of ILM Planning Creation and Receipt Organization
Use & Distribution Maintenance, protection, & preservation Disposition Evaluation 9/20/2018

18 Creation and Receipt Deals with records created by a member of an organization at varying levels or receipt of information from an external source. It includes correspondence, forms, reports, drawings, computer input/output, or other sources. 9/20/2018

19 Organization Libraries need a unique record of all of items that are added to the collection For contracted resources and web resources, links might be provided and created for users Classification and cataloguing generate records of documents or items together with subject access keys such as keyword, subject, descriptor 9/20/2018

20 Distribution The process of managing the information once it has been created or received. This includes both internal and external distribution, as information that leaves an organization becomes a record of a transaction with others. 9/20/2018

21 Use Takes place after information is distributed internally, and can generate business decisions, document further actions, or serve other purposes. 9/20/2018

22 This can include processes such as filing, retrieval and transfers.
Maintenance This can include processes such as filing, retrieval and transfers. Filing is actually the process of arranging information and creating a system to manage it for its useful existence within an organization. Failure to establish a good method for filing information makes its retrieval and use nearly impossible. 9/20/2018

23 Transferring information refers to the process of responding to requests, retrieval from files and providing access to users authorized by the organization to have access to the information. While removed from the files, the information is tracked by the use of various processes to ensure it is returned and/or available to others who may need access to it 9/20/2018

24 Disposition It is the practice of handling information that is less frequently accessed or has met its assigned retention periods. Less frequently accessed records may be considered for relocation to an 'inactive records facility' until they have met their assigned retention period. 9/20/2018

25 Retention periods are based on:
the creation of an organization-specific retention schedule, and legal requirements for management of information for the industry in which the organization operates. 9/20/2018

26 If the information has met all of these needs and is no longer considered to be valuable, it should be disposed of by means appropriate for the content. This may include ensuring that others cannot obtain access to outdated or obsolete information as well as measures for protection privacy and confidentiality. 9/20/2018

27 Technology for ILM 9/20/2018

28 Information lifecycle Management (ILM) includes process, policies, software and hardware so that the appropriate technology can be used for each phase of the lifecycle of the data which makes it very easy to implement an ILM solution: 9/20/2018

29 Application It allows various changes to be made to the data without any impact on the application that are using that data. Low cost storage It can take advantage of all the different types of storage devices and the maximum amount of data can be held for the lowest possible cost 9/20/2018

30 ILM is concerned with all data that is held within an organization.
This mean not just structured data, such as orders in a daily transaction system or a history of sales in a data warehouse, but it is also concerned with unstructured data such as , documents and images. 9/20/2018

31 Software of ILM provides the capability to store unstructured data such as images and documents.
It includes role based security to ensure content is only accessed by authorized personnel and policies which describe what happens to the content during its lifetime 9/20/2018

32 It can manage and move the data as it evolve during its lifetime, without having to worry about managing multiple types of data stores 9/20/2018

33 Step 1 define the data classes
Implementing ILM Building an Information Management Lifecycle solution can be achieved by the following steps: Step 1 define the data classes Step 2 create storage tiers for the data classes Step 3 Create data access and migration policies Step 4 define and enforce compliance policies 9/20/2018

34 Step 1 define the data classes
The first step is to look at all the data in your organization, what type of data is it, where is stored? and determine: Which data is important, where is it and what needs to be retained How this data flows within the organization 9/20/2018

35 What happens to this data over time and is it still needed
The degree of data availability and protection that is needed Data retention for legal and business requirements 9/20/2018

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37 Step 2 Create storage tiers for data classes
Since IT can take advantage of all the different storage options that are available, the next step is to establish the following storage tiers: High performance Low cost Online archive Offline archive (optional) 9/20/2018

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39 High performance The high performance storage tier is where all the important and frequently accessed data would be stored, such as the partition holding our Q1 orders. This would utilize the smaller, faster disks on high performance storage devices. 9/20/2018

40 Low cost The low cost storage tier is where the less frequently accessed data is stored, such as the partitions holding the orders for Q2, Q3 and Q4. This tier would be built using large capacity disks, such as those found in modular storage arrays or the low costs ATA disks, which offer the maximum storage inexpensively. 9/20/2018

41 Online archive The online archive storage tier is where all the data that is never or hardly accessed would be stored. It is likely to be extremely large and to store the maximum quantity of data on the online archive storage tier, various techniques can be used to compress the data. This tier could be located in the database or it could be in another database, which serves as a central archive database for all information within the enterprise. 9/20/2018

42 Stored on low cost storage devices like the ATA drives, the data would still be online and available, for a cost that is only slightly higher than storing this information on tape, without all the disadvantages that come with archiving data to tape. If the online archive storage tier is identified as read-only, then it would be impossible to change the data and database backups would not be required after it is backed up the first time. 9/20/2018

43 Offline archive (optional)
The offline archive storage tier is optional, because it is only used when there is a requirement to remove data from the database and store it in some other format such as on a tape 9/20/2018

44 Step 3 Create data access and migration policies
Specify who can access the data and the operations they may perform and how to move the data during its lifetime Managing access to data Migrate data between class Regulatory compliance 9/20/2018

45 Managing access to data
Regulatory requirement are beginning to place exacting demands on how data can be accessed. Effective methods for controlling what authorized users of the database 9/20/2018

46 Migrate data between classes
During the lifecycle of the data it will be necessary to move it at various times and this occurs for variety of reason, such as: For performance, only a limited number of orders are held on the high performance disks 9/20/2018

47 Data is no longer frequently accessed and is using valuable high performance storage and needs to be moved to a low-cost storage device Legal requirements demand that the information is always available for a given period of time, and it needs to be held safely at the lowest possible cost 9/20/2018

48 Sometimes individual data items must be moved rather than a group of data.
Example, suppose data was classified according to a level of privacy, and a report, which was once secret, is now to be made available to the public. 9/20/2018

49 If the classification changed from secret to public, and the data was partition on its privacy classification, the row would automatically move to the partition containing public data 9/20/2018

50 Whenever data is moved from its original source, then it is very important to ensure that the process selected to any regulatory requirement, such as the data cannot be altered, it secure from unauthorized access, easily readable and stored in an approved location 9/20/2018

51 Regulatory compliance
The new regulatory requirement are playing a key role in the long term retention data because they are imposing strict rules on how data is held. Now organizations have to protect against unauthorized changes and possibly show details of very change ever made to a record 9/20/2018

52 Step 4 Define and enforce compliance policies
The fourth step is the creation of compliance policies, which when data is decentralized and fragmented, have to be defined and enforced in every data location, which could easily result in a compliance policy. When defining compliance policies there are five areas to consider: 9/20/2018

53 Retention Immutability Privacy Auditing Expiration 9/20/2018

54 Retention policy How the data is to be retained, for how long it must be kept and what happens at life end such as: Record must be stored in its original form, no modification are allowed, it must be kept for 7 years and then may be deleted. 9/20/2018

55 Immutability ความคงที่
Concerning with proving to an external party that data is complete and has not been modified. Cryptographic signatures can be created and held either inside or outside of the database, to show that data has not been altered or tampered in any way 9/20/2018

56 Privacy Access to data can be strictly controlled using security policies defined, which define exactly which information a user may see 9/20/2018

57 Auditing Which specifies the criteria for when audit record should be generated, such as, someone tried to change a salary or attempted to alter a processed order. 9/20/2018

58 Expire Ultimately, data may expire for business or regulatory reasons and its need to be removed from the database. Since that can involve removing vast quantities, such as all the orders for 1999, the database can remove data very quickly and efficiently by simply dropping the partition, which contains the information identified for removed 9/20/2018

59 Information lifecycle management for business data, An oracle white paper, June 2007

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